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Snippets for Godot’s GDScript


This is the snippets companion for Emacs’ Godot GDScript major mode.

If you use Company, also check Company Godot GDScript.

Setting-Up in Emacs

About this File

Org-Mode Notes

:header-args: :tangle  godot-gdscript-mode.el
:header-args: :padline yes
:header-args: :comments both
  • For version control, however, it is more interesting to disable comments, as it leaves the comments out of the tangled code.
:header-args: :tangle  godot-gdscript-mode.el
:header-args: :padline yes
:header-args: :comments no



(add-hook 'godot-gdscript-mode-hook
          '(lambda () (set (make-local-variable 'yas-indent-line) 'fixed)))






Do not expand a snippet when inside a comment or string (see Yasnippet: Expanding snippets, The condition system).

;; (add-hook godot-gdscript-mode-hook
;;           '(lambda ()
;;              ;;(set (make-local-variable 'yas-indent-line) 'fixed)
;;              (set (make-local-variable
;;                    'buffer-local-condition)
;;                   ((not (godot-gdscript-syntax-comment-or-string-p))))))

Data Types


# -*- mode: snippet -*-
# contributor: Franco Eusébio Garcia
# group: Data Types
# name: Vector2
# key: v2
# --
Vector2(${1:x}, ${2:y})$0


# -*- mode: snippet -*-
# contributor: Franco Eusébio Garcia
# group: Data Types
# name: Vector3
# key: v3
# --
Vector3(${1:x}, ${2:y}, ${3:z})$0


# -*- mode: snippet -*-
# contributor: Franco Eusébio Garcia
# group: Data Types
# name: Rect2
# key: r2
# --
Rect2(${1:x}, ${2:y}, ${3:width}, ${4:height})$0

Control Flow


# -*- mode: snippet -*-
# contributor: Franco Eusébio Garcia
# group: Control Flow
# name: If
# key: if
# --
if (${1:condition}):


# -*- mode: snippet -*-
# contributor: Franco Eusébio Garcia
# group: Control Flow
# name: If/Else
# key: ife
# expand-env: ((yas-indent-line 'fixed))
# --
if (${1:condition}):


# -*- mode: snippet -*-
# contributor: Franco Eusébio Garcia
# group: Control Flow
# name: Elif
# key: elif
# --
elif (${1:condition}):

For In

# -*- mode: snippet -*-
# contributor: Franco Eusébio Garcia
# group: Control Flow
# name: For In
# key: fori
# --
for ${1:variable} in ${2:collection}:

For In Range

# -*- mode: snippet -*-
# contributor: Franco Eusébio Garcia
# group: Control Flow
# name: For In Range
# key: forr
# --
for ${1:variable} in range(${2:end / start, end / start, end, increment}):


# -*- mode: snippet -*-
# contributor: Franco Eusébio Garcia
# group: Control Flow
# name: While
# key: while
# --
while (${1:condition}):



# -*- mode: snippet -*-
# contributor: Franco Eusébio Garcia
# group: Functions
# name: Function
# key: func
# expand-env: ((yas-indent-line 'fixed))
# --
func ${1:function_name}(${2:parameters}):

Static Function

# -*- mode: snippet -*-
# contributor: Franco Eusébio Garcia
# group: Functions
# name: Function (Static)
# key: sfunc
# expand-env: ((yas-indent-line 'fixed))
# --
static func ${1:function_name}(${2:parameters}):



# -*- mode: snippet -*-
# contributor: Franco Eusébio Garcia
# group: Classes
# name: Class
# key: class
# expand-env: ((yas-indent-line 'fixed))
# --
# Class: `(file-name-nondirectory (file-name-sans-extension (buffer-file-name)))`
# Author: `(user-full-name)` `(if user-mail-address (concat "(<" user-mail-address ">)") "")`

extends ${1:Node}

# Assets paths                                                                 #

# Constants                                                                    #

# Attributes                                                                   #

# Methods                                                                      #
func _ready():



# -*- mode: snippet -*-
# contributor: Franco Eusébio Garcia
# group: Classes
# name: Constant
# key: const
# expand-env: ((yas-indent-line 'fixed))
# --
const ${1:constant_name} = ${2:constant_value}

