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Repository to practice functional programming.

Reactive/Functional Programming Notes:

Function has 4 properties: 1. name of the function 2. parameter list 3. body of function 4. return type

Lambda has 3 properties:

 1. List of parameters

 2. an arrow -> which separates the list of parameters from body of lambda function.

 3. body of lambda

Functional Interface:

  - It is behind every lambda.
  - can only have one abstract method. <- this is important in order to remove ambiguity while writing a lambda expression
  - Post java 8 we can assume function as variable assignments.
  • Lambda helps us pass behavior as parameter
  • enables declarative programming.

How Lambda's work under the hood? java uses invokedynamic byte code instruction that facilitate implementation of dynamic languages through dynamic invocation. type inference and invokedynamic

Imperative vs Declarative vs Functional Programming: - Functional programming is subset of declarative programming. - using conventional for loop is imperative programming - using stream is declarative programming or functional programming.

Most used Functional Interfaces: Below are the predefined functional interfaces which are included in java.util package:

- Predicate
- Consumer
- Function
- Supplier
- UnaryOperator
- BinaryOperator
- BiPredicate
- BiConsumer
- BiFunction


- has a method test which returns boolean


- it has method accept and returns nothing


- it has method get and returns something


- it has a method apply that takes something and returns something

- it is used for transformation from one object to another                


- extends function interface

- it takes argument of type T and returns the same type T


- takes two parameters and returns a value

- also has apply method like function

- extends function interface


- extends bifunction interface

- it takes two arguments of type T and returns the same type T

Method reference in functional programming:

- double colon operator is used for method reference.

- there are different ways to use method reference:
    - object::instanceMethod: method reference to an instance method of an existing object.
    - Class::staticMethod: method reference to a static method of a class.
    - Class::instanceMethod: method reference to an instance method of an input object of a particular type
    - Class::new: constructor reference.


- it was introduced to overcome Null Pointer Exception(NPE).

- wrap the object in optional which will help overcome NPE.

- it is similar to a box which keeps value in it.

- it 16 bytes in length

- it is object

- it is immutable

- the method ofNullable() will store empty optional when we store null in it. 
    + for eg.: Optional<String> emptyOptional = Optional.ofNullable(null);

- To get value from Optional we use get().

- get() is not reccomended to be used to get the value from optional as it might result in "NoSuchElementException" in case when the optional has empty value.

- safer way is to use isPresent() before invoking get().

- there are couple of more ways to get the value from optional
    + using orElse()
    + using orElseGet()
    + using orElseThrow()

- operations in optional:
    + map
    + filter
    + flatMap
    + ifPresent
    + ifPresentOrElse
    + stream
    + or
    + equals: condition is to check if both the objects are optional, either both are empty or both contain same value.
    + hashcode

Functional Programming:

- is program paradigm which is based on pure mathematical functions

- is a declarative style

- makes use of expressions

- also based on Lambda calculus

Key Concepts:
    - Function as first class citizens: meaning passing functions as arguments to methods.

    - Pure functions: output on pure functions depend only on it's input params and it's algorithm.
                      function that takes input, applies the algo and returns the result are pure functions.
                      functions that takes input, manipulates the input and changes the input value and returns a result based on algo are impure functions.

    - Higher order functions: takes functions as params, or returns lambda or does both

    - no side effects

    - referencial transparency: is a property of a function, variable or expression whereby the expression can be   replaced  by it's(evaluated) value without affecting the behaviour of the program.

Functional Programming Techniques:

- Function Chaining:
        - chain one function to another.

- Function Composition:
        - follows reverse chaining. for eg. calling another function will result in calling second function first and then the caller function.

- Closures: 
        - is a function that refers to free variables in it's lexical context.

- Currying:

- Lazy Evaluation:
        - delays evaluation of expression.
        - saves computing resources

- Tail Call Optimization

Design Patterns in functional way

- Iterator Desgin Pattern:
    - behaviour design pattern: accessing elements without exposing internal structure.

    - enables to get a way to access the elements of collection object in sequential manner without any need to know it's internal representation.

