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franciscovillaescusa committed Sep 16, 2021
2 parents 519bae8 + f8a5c5f commit cb6a8bd
Showing 1 changed file with 300 additions and 0 deletions.
300 changes: 300 additions & 0 deletions latin_hypercube_nuW/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,300 @@
from mpi4py import MPI
import numpy as np
import sys,os
import camb
from pyDOE import *

###### MPI DEFINITIONS ######
nprocs = comm.Get_size()
myrank = comm.Get_rank()

#################################### INPUT #############################################
dimensions = 7
points = 2000

# CAMB parameters
hierarchy = 'degenerate'
Nnu = 3 #number of massive neutrinos
Neff = 3.046
As = 2.13e-9
tau = None
Omega_k = 0.0
pivot_scalar = 0.05
pivot_tensor = 0.05
kmax = 10.0
k_per_logint = 20
redshifts = [0]

# [Om, Ob, h, ns, s8, Mnu, w]
Min = np.array([0.1, 0.03, 0.5, 0.8, 0.6, 0.0, -1.3])
Max = np.array([0.5, 0.07, 0.9, 1.2, 1.0, 1.0, -0.7])

# whether generate standard or paired fixed simulations
standard = True

# get latin hypercube
coords = lhs(dimensions, samples=points, criterion='c')

# check if the generated parameters are the same as the saved ones
f_params = 'latin_hypercube_params.txt'
if os.path.exists(f_params):
params = np.loadtxt(f_params)
params2 = Min + coords*(Max-Min)
rdiff = np.absolute((params - params2)/params2)
if np.max(rdiff)>1e-8:
raise Exception('Cosmological parameters are different!!!')
np.savetxt(f_params, Min+coords*(Max-Min), fmt='%.5f')

# get the numbers each cpu will work on
numbers = np.where(np.arange(points)%nprocs==myrank)[0]

# do a loop over all the points in the latin hypercube
for i in numbers:

# create output folder in case it does not exists
folder = '%s/'%i
if not(os.path.exists(folder)): os.system('mkdir %s'%folder)

# create initial conditions folder if it does not exists
folder_ICs = '%s/ICs'%folder
if not(os.path.exists(folder_ICs)): os.system('mkdir %s'%folder_ICs)

# find the values of the cosmological parameters
coord = Min + coords[i]*(Max-Min)

Omega_m = coord[0]
Omega_b = coord[1]
h = coord[2]
ns = coord[3]
s8 = coord[4]
Mnu = coord[5]
w = coord[6]

g = open('%s/Cosmo_params.dat'%folder, 'w')
g.write('%.5f %.5f %.5f %.5f %.5f %.5f %.5f\n'%(Omega_m, Omega_b, h, ns, s8,Mnu,w))

print('realization %d'%i)
print('Omega_m = %.5f'%Omega_m)
print('Omega_b = %.5f'%Omega_b)
print('h = %.5f'%h)
print('ns = %.5f'%ns)
print('s8 = %.5f'%s8)
print('Mnu = %.5f'%Mnu)
print('w = %.5f'%w)

##### run CAMB #####
Omega_c = Omega_m - Omega_b - Mnu/(93.14*h**2)
pars = camb.CAMBparams()

# set accuracy of the calculation
pars.set_accuracy(AccuracyBoost=4.0, lSampleBoost=4.0, lAccuracyBoost=4.0,
HighAccuracyDefault=True, DoLateRadTruncation=True)

# set value of the cosmological parameters
pars.set_cosmology(H0=h*100.0, ombh2=Omega_b*h**2, omch2=Omega_c*h**2,
mnu=Mnu, omk=Omega_k, neutrino_hierarchy=hierarchy,
num_massive_neutrinos=Nnu, nnu=Neff, tau=tau)
pars.set_dark_energy(w=w, dark_energy_model='fluid')

# set the value of the primordial power spectrum parameters
pars.InitPower.set_params(As=As, ns=ns,
pivot_scalar=pivot_scalar, pivot_tensor=pivot_tensor)

# set redshifts, k-range and k-sampling
pars.set_matter_power(redshifts=redshifts, kmax=kmax, k_per_logint=k_per_logint)

# compute results
results = camb.get_results(pars)

# save parameter values to file
f = open('%s/CAMB.params'%folder,'w'); f.write('%s'%pars); f.close()

# interpolate to get Pmm, Pcc...etc
k, zs, Pkmm = results.get_matter_power_spectrum(minkh=2e-5, maxkh=kmax,
npoints=400, var1=7, var2=7,

# get sigma_8 and Hz in km/s/(kpc/h)
s8 = np.array(results.get_sigma8())
Hz = results.hubble_parameter(99.0)
print('H(z=99) = %.4f km/s/(kpc/h)'%(Hz/1e3/h))
print('sigma_8(z=0) = %.4f'%s8[-1])

# do a loop over all redshifts
for j,z in enumerate(zs):
fout = '%s/Pk_mm_z=%.3f.txt'%(folder_ICs,z)
np.savetxt(fout, np.transpose([k,Pkmm[j,:]]))