Attribute with On Ready

# -*- mode: snippet -*-
# contributor: Franco Eusébio Garcia
# group: Classes
# name: Variable with On Ready
# key: onready
# expand-env: ((yas-indent-line 'fixed))
# --
onready var ${1:variable_name} = ${2:variable_value}

Attribute with Set Method

# -*- mode: snippet -*-
# contributor: Franco Eusébio Garcia
# group: Classes
# name: Variable with Set Method
# key: vs
# expand-env: ((yas-indent-line 'fixed))
# --
var ${1:variable_name} = ${2:variable_value} setget set_$1

func set_$1(new_value):
    $1 = new_value

Attribute with Get Method

# -*- mode: snippet -*-
# contributor: Franco Eusébio Garcia
# group: Classes
# name: Variable with Get Method
# key: vg
# expand-env: ((yas-indent-line 'fixed))
# --
var ${1:variable_name} = ${2:variable_value} setget .get_$1

func get_$1():
    return $1

Attribute with Get and Set Method

# -*- mode: snippet -*-
# contributor: Franco Eusébio Garcia
# group: Classes
# name: Variable with Set and Get Methods
# key: vsg
# expand-env: ((yas-indent-line 'fixed))
# --
var ${1:variable_name} = ${2:variable_value} setget set_$1.get_$1

func set_$1(new_value):
    $1 = new_value

func get_$1():
    return $1

Attribute with Editor Export

The list of options is optional; use C-d to skip (for more information, refer to Writing snippets — Nested placeholder fields).

# -*- mode: snippet -*-
# contributor: Franco Eusébio Garcia
# group: Classes
# name: Variable (Exported to the Editor)
# key: varexport
# expand-env: ((yas-indent-line 'fixed))
# --
export (${1:String${2:, "Option1", "Option2"}}) var ${3:variable_name} = ${4:variable_value}


# -*- mode: snippet -*-
# contributor: Franco Eusébio Garcia
# group: Classes
# name: Enumeration
# key: enum
# expand-env: ((yas-indent-line 'fixed))
# --
const ${1:ENUM} = {
    ${2:KEY} = ${3:VALUE},


Duplicate a Node

Note: this also work for data structures, such as arrays and dictionaries.

# -*- mode: snippet -*-
# contributor: Franco Eusébio Garcia
# group: Nodes
# name: Duplicate an Existing Node
# key: node_duplicate
# --
var ${1:node} = get_node("${2:node_path}")
var ${3:node_copy} = $1.duplicate()
# Add the copy to the scene tree.

Add Node to Group

# -*- mode: snippet -*-
# contributor: Franco Eusébio Garcia
# group: Nodes
# name: Add Node to Group
# key: node_group_add
# --

Get Node Group

# -*- mode: snippet -*-
# contributor: Franco Eusébio Garcia
# group: Nodes
# name: Get Node Group
# key: node_group_get
# --
var ${1:node_group} = get_tree().get_nodes_in_group("$1")

Call Function on Members Node Group

# -*- mode: snippet -*-
# contributor: Franco Eusébio Garcia
# group: Nodes
# name: Call Function of Members of Node Group
# key: node_group_call
# --
get_tree().call_group(0, "${1:node_group}", "${2:function_name}")

Virtual Function: _enter_tree()

When the node enters the Scene Tree, it become active and this function is called. Children nodes have not entered the active scene yet. In general, it’s better to use _ready() for most cases.

Scripting (continued) — Godot Engine latest documentation.

# -*- mode: snippet -*-
# contributor: Franco Eusébio Garcia
# group: Nodes
# name: Virtual Function: _enter_tree()
# key: _enter_tree
# expand-env: ((yas-indent-line 'fixed))
# --
func _enter_tree():

Virtual Function: _ready()

This function is called after _enter_tree, but it ensures that all children nodes have also entered the SceneTree, and became active.

Scripting (continued) — Godot Engine latest documentation.

