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File metadata and controls

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Edge Collection


An Edge is a bounded buffer message passing channel between two ports belonging to their respective agents.


  • A contract is defined as: The Cap’n Proto schema on the output port of the upstream agent MUST be the same as the Cap’n Proto schema on the input port of the downstream agent. If the two are the same, the contract is said to be satisfied, otherwise it is unsatisfied.

There are three phases building up to a successful Edge formation:

  • During agent development time an agent's port is assigned a Cap’n Proto schema.

  • During subgraph development time the syntax -> or => is used to instruct an upstream agent's port to connect to a downstream agent's port later at run-time. It represents a connection between two nodes. Though it is not yet an edge because the contract might not be satisfied.

  • Lastly, the graph is successfully loaded into the virtual machine without errors. This act means all agent contracts were satisfied, and all subgraph connections are now classified as edges.

Once an edge is formed, it becomes a bounded buffer message passing channel, which can only contain messages with data in the shape of whatever the Cap’n Proto schema is.

So despite you seeing only Cap’n Proto schema in this directory, the concept of an Edge is more profound. Hence we would prefer naming this concept after it’s grandest manifestation, and in the process, the name encapsulates all of the above information. The name should also tie in with the concept of a node in graph theory, as such we use nodes and edges to construct subgraphs.

Exposed Edge or iMsg

When developing a subgraph there comes a time when the developer wants to inject data into an agent or another subgraph. One needs to use an exposed edge or an imsg (initial message) which has this syntax:

{ subgraph, nodes, edges }:

subgraph {
  src = ./.;
  flowscript = with nodes; with edges; ''
    '${prim_bool}:(boolean=true)' -> INPUT_PORT NAME()

Exposed edges or imsgs kick start agents into action, otherwise they won’t start. Due to the dataflow nature of agents they will politely wait for data before they start doing anything. This is the equivalent of passing the path of a data source to some executable on the command line. Without the argument the program would just sit or fail. Another way of looking at it might be a pipeline that has come to the surface to accept some form of input.

We use the name exposed edge to differentiate between a hidden edge, but by far the most common usage is imsg and edge.

Hidden Edge or Edge

Hidden edges are represented with this syntax -> and =>, and are used to control the direction flowing data. Hence the process of programming a subgraph is essentially digging ditches and laying pipelines between buildings.

Examples of hidden edges

  • From one agent to another agent:

{ subgraph, nodes, edges }:

subgraph {
  src = ./.;
  flowscript = with nodes; with edges; ''
    agent1() output -> input agent2()
  • Into a subgraph:

{ subgraph, nodes, edges }:

subgraph {
  src = ./.;
  flowscript = with nodes; with edges; ''
    output => input subgraph()
  • Out of a subgraph:

{ subgraph, nodes, edges }:

subgraph {
  src = ./.;
  flowscript = with nodes; with edges; ''
    agent() output => output


  • Contracts between components are critical for creating living systems.

  • Schema ensure we do not need to parse strangely formatted stdin data.

  • A node does one and only one thing, and the schema represents a language the node speaks. If you want a node to do something, you have to speak it’s language.


Typically subgraph developers will be interested in hidden and exposed edges.


The edges directory is where all the schema go:

├── key
│   └── value
│       └── default.nix
├── list
│   ├── command
│   │   └── default.nix
│   ├── text
│   │   └── default.nix
│   ├── triple
│   │   └── default.nix
│   └── tuple
│       └── default.nix
├── maths
│   ├── boolean
│   │   └── default.nix
│   └── number
│       └── default.nix


Edges may depend on other edges.

The { edge, edges }: lambda passes in two arguments, the edge builder and edges which consists of every Edge or Edge Namespace in the system. The edge building function accepts these arguments:

  • The src attribute is used to derive an Edge name based on location in the directory hierarchy.

  • The edges attribute resolve transitive dependencies and ensures your agent has all the needed files to type check.

  • a Cap 'n Proto schema. This is the heart of the contract, this is where you may create potentially complex deep hierarchies of structured data. Please read more about the schema language.

{ edge, edges }:

edge {
  src = ./.;
  edges = with edges; [ command ];
  schema = with edges; ''
    using Command = import "${command}/src/edge.capnp";
    struct ListCommand {
        commands @0 :List(Command.Command);

Naming of Cap’n Proto structs and enums

Please use CamelCase for struct and enum names. The naming should reflect this manner:

  • if the schema is in folder /edges/maths/boolean then the struct should have name MathsBoolean.

  • if the schema is in fractal /edges/net/http/response then the struct should have name NetHttpResponse.

The same naming applies for Cap’n Proto enums and interfaces. It’s crucial this naming is adopted.

One struct per Fractalide schema

We prefer composition of schema, and the schema must have fully qualified struct names. Hence, this is example shouldn’t be used:

{ edge, edges }:

edge {
  src = ./.;
  edges = with edges; [ command ];
  schema = with edges; ''
    struct Person {
      name @0 :Text;
      birthdate @3 :Date;

      email @1 :Text;
      phones @2 :List(PhoneNumber);

      struct PhoneNumber {
        number @0 :Text;
        type @1 :Type;

        enum Type {
          mobile @0;
          home @1;
          work @2;

    struct Date {
      year @0 :Int16;
      month @1 :UInt8;
      day @2 :UInt8;

The Date name can collide!

Schema are pulled into agent's scope just before compile time, now we are unable to predict what combinations will happen. So if we have two schema that have struct Date …​ then a name collision will take place. Therefore to avoid this scenario please put struct Date …​ into it’s own schema and import it via this mechanism.

Cap’n Proto import

Fractalide resolves transitive dependencies for you but you have to use this method:

{ edge, edges }:

edge {
  src = ./.;
  edges = with edges; [ command ];
  schema = with edges; ''
    using CommandInstanceName = import "${command}/src/edge.capnp";
    struct ListCommand {
        commands @0 :List(CommandInstanceName.Command);

You must pull explicitly mention the edge you want to import via the ` edges = with edges; [ command ];` Then you must import it via this mechanism: using CommandInstanceName = import "${command}/src/edge.capnp"; and lastly use it …​ commands @0 :List(CommandInstanceName.Command); …​

Out of curiosity what does the output of the above list_command contract function look like?

$ cat /nix/store/3s25icpbf1chayvrxwbyxr9qckn7x669-list_command/src/edge.capnp
using CommandInstanceName = import "/nix/store/bgh37035cbr49r7mracmdwwjx9sbf4nr-command/src/edge.capnp";

struct ListCommand {
    commands @0 :List(CommandInstanceName.Command);

The generated Rust code consists of the list_command, command and tuple contract concatenated together.