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Tonttery CI/CD


Browser compatibility

Google Chrome the latest version and previous. Telegram Web.


Definition Option
Average Page Load Time 300ms
Max Page Load Time 500ms
Average Search Result Time 1s
Max Search Result Time 3s
Max Page Save Time 300ms
Caching CDN 95%
Backend Cache Hit Ratio 95%
Browser Cache - Cache Hit Ratio 95%


Definition Option
Minimized manual testing yes
Unit test coverage ~100%
Integration test coverage ~100%


Definition Option
DAST scanning yes
SAST scanning yes


Definition Option
Back up Production DB should be backed up at least once per day to prevent data loss.
Recovery plan Tested recovery procedures to ensure data integrity in case of system failures or disasters.
Audit log All inserts, modifications and deletes of data must be appropriately audited so that every change can be tracked to identify what the change was and who performed the change.
Version Control It should be possible to track any changes to code and configuration, maintaining a record of who made the changes and when.
Access Control Strict access controls and user permissions must be enforced to ensure that only authorized users can access and modify data and system functions.
Data Validation All user inputs must be rigorously validated to prevent the entry of erroneous or malicious data into the system.


Definition Option
High availability Uptime 99.9
Health checks (liveness and readiness probes) yes


Definition Option
Number of users in the nearest year 10_000
Number of users in 1-3 years 100_000
Number of users in 2030 1% of Telegram Expected Users 15_000_000


Definition Target Supported
Number of concurrent users 10_000 TBD
Number of supported concurrent transactions in a second 50_000 TBD

Data storage volume

Client (~ 469 bytes per record)

Column Type Size (bytes)
id UUID 16
telegram_id BIGINT 8
first_name VARCHAR(64) 65
last_name VARCHAR(64) 65
telegram_username VARCHAR(32) 33
is_bot BOOLEAN 1
is_premium BOOLEAN 1
image VARCHAR(255) 256
authenticated_at TIMESTAMP 8
created_at TIMESTAMP 8
updated_at TIMESTAMP 8

Lottery (~ 72 bytes per record)

Column Type Size (bytes)
id UUID 16
winner_id UUID 16
type VARCHAR(7) 8
status VARCHAR(11) 12
start_date DATE 4
created_at TIMESTAMP 8
updated_at TIMESTAMP 8

Client's Lotteries (~ 32 bytes per record)

Column Type Size (bytes)
client_id UUID 16
lottery_id UUID 16

Total Volume Per Year At Max

Entity Amount Total Size
client ~15_000_000 7GB
lottery ~500 36KB
clients_lotteries clients * lotteries 240GB

In total ~250 GB per year at max. 3 replicas and ~750 GB of data. The data will be archived once per year.

Bandwidth, Latency, and Throughput

Typical latencies:

  • Reading 1 MB from RAM: 0.25 ms
  • Reading 1 MB from SSD: 1 ms
  • Transfer 1 MB over network: 10 ms
  • Reading 1 MB from HDD: 20 ms
  • Inter-continental round trip: 150 ms

Taking in advance the targeted transactions per second that should be handled ~50_000, we can calculate the latency by default in non-cached request at max 200ms. 10_000 clients * 5 lotteries * 600 bytes = 30 mb/s.

Copyright © 2023-2024 Vadzim Kavalkou. All rights reserved.


The lottery based on the TON. Fully integrated into the telegram.




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