# -*- mode: snippet -*-
# contributor: Franco Eusébio Garcia
# group: Nodes
# name: Virtual Function: _ready()
# key: _ready
# expand-env: ((yas-indent-line 'fixed))
# --
func _ready():
    set_process(${1:$$(yas-choose-value '("true" "false"))})
    set_fixed_process(${2:$$(yas-choose-value '("true" "false"))})
    set_process_input(${3:$$(yas-choose-value '("true" "false"))})


Virtual Function: _exit_tree()

When the node exits the SceneTree, this function is called. Children nodes have all exited the SceneTree at this point and all became inactive.

Scripting (continued) — Godot Engine latest documentation.

# -*- mode: snippet -*-
# contributor: Franco Eusébio Garcia
# group: Nodes
# name: Virtual Function: _exit_tree()
# key: _exit_tree
# expand-env: ((yas-indent-line 'fixed))
# --
func _exit_tree():

Virtual Function: _process()

When set_process() is enabled, this function is called every frame.

Scripting (continued) — Godot Engine latest documentation.

# -*- mode: snippet -*-
# contributor: Franco Eusébio Garcia
# group: Nodes
# name: Virtual Function: _process()
# key: _process
# expand-env: ((yas-indent-line 'fixed))
# --
func _process(${1:delta}):

Virtual Function: _fixed_process()

When set_fixed_process() is enabled, this is called every physics frame.

Scripting (continued) — Godot Engine latest documentation.

# -*- mode: snippet -*-
# contributor: Franco Eusébio Garcia
# group: Nodes
# name: Virtual Function: _fixed_process()
# key: _fixed_process
# expand-env: ((yas-indent-line 'fixed))
# --
func _fixed_process(${1:delta}):

Virtual Function: _paused()

Called when game is paused. After this call, the node will not receive any more process callbacks.

Scripting (continued) — Godot Engine latest documentation.

# -*- mode: snippet -*-
# contributor: Franco Eusébio Garcia
# group: Nodes
# name: Virtual Function: _paused()
# key: _paused
# expand-env: ((yas-indent-line 'fixed))
# --
func _paused():

Virtual Function: _unpaused()

Called when game is unpaused.

Scripting (continued) — Godot Engine latest documentation.

# -*- mode: snippet -*-
# contributor: Franco Eusébio Garcia
# group: Nodes
# name: Virtual Function: _unpaused()
# key: _unpaused
# expand-env: ((yas-indent-line 'fixed))
# --
func _unpaused():

Virtual Function: _input()

Called when any input happens (also must enable with set_process_input or the property).

Node — Godot Engine latest documentation.

# -*- mode: snippet -*-
# contributor: Franco Eusébio Garcia
# group: Nodes
# name: Virtual Function: _input()
# key: _input
# expand-env: ((yas-indent-line 'fixed))
# --
func _input(${1:event}):
     if ($1 == InputEvent.${2:MOUSE_BUTTON}):
         if ($1.${3:button_index} == ${4:BUTTON_LEFT}):


Virtual Function: _notification()

# -*- mode: snippet -*-
# contributor: Franco Eusébio Garcia
# group: Objects
# name: Virtual Function: _notification()
# key: _notification
# expand-env: ((yas-indent-line 'fixed))
# --
func _notification(${1:what}):
    if ($1 == ${2:NOTIFICATION_READY}):

Connect to Event/Callback

# -*- mode: snippet -*-
# contributor: Franco Eusébio Garcia
# group: Objects
# name: Connect to Event/Callback
# key: connect
# expand-env: ((yas-indent-line 'fixed))
# --
get_node("${1:node}").connect("${2:event}", ${3:self}, "${4:function}")

Canvas Item

Virtual Function: _draw()

Called (if exists) to draw the canvas item.

CanvasItem — Godot Engine latest documentation.

Useful to be used along Editor Plugins. To redraw every frame, call update() in a suitable method, such as _process().

For more information, refer to Custom drawing in 2D — Godot Engine latest documentation.