########################## write 2LPT parameter file #######################
# parameter file for standard simulations
Nmesh 1024
Nsample 512
Box 1000000.0
FileBase ics
OutputDir ./ICs/
GlassFile ../../2lpt/GLASS/dummy_glass_dmonly_64.dat
GlassTileFac 8
Omega %.4f
OmegaLambda %.4f
OmegaBaryon 0.0000
OmegaDM_2ndSpecies 0.0
HubbleParam %.4f
Redshift 127
Sigma8 %.4f
SphereMode 0
WhichSpectrum 2
FileWithInputSpectrum ./ICs/Pk_mm_z=0.000.txt
InputSpectrum_UnitLength_in_cm 3.085678e24
ShapeGamma 0.201
PrimordialIndex 1.0
Phase_flip 0
RayleighSampling 1
Seed %d
NumFilesWrittenInParallel 8
UnitLength_in_cm 3.085678e21
UnitMass_in_g 1.989e43
UnitVelocity_in_cm_per_s 1e5
WDM_On 0
WDM_Vtherm_On 0
WDM_PartMass_in_kev 10.0
"""%(Omega_m, 1.0-Omega_m, h, s8, i)

# parameter file for paired fixed simulations
Nmesh 1024
Nsample 512
Box 1000000.0
FileBase ics
OutputDir ./ICs/
GlassFile ../../2lpt/GLASS/dummy_glass_dmonly_64.dat
GlassTileFac 8
Omega %.4f
OmegaLambda %.4f
OmegaBaryon 0.0000
OmegaDM_2ndSpecies 0.0
HubbleParam %.4f
Redshift 127
Sigma8 %.4f
SphereMode 0
WhichSpectrum 2
FileWithInputSpectrum ./ICs/Pk_mm_z=0.000.txt
InputSpectrum_UnitLength_in_cm 3.085678e24
ShapeGamma 0.201
PrimordialIndex 1.0
Phase_flip 0
RayleighSampling 0
Seed 467
NumFilesWrittenInParallel 8
UnitLength_in_cm 3.085678e21
UnitMass_in_g 1.989e43
UnitVelocity_in_cm_per_s 1e5
WDM_On 0
WDM_Vtherm_On 0
WDM_PartMass_in_kev 10.0
"""%(Omega_m, 1.0-Omega_m, h, s8)

# save parameters to file
f = open('%s/2LPT.param'%folder_ICs, 'w')
if standard: f.write(a)
else: f.write(b)

####################### write Gadget3 parameter file ########################

a="""InitCondFile ./ICs/ics
OutputDir ./
OutputListFilename ../../times.txt
NumFilesPerSnapshot 8
NumFilesWrittenInParallel 8
CpuTimeBetRestartFile 10800.0
TimeLimitCPU 10000000
ICFormat 1
SnapFormat 3
TimeBegin 0.0078125
TimeMax 1.00
Omega0 %.4f
OmegaLambda %.4f
OmegaBaryon 0.0000
HubbleParam %.4f
BoxSize 1000000.0
SofteningGas 0.0
SofteningHalo 50.0
SofteningDisk 0.0
SofteningBulge 0.0
SofteningStars 0.0
SofteningBndry 0.0
SofteningGasMaxPhys 0.0
SofteningHaloMaxPhys 50.0
SofteningDiskMaxPhys 0.0
SofteningBulgeMaxPhys 0.0
SofteningStarsMaxPhys 0.0
SofteningBndryMaxPhys 0.0
PartAllocFactor 2.5
MaxMemSize 3800
BufferSize 120
CoolingOn 0
StarformationOn 0
TypeOfTimestepCriterion 0
ErrTolIntAccuracy 0.025
MaxSizeTimestep 0.025
MinSizeTimestep 0.0
ErrTolTheta 0.5
TypeOfOpeningCriterion 1
ErrTolForceAcc 0.005
TreeDomainUpdateFrequency 0.01
DesNumNgb 33
MaxNumNgbDeviation 2
ArtBulkViscConst 1.0
InitGasTemp 273.0
MinGasTemp 10.0
CourantFac 0.15
ComovingIntegrationOn 1
PeriodicBoundariesOn 1
MinGasHsmlFractional 0.1
OutputListOn 1
TimeBetSnapshot 1.
TimeOfFirstSnapshot 1.
TimeBetStatistics 0.5
MaxRMSDisplacementFac 0.25
EnergyFile energy.txt
InfoFile info.txt
TimingsFile timings.txt
CpuFile cpu.txt
TimebinFile Timebin.txt
SnapshotFileBase snap
RestartFile restart
ResubmitOn 0
ResubmitCommand /home/vspringe/autosubmit
UnitLength_in_cm 3.085678e21
UnitMass_in_g 1.989e43
UnitVelocity_in_cm_per_s 1e5
GravityConstantInternal 0
"""%(Omega_m, 1.0-Omega_m, h)

f = open('%s/G3.param'%folder, 'w'); f.write(a); f.close()

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