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Distributed Fault-Tolerant Hash Table (DFTHT)

Project realized under the direction of Joeri Hermans as part of the course Large scale data systems given by Gilles Louppe to graduate computer science students at the University of Liège during the academic year 2019-2020.

Altered Chord

The developed framework is an altered version of Chord. It has been implemented using Flask, Requests and a few other Python libraries.

pip install -r requirements.txt


In order to initialize a node, one shall call the following command

python python/ -p $PORT -b $BOOT

where $PORT is the port of the new node and $BOOT the ip address of a node in a network. By default, the former is set to 5000 and the later to If$PORT == $BOOT, the node starts a new network.

A node isn't activated until it receives its first request.

To communicate with the network, one can use the curl library.


Among others, the framework presents the exists, get, put, remove, copy, list and shutdown requests.

  • exists(path) checks whether a value is stored at path path (True or False).
  • get(path) returns the value stored, if any, at path path.
  • put(path, value) stores the value value at path path, if unused.
  • remove(path) removes the value stored, if any, at path path.
  • copy(src, dst) copies the value stored, if any, at path src to path dst, if unused.
  • list() lists all occupied paths in the system.
  • shudown() shuts down a process. Could be used to simulate the crash of a process.
curl$PORT/put/$PATH -X POST --data $VALUE --header 'Content-Type: application/json'

The argument --header 'Content-Type: application/json' is mandatory.



./bash/ $N
./bash/ $N

curl -X POST --data 1 --header 'Content-Type: application/json' > log.txt
curl -X POST --data 2 --header 'Content-Type: application/json' >> log.txt
curl -X POST --data 3 --header 'Content-Type: application/json' >> log.txt

curl >> log.txt
curl >> log.txt
curl >> log.txt

curl >> log.txt
curl >> log.txt

curl >> log.txt
curl >> log.txt

curl >> log.txt

./bash/ $N
Value successfully stored at path 1.
Value successfully stored at path 2.
Value successfully stored at path 3.
Value successfully stored at path 4.
Value successfully removed from path 3.
Server shutting down.
No value stored at path 3.


As the regular Chord protocol, this version organizes the participating nodes in an orverlay network, where each node (machine) is responsible for a set of keys defined as m-bit identifiers. The overlay network is arranged in an identifier circle ranging from 0 to 2^m - 1. The position (or identifier) n of a node on this circle is chosen by hashing the node IP address.

The responsibility of a key k belongs to a node if it is the first node whose identifier n follows or equals k in the identifier circle. If true, n is said to be the successor node of k : n = successor(k). The concept of successor is used for nodes as well : the successor of a node (whose identifier is n) is m such that m = successor(n + 1). In this case, n is referenced as the predecessor of m.

Because, each key is under the responsibility of a node, the core usage of the Chord protocol is to query a key k from a client (a node as well), i.e. to find successor(k). If the client is not the said successor, it will pass the query to another node it knows (see below). This is called the lookup mechanism.

In the regular Chord protocol, each node keeps a finger table of up to m other (smartly selected) nodes which ensures logarithmic complexity for the lookup. However, this table has to be updated each time a node joins or leaves the network (or crashes) through a stabilization protocol running periodically in the background.

To avoid such processing waste, another mechanism has been implemented. Instead of a finger table, each node possesses an internal representation of the network, i.e. a table mapping node identifiers to IP addresses. This representation isn't necessarily correct nor complete.

Moreover, instead of returning successor(k), the lookup function returns the sequence of nodes (their IP address) that were involved in the search and, thanks to its recursive implementation, the later can improve their representation of the network at the same time.

def lookup(n, k):
    if n == successor(k):
        chain = []
        chain = lookup(next(n, k), k)
        improve(n, chain)

    return chain + [ip(n)]

The worst-case complexity of this procedure is O(N) where N is the number of nodes. But, assuming that the network isn't changing too quickly (several nodes joining between lookups), the average complexity will eventually be O(1). It should be noted that no background process is required.

However, there is a tradeoff : the memory space needed to store the internal network representation is O(N^2) (O(N) for N nodes) instead of O(N * log(N)) for the regular Chord protocol.


Each node is composed of two layers. The external layer ( handles the incomming HTTP requests and transmit them to the internal layer ( which acts as a storage unit for both the files and the network representation.

Internally, files are stored in hash tables (dictionaries) using separate chaining which means a file described by a pair (path, value) will be stored in a list accessible through the key hash(path) in a dictionary.

def put(path, value):
    key = hash(path)

    if key in hash_table:
        hash_table[key].append((path, value))
        hash_table[key] = [(path, value)]

This technique prevents key collisions while guaranteeing an O(1) complexity for both search and addition of files (in the table, not the whole system).

In fact, the complexity is proportional to the load factor of the hash table, which is assumed to be smaller than 1.


The failure assumption is crash-stop : a faulty process stops to take steps and never recovers.

The system has been made resiliant to failures trough replication of files. When a file described by a pair (path, value) is inserted in the system, it actually is with several keys : hash(path), hash(hash(path)), etc.

Therefore, if the node responsible of the key hash(path) crashes, the value is still accessible trough the nodes responsible of hash(hash(path)), hash(hash(hash(path))), etc.

In the actual implementation, it has been chosen to replicate 3 times each file. The system is therefore resilitant to up to 2 faulty processes. However, because the hashing process is unpredictable, it is possible, yet very unlikely, that all copies of the file are under the responsibility of the same node.

Requests implementation

  • exists, get, put and remove execute a lookup for key k. If successor(k)

    1. is self, transmit the request to the internal node. For exist or get, return the answer, for put and remove, update k to hash(k) and start again.
    2. hasn't crashed, transmit the request to it.
    3. has crashed, update k to hash(k) and start again.
  • list contacts every nodes in the network through an iterative version of the Depth-first search algorithm. Each time a new node is reached, its content is retrieved.

    def list():
        stack = Stack(
        visited = Set(self)
        content = List(self.content)
        while not empty(stack):
            node = stack.pop()
            if node in visited:
        return content

Performance assessment

The scripts and have been used to evaluate the complexity of the lookup mechanism and the memory space used by the internal network representations.


Average number of sub-requests per lookup with respect to the number of nodes in the network.


Average number of edges with respect to the number of nodes in the network.


Distributed Fault-Tolerant File System







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