# -*- mode: snippet -*-
# contributor: Franco Eusébio Garcia
# group: Canvas Items
# name: Virtual Function: _draw()
# key: _draw
# expand-env: ((yas-indent-line 'fixed))
# --
func _draw():

GUI Controls

Virtual Function: _input_event()

# -*- mode: snippet -*-
# contributor: Franco Eusébio Garcia
# group: GUI Controls
# name: Virtual Function: _input_event()
# key: _input_event
# expand-env: ((yas-indent-line 'fixed))
# --
func _input_event(${1:event}):
     if ($1 == InputEvent.${2:MOUSE_BUTTON}):
         if ($1.${3:button_index} == ${4:BUTTON_LEFT and $1.pressed}):


Load Resource

# -*- mode: snippet -*-
# contributor: Franco Eusébio Garcia
# group: Resources
# name: Load Resource
# key: resource_load
# --
var ${1:resource} = load("res://${2:resource_path}")

Preload Resource

# -*- mode: snippet -*-
# contributor: Franco Eusébio Garcia
# group: Resources
# name: Pre-load Resource
# key: resource_preload
# --
var ${1:resource} = preload("res://${2:resource_path}")


Load Scene

# -*- mode: snippet -*-
# contributor: Franco Eusébio Garcia
# group: Scenes
# name: Load Scene
# key: scene_load
# --
var ${1:scene} = load("res://${2:scene_path}")
var ${3:node} = $1.instance()
# Add the node as child of the current scene.

Preload Scene

# -*- mode: snippet -*-
# contributor: Franco Eusébio Garcia
# group: Scenes
# name: Pre-load Scene
# key: scene_preload
# --
var ${1:scene} = preload("res://${2:scene_path}")
var ${3:node} = $1.instance()
# Add the node as child of the current scene.

Change Scene

# -*- mode: snippet -*-
# contributor: Franco Eusébio Garcia
# group: Scenes
# name: Change Scene
# key: scene_change
# --

View Port

Get View Port Dimensions

# -*- mode: snippet -*-
# contributor: Franco Eusébio Garcia
# group: View Port
# name: View Port Size
# key: viewport_size
# --
var ${1:viewport_rect} = get_viewport().get_rect()
var ${2:viewport_width} = $1.size.width
var ${3:viewport_height} = $1.size.height

Capture the Screen (Screenshot)

Original code from: Game from Scratch: Godot Engine Tutorial Part 13–Viewports and Cameras.

# -*- mode: snippet -*-
# contributor: Franco Eusébio Garcia
# group: View Port
# name: Screenshot
# key: viewport_screenshot
# --
# Wait a few frames (one or two) to capture the screen.
yield(get_tree(), "idle_frame")
yield(get_tree(), "idle_frame")
# Store and save the screenshot.
var ${1:screenshot} = get_viewport().get_screen_capture()


Read from File

# -*- mode: snippet -*-
# contributor: Franco Eusébio Garcia
# group: Files
# name: Open File (Read-Mode)
# key: file_read
# expand-env: ((yas-indent-line 'fixed))
# --
var ${1:file} =
var ${2:file_name} = "${3:file_path}"
if ($1.file_exists($2)):
    var ${4:error} = $$2, File.READ)
    if ($4 != OK):
        # Handle error.
        print(str("Could not open ", $2, "."))
        return $4

    # Read file content.
    var ${5:file_buffer} = $1.get_as_text()

    # Handle error.
    print(str("File ", $2, " does not exist."))

Write to File

# -*- mode: snippet -*-
# contributor: Franco Eusébio Garcia
# group: Files
# name: Open File (Write-Mode)
# key: file_write
# expand-env: ((yas-indent-line 'fixed))
# --
var ${1:file} =
var ${2:file_name} = "${3:file_path}"
if (not $1.file_exists($2)):
    var ${4:error} = $$2, File.WRITE)
    if ($4 != OK):
        # Handle error.
        print(str("Could not create ", $2, "."))
        return $4

    # Read file content.
    $1.store_line("Hello, world!\n")

    # Handle error.
    print(str("File ", $2, " already exists."))

Read from Configuration (.ini) File

# -*- mode: snippet -*-
# contributor: Franco Eusébio Garcia
# group: Files
# name: Read Value from Configuration (.ini) File
# key: file_ini_read
# expand-env: ((yas-indent-line 'fixed))
# --
var ${1:file} =
var ${2:file_name} = "${3:file_path}"
var ${4:error} = $1.load($2)
if ($4 != OK):
    # Handle error.
    print(str("Could not load ", $2, "."))
    return error

