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fr3ak2402 edited this page Aug 1, 2023 · 7 revisions

Printer cover:

The covers of the printers should have a size of 180x180 pixels. In addition, the background should be transparent. The printer itself on the image should have a size of 160x160 pixels and be placed centered on the image.

The perspective of the printer should be such that the front left corner of the printer is facing forward so that the left side and the front side of the printer can be seen.

Examples of a cover:

Qidi X-Max 3_cover UltiMaker 2_cover Snapmaker A350_cover Raise3D Pro3_cover

Buildplate STL-Model:

The origin point of the model must be in the center of the printable area.In addition, the model should be one millimeter larger than the print area of the printer so that there is a small border around the printable area.

Note: In Fusion360, the model must be moved again by 0.5mm in the X & Y direction after the creation is complete so that this is displayed in the middle in the OrcaSlicer.

The following should be noted with the model, the following buttons and texts should either not be covered by the model or completely and not just partially:

Bildschirmfoto 2023-06-19 um 14 23 36

Buildplate Texture:

The following programs can be used to create the texture: Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator, Affinity Photo, Affinity Designer

Note: The size unit must be changed from pixels to mm.

The texture must be 10mm wider (X) than the width of the STL model. In addition, the height must be 20mm higher (Y) than that of the STL model.

This is necessary so that the texture fits exactly on the STL model and is centered on the model.

The manufacturer's logo should be placed in the lower left corner, but some spacing must be allowed for here. This is as follows: 18mm must be kept from the bottom edge and 5mm must be kept from the left edge