- Strategy Design Pattern:

    - is used when we have multiple solution or algorithms to solve a specific task and client decides the specific implementation which is to be used at runtime.

- Decorator Design Pattern:
    - is used to modify functionality of object at runtime without affecting other instances of same class.

- Creating Fluent Interfaces:
    - provides easy readable, flowing interface that often mimics a domain specific language.

    - using this pattern results in code that can be read nearly as human language.

- Factory Design Pattern:

    - creational design pattern.

    - creating object without exposing instantiation logic.

    - is a way to instantiating a class inside desginated method that we call a factory method.

    - factory is a object that is able to create other objects.

Builder Design Pattern:

    - is all about flexibility in Object Creation.

    - intent of builder design pattern is to isolate the construction of a complex object from it's representation.

    - eg. StringBuilder and StringBuffer

Command Design Pattern:

    - is a behaviorial design pattern

    - encapsulating a request as an object.

    - it is a way to encapsulate a request as an object, parameterize clients with different request and perform corresponding operations.

Streams and Parallel Streams:

Streams are declartive, flexible and parallelizable.

With streams we can create stream pipeline.

Stream pipeline consist of source, zero or more intermediate operations and a terminal operation.

Stream can operated only once, meaning Streams are not containers.

Stream Methods:

    - Filter method:

        - it is a higher order method
        - equivalent to if condition
        - param is a predicate

    - Map method:

        - it is a higher order method

        - takes a mapper function as param

    - Reduce method:
        - it is a higher order method

        - this can be used to find the sum of all elements or product of all elements

All intermediate operations on stream are lazy.

All terminal operations are eager.

Numeric Streams:

We get basic in built functions of math in the numeric streams.

- IntStream

- LongStream

- DoubleStream                    

map: maps to object and mapToDouble maps to primitive double.
     similarly we have mapToInt and mapToLong.

 - Methods for numeric streams:

    - sum

    - max returns optional primitive

    - min returns optional primitive

    - average returns optional double

    - summaryStatistics: gives details of min, max, average, count and sum together

Bounded Streams:

 - various ways to create bounded stream:

    1. using stream method of collection

    2. of() of Stream class

    3. stream() of array class

    4. builder() of Stream class

Infinte streams:

- various ways to create infinte streams:

    1. using iterate() of Stream class

    2. using generate() of Stream class

Parallel Streams:

choosing parallelism is very important and in order to choose we should consider below factors:

Stream should be:

    - Stateless

    - Non-interfering

    - Associative

Stateless and Statefull operations:
    Stateless:  do not need any kind of outside information

    Statefull:  require outside information 

Fork Join Pool:
    used by all parallel stream operations

    takes all available processor by default

Creating Custom Streams:

1. Spliterator:
        when you have a custom source other than collection of data in that can use spliterator.

        it is an interface which hels us to iterate over a non-collection data structure

        Characteristics of spliterator:

Collectors: is a utility class with all static methods to return a specific collector

very useful utilities: 
        - Collectors.partitioningBy(predicate):

             is to get a collection which will collect data based on a criteria for both true and false events. It is called Collectors.partitioningBy(). check code "" for more information.

        - Collectors.groupingBy(classifier)

             is to group the data based on the classifier.

- How Collector works internally?

    - is an interface with higher order functions:
        1. supplier() 2. accumulator() 3. combiner() 4. finisher() 5. characteristics() <- not a higher order function

        + Supplier returns a supplier.

        + Accumulator returns BiConsumer.

        + Combiner returns a BinaryOperator.

        + Finisher returns a function.

        + Characteristics returns a Set.       

    - Inside Collector class there is a static class "ConnectorImpl" which has implementation for above classes.

Data Structures Functional way:

- Functional Data structure:

    - not imperative; implemented in a functional way
    - A functional data structure is:
            - Immutable
            - Persistent : any modification occurs in data structure -> have to preserve the previous state of itself.
            - Methods of functional data structure are referential transparent: we can a function once, catch value and use it anywhere.

    - List:
        - make sure the list should be an immutable list

    - Queue:
        - FIFO


Repository to practice functional programming.






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