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How to install RosarioSIS on cPanel

François Jacquet edited this page Dec 27, 2016 · 9 revisions

Note: Below we are going to edit PHP files. You may want to install Notepad++ first to get syntax highlighting for these files.

Check for PostgreSQL

Your (shared) hosting provider should provide you with PostgreSQL databases. Check for PostgreSQL support before going any further.

PostgreSQL cPanel Databases

Download RosarioSIS

Download RosarioSIS and extract the project files on your computer.

Create database

  1. Go to cPanel

  2. Enter the PostgreSQL Database Wizard.

    PostgreSQL Database Wizard

  3. Create the database, for example: "sisdb". Note the complete name down (for example rosario_sisdb). Click "Create Database".

  4. Create a database user, for example: "sisuser", and set a password. Note the complete username (for example rosario_sisuser) and password down. Click "Create User".

  5. Add a User to the Database. Click "Submit".

  6. Return to cPanel Home and enter phpPgAdmin.


  7. Click on the database "sisdb" (for example rosario_sisdb).

  8. Then click on the "SQL" button and uncheck "Paginate results".

    phpPgAdmin SQL tab Paginate results

  9. Now, go back to where you extracted RosarioSIS files. Double click on the rosariosis.sql file to open it. Press CTRL + A to select all its content. Press CTRL + C to copy it.

  10. Now, go back to the "SQL" tab in phpPgAdmin. Paste the rosariosis.sql file content in the textarea box by pressing CTRL + V. Then click the "Execute" button.

phpPgAdmin SQL tab Paste rosariosis.sql

Generate the configuration file

  1. Now, go back to where you extracted RosarioSIS files. Rename the file to

  2. Open the file and edit as follows (replace the database name, user and password with your own):

    $DatabaseUsername = 'rosario_sisuser';
    $DatabasePassword = 'YOUR_CHOSEN_PASSWORD';
    $DatabaseName = 'rosario_sisdb';
  3. Save the file

Note: For other configuration options, you may refer to the INSTALL file.

Create subdomain

  1. Go to cPanel

  2. Enter the Subdomains.

    cPanel Subdomains

  3. Create a subdomain named "rosariosis". And note down the "Document root" (here, it is ~/public_html/rosariosis). Click "Create".

    cPanel Create subdomain

  4. Your RosarioSIS URL will later be accessed like this:

Upload RosarioSIS

  1. Go to cPanel

  2. Enter the File Manager and select the right document root in the popup.

    cPanel File Manager

  3. Click the "Upload" button. Then, in the new "Upload Files" window, select the archive. Go back to the file manager when the upload is complete.

    File Manager Upload button

    Upload Files

  4. Select the archive and click the "Extract button". Then click the "Extract File(s)" button.

    File Manager Archive Extract button

    File Manager Archive Extract Files

  5. Refresh and enter the rosariosis-xxx/ folder. Click the "Select All" button.

    File Manager Select All

  6. Now, click the "Move File" button and enter the document root path where we want to move the files (here, it is ~/public_html/rosariosis). Click "Move File(s)".

    File Manager Move Files

  7. Go back to our document root by clicking on the "Up one level" button.

  8. Click the "Upload" button and then, in the new "Upload Files" window, select the file we have edited earlier.

    File Manager Upload button

    Upload Files

Enter RosarioSIS

Access RosarioSIS at

If you experience the following error: permission denied for relation config

RosarioSIS SQL relation config error

  1. Go to cPanel.

  2. Enter PostgreSQL Databases.

    PostgreSQL Databases

  3. Then, in the "Add a User to a Database" section, select our rosario_sisuser user and our rosario_sisdb database. Click "Submit".


Errors, blank screen? Troubleshoot issues by going to

Login with username admin and password admin.


You can continue with the Quick Setup Guide.