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CLQEI Build Status Maintainability Codacy Badge Scrutinizer Code Quality

The Clinical Learning Quality Environment Inventory is a validated instrument that measures the clinical learning quality as experienced by nursing students, according to five factors:

  • quality of the tutorial strategies,
  • learning opportunities,
  • safety and nursing care quality,
  • self-direct learning,
  • quality of the learning environment.

More details at URL .


Dependency installation

composer install
npm install

Set up

# To use default URL http://localhost:8000
php scripts/setup.php

# To use custom URL
# php scripts/setup.php --application_url=<APPLICATION_URL>

# To add phpLiteAdmin, reachable at URL <APPLICATION_URL>/phpliteadmin/phpliteadmin.php
# php scripts/setup.php --with_phpliteadmin

php artisan migrate --seed

Manual steps

  • add
    • real administrators and viewers
    • real stage locations and wards
    • an image file logo.svg or logo.png or logo.jpg into public folder
  • disable
    • example administrators, viewers and students
      php artisan tinker
      >>> App\User::where('email', '')->first()->delete();
      >>> App\User::where('email', '')->first()->delete();
      >>> $user = App\User::where('email', '')->first();
      >>> $user->delete();
      >>> $user->student()->delete();
    • example stage locations and wards
      php artisan tinker
      >>> App\Models\Location::where('name', 'Example location')->first()->delete();
      >>> App\Models\Ward::where('name', 'Example ward')->first()->delete();
  • within file .env customize
    • students' identification number pattern
    • students' e-mail pattern
    • educational institution URL


Dependency uninstallation

rm -rf vendor
rm -rf node_modules

Set down

php scripts/setdown.php


Dependency update

composer update
npm update
npm audit fix
npm audit fix --force # required if fix requires breaking changes
npm update
npm run production
npm run production # required if development dependencies have been installed by previous step


Local deployment

php artisan serve

Restore deleted users

php artisan tinker
>>> App\User::withTrashed()->where('email', '')->first()->restore();
>>> App\User::withTrashed()->where('email', '')->first()->restore();
>>> $user = App\User::withTrashed()->where('email', '')->first();
>>> $user->restore();
>>> $user->student()->restore();