# Read value form file.
var ${5:value} = $1.get_value(${6:"section"}, ${7:"key"}, ${8:"default_value"})


Write to Configuration (.ini) File

# -*- mode: snippet -*-
# contributor: Franco Eusébio Garcia
# group: Files
# name: Write Value to Configuration (.ini) File
# key: file_ini_write
# expand-env: ((yas-indent-line 'fixed))
# --
var ${1:file} =
var ${2:file_name} = "${3:file_path}"
var ${4:error} = $1.load($2)
if ($4 != OK):
    # Handle error.
    print(str("Could not load ", $2, "."))
    # return $4
    print("It will be created after writing the value.")

# Write value to file.
$1.set_value(${5:"section"}, ${6:"key"}, ${7:"value"})
$4 = $$2)
if ($4 != OK):
    # Handle error.
    print(str("Could not write to ", $2, "."))
    return $4



Get Cursor (Mouse) Position

# -*- mode: snippet -*-
# contributor: Franco Eusébio Garcia
# group: Input
# name: Get the Mouse Position
# key: input_mouse_position
# --
var ${1:mouse_position} = get_viewport().get_mouse_pos()

Send Input Action

# -*- mode: snippet -*-
# contributor: Franco Eusébio Garcia
# group: Input
# name: Send Input Action
# key: input_action
# --
var ${1:input_event} = InputEvent()
$1.type = InputEvent.ACTION
$1.set_as_action("$2", ${3:true})

Send Input Event

Original code from: How do you send a mouse click via gdscript? - Godot Engine - Q&A.

# -*- mode: snippet -*-
# contributor: Franco Eusébio Garcia
# group: Input
# name: Send Input Event
# key: input_event
# --
var ${1:input_event} = InputEvent()
$1.type = InputEvent.${2:MOUSE_BUTTON}
$1.${3:button_index} = ${4:BUTTON_LEFT}

Editor Plugins

For more information (and examples) on creating editor plugins, check How to create editor tools in GDScript? - Godot Engine - Q&A.

Plugin Script (Custom Control)

# -*- mode: snippet -*-
# contributor: Franco Eusébio Garcia
# group: Editor Plugin
# name: Editor Plugin Script (Custom Control)
# key: plugin_script_control
# expand-env: ((yas-indent-line 'fixed))
# --
tool # Always declare as Tool, if it's meant to run in the editor.
extends EditorPlugin

# Constants                                                                    #

# Attributes                                                                   #
var ${1:m_Label} = null

# Methods                                                                      #

func get_name():
    return "${2:plugin_name}"

func _init():

func _enter_tree():
    $1 =



func _exit_tree():
    $1 = null


Plugin Script (Custom Type)

# -*- mode: snippet -*-
# contributor: Franco Eusébio Garcia
# group: Editor Plugin
# name: Editor Plugin Script (Custom Type)
# key: plugin_script_type
# expand-env: ((yas-indent-line 'fixed))
# --
tool # Always declare as Tool, if it's meant to run in the editor.
extends EditorPlugin

# Constants                                                                    #

# Attributes                                                                   #

# Methods                                                                      #

func get_name():
    return "${2:plugin_name}"

func _init():

func _enter_tree():
    add_custom_type("$2", "${4:TypeName}", preload("${5:script}.gd"), preload("${6:icon}.png"))


func _exit_tree():


Plugin Configuration File

# -*- mode: snippet -*-
# contributor: Franco Eusébio Garcia
# group: Editor Plugin
# name: Editor Plugin Configuration File
# key: plugin_config
# expand-env: ((yas-indent-line 'fixed))
# --



Translatable String

# -*- mode: snippet -*-
# contributor: Franco Eusébio Garcia
# group: Internationalization
# name: Translatable String
# key: tr
# --


Code snippets for Godot Engine GDScript files with Emacs.







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