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How to deploy a sveltekit application

For me, it was super easy to develop a small Sveltekit application. Really, I love Svelte. It is super simple to use. But it was horribly difficult to deploy it on a github page. Here I explain how I finally succeeded.

Setup your application project

The standard routine is:

npm create svelte@latest my-app
cd my-app
npm install
npm run dev -- --open

This works like a charm.

The adapter thing

Sveltekit uses a thing called an adapter. I do not really understand what it is, and honestly, I do not care. I just want it to work. In svelte.config, add:

      	import adapter from '@sveltejs/adapter-static';

	adapter: adapter({
		// default options are shown. On some platforms
		// these options are set automatically — see below
		pages: 'build',
		assets: 'build',
		fallback: "index.html",
		precompress: false,
		strict: false

In the documentation, it is written fallback: undefined I do not know why. But this is not working since it is not producing index.html. The line strict: false is for avoiding a strange error. I did not spend time to understand this strange error but strict: false works like a charm.

Setup for github pages

  • In svelte.config.js, add:

      paths: {
      	base: process.env.NODE_ENV === 'production' ? '/replace-by-the-name-of-your-app' : '',
  • Do npm install gh-pages.

  • Add "deploy": "npm run build && npx gh-pages -d build -t true" as a script in package.json.

  • Add a file named .nojekyll in the gt-pages branch (not the main one!)

  • By running npm run deploy it will compile your project and deploy your application to the gt-pages branch.


A page to explain how to deploy a Sveltekit application








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