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AppStore backend application to interact with Algolia indices


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🖥 Algolia AppStore - Backend

AppStore backend application to interact with Algolia indices.

Requirements: Node >= 7.6 (see why).

Getting started

  • Clone the repo
  • Install Node dependencies: yarn install
  • Run the server: yarn start
  • Listening on:

You can also use npm.


POST /api/1/apps

Add an app (as a JSON object) to the Algolia apps index and return its id.


Attribute Type Format
name string
category string
image string uri
link string uri
price string "0.99 USD"
rating integer 0 <= x <= 5
ratingCount integer 0 <= x


curl --request POST \
  --url http://localhost:9000/api/1/apps \
  --header 'content-type: application/json' \
  --data '{"name": "Reddit", "category": "News", "image": "", "link": "", "price": "0 USD", "rating": 5, "ratingCount": 77207}'

Possible output

  "error": {
    "code": 400,
    "message": "should have required property 'price'",
    "url": ""

DELETE /api/1/apps/:id

Delete the app id from the Algolia apps index.


curl --request DELETE \
  --url http://localhost:9000/api/1/apps/16290372 \
  --header 'content-type: application/json'

Possible output

	"meta": {
		"type": "success",
		"code": 200
	"message": "The app #16290372 was deleted from the Algolia \"apps\" index."

Development setup


Variable Default Description
APP_SERVER_HOST "" Address of the server
APP_SERVER_PORT 9000 Port of the server
ALGOLIA_APP_ID "" Your Algolia app ID
ALGOLIA_API_KEY "" Your Algolia API key

To set Algolia's environment variables, duplicate the file .env.sample and rename it .env. Provide your Algolia credentials in the latter, which will never be committed.


  • Watch: yarn dev
  • Lint: yarn lint
  • Fix lint: yarn lint:fix
  • Test: yarn test

You can also use npm.

Design decisions

  • Server technologies: I decided to use Node and Koa as HTTP framework for this backend implementation. Koa uses async and await and therefore needs Node >= 7.6.
  • Architecture: Although this project is meant to be minimalist, I decided to abstract the framework used so that we can easily get rid of Koa and plug another one (see api/v1/apps/index.js which abstracts the request and the response for api/v1/apps/App.js).
  • Schema validation: Apps are not sent to Algolia as long as they are not valid apps. I used AJV as JSON-schema validator.
  • Routes: I added a GET /api/1/apps/:id route for development purpose and better management of the DELETE route (to check that the object actually exists before deleting it).
  • Logger: Winston was used to keep track of what the server receives in the console. I decided not to save the logs in a file for this project.
  • Code style: Standard JS was used so that I waste time creating a personal custom style.
  • Dependency injection: To make testing easier (and mainly for learning purpose), I used Awilix for dependency resolution to mock algoliasearch in test environment.
  • Tests: AVA was used for unit tests and integration tests. I mocked algoliasearch to not request Algolia's servers while testing.



MIT © François Chalifour


AppStore backend application to interact with Algolia indices







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