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Repository files navigation


This package provides a way to interact with a MongoDB database through http requests (for instance a browser). The responses of the requests are provided in XML. The express framework is required.

Usage Exemple

const app = require('express')();
const mongoXml = require('mongo-express-xml');

app.get('/', mongoXml('mongodb://uri'));

app.listen(3000, function () {
  console.log('Example app listening on port 3000!');

You only need to remplace mongodb://uri by a valid MongoDB URI. The mongodb:// is optional. Exemple: Bob:pwd@localhost/test?authSource=admin

Test the app

npm test than open the browser to http://localhost:3000.

Query fields to include to interact with MongoDB

Now, to interact with your database, you need to add the following query string fields to the URL:

col (required)

The MongoDB collection to use. Exemple: col=test

action (required)

The following actions are available. : find, insertOne, insertMany, updateOne, updateMany, deleteOne, deleteOne. Exemple: action=find


Those are the same arguments that you provides with normal MongoDB requests. If you are not sure, I recommand you this documentation. The value of this field need to be a valid JSON object. If you need multiple arguments, put them between square brackets [].

Exemple for an action of type find: args=[{},{"_id":0}] Exemple for an action of type updateOne: args=[{"name":"Bob"},{"$set":{"adress":"somewhere"}}]


You can provide a MongoDB URI here to override the one provided on the server but it's not secure. The mongodb:// is optional. Exemple: uri=""

