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frankhale edited this page Nov 21, 2014 · 5 revisions

##Getting Started:

The easiest way to see how to use Aurora is to look at a sample application. I've created a small Wiki which demonstrates some of Aurora's features.

The following snippet is taken from Aurora.cs. I'll turn this into proper wiki pages later...

// ---------------------
// --- Documentation ---
// ---------------------
// Aurora is an MVC web framework for .NET and aims to provide a lot of 
// functionality in a slim codebase. 
// Aurora maintains a simplistic vision of MVC in that the primary focus is on 
// controllers, actions and views and models are this loose thing that can be 
// any number of things that allow you to manipulate your data and validate it. 
// In Aurora there is a Model base class which can be used for validation of 
// posted models or be used in HTML helpers. Aurora kind of expects that the 
// programmer will have his own notion of models and construct them in the way 
// that makes sense for them rather than providing a bunch of hurdles and 
// obstacles to jump through. Aurora considers Models as something that is 
// intermediate or a view model where it's this entity that exists in a 
// transitional state either getting ready to be converted into an HTML fragment 
// or be validated from a post request and then put into a database. 
// Controllers are simply classes that inherit from the Controller base class. 
// Controllers have a series of events that can be listened to in order to 
// perform logic at specific points in time. Aurora provides a FrontController 
// base class that can be inherited to allow for interception of requests before 
// they are dispatched to the proper controller.  Regular controllers can have 
// actions (C# methods), these actions are fired per the request path and once 
// these actions are complete will return a view. Views can be HTML views, 
// partial HTMl views, file views, JSON views or string views. String views are 
// a way to custom format a string response in any way you need.
// A quick note on how Aurora interfaces with ASP.NET. Aurora uses a small class 
// that bootstraps the framework and provides it with simple dictionaries with 
// the request data, response and callbacks to interact with a few aspects of 
// ASP.NET such as Cache, Session, Application, Cookies and sending the final 
// response.
// As of now there are no Visual Studio templates or similiar helpers to assist 
// in project management. 
// The best way to see Aurora in action is to look at a small wiki application 
// called Miranda which can be found on my github site (link above).
// Aurora's project structure is flexible but relies on the folder that contains 
// views having the name Views and a structure of subdirectories named 
// Fragments, Shared and one directory for each controller with a structure 
// underneath it with Fragments and Shared directories.
// Here is a typical project structure (almost all of which is by convention):
// AppName/
// AppName/Web.Config
// AppName/favicon.ico
// AppName/Controllers
// AppName/Models
// AppName/Resources/
// AppName/Resources/Scripts
// AppName/Resources/Styles
// AppName/Resources/Images
// AppName/Views
// AppName/Views/Fragments
// AppName/Views/Shared
// AppName/Views/ControllerName
// AppName/Views/ControllerName/Fragments
// AppName/Views/ControllerName/Shared
// The Views folder is really the only hard assumption that is made by the 
// framework on where files it needs should exist. This folder will contain all 
// of the views used for master pages or partials that will be shared between 
// controllers. Additionally, this will include any globally reachable HTML 
// fragments. If not using Controller partitions then all controllers should 
// have a folder underneath Views that is named with the controller name to 
// place their specific views.
// NOTE: The sample Aurora projects contained on my github account all include
// Aurora in the project solution instead of just referencing a precompiled 
// class library. This is being done on purpose to make it easier to debug web 
// apps using the framework. Additionally, the framework proper is just a single 
// source file so in theory can and should be tailored to the needs of the 
// application using it.
// Here is a minimal web.config
// <?xml version="1.0"?>
// <configuration>
//   <system.web>
//     <compilation debug="true" targetFramework="4.0" />
//     <customErrors mode="On"/>
//     <httpHandlers>
//       <add verb="*" path="*" validate="false" 
//					type="AspNetAdapter.AspNetAdapterHandler"/>
//     </httpHandlers>
//     <httpModules>
//       <add type="AspNetAdapter.AspNetAdapterModule" 
//					name="AspNetAdapterModule"/>
//     </httpModules>    
//   </system.web>
// </configuration>
// ------------------
// --- Attributes ---
// ------------------
// All actions use the Http attribute to denote how the framework should 
// interpret them.
// A typical usage would be:
//  [Http(ActionType.Get, "/Index")]
//  public ViewResult Index() 
//  {
//     // Todo...
//		 return View();
//  }
// The following action types can be used for actions to denote what HTTP method 
// they respond to:
//  Get, Post, GetOrPost, Put, Delete, FromRedirectOnly
// The Http attribute has the following public properties:
// NOTE: Aurora provides only one attribute to denote metadata for a route even 
//			 though at least one property RequireAntiForgeryToken makes no sense in 
//			 terms of an HTTP Get, FromRedirectOnly verb. This property is only 
//			 checked in instances of Post, Put or Delete.
// 		bool RequireAntiForgeryToken 
//		bool HttpsOnly 
//		string RedirectWithoutAuthorizationTo 
//		string RouteAlias 
//		string Roles 
//		string View 
//		ActionSecurity SecurityType
// RequireAntiForgeryToken is fulfilled by placing a view compiler directive in 
// your view inside your form so that it will place the antiforgery token 
// element into your form.
// To add an antiforgery token to a form use the following: (more on views 
// later)
// <input type="hidden" name="AntiForgeryToken" value="%%AntiForgeryToken%%" />
// ------------------------
// --- Front Controller ---
// ------------------------
// The front controller is optional. When inherited it allows notification of 
// various events that happen ramping up to the invocation of an action. You can 
// theoretically divert (different from an ordinary redirect) a route but the 
// usefulness of this has yet to be determined. FrontController's have the 
// ability to redirect to another route in the traditional sense of redirecting.
// FrontController's can be used to set up bundles, add dynamic routes, logging.
// -------------------
// --- Controllers ---
// -------------------
// Controllers are classes that inherit from the Controller base class. 
// Controllers can optionally listen for events. These events are triggered at
// various points in the lifecycle of the request. The following events are able
// to be listened to by Controllers:
// OnInit: 
//	Only fired when the controller instance is created.
// OnCheckRoles: 
//	If an action is secure this gives you the opportunity to check the users 
//	roles before the action is invoked and either grant access or not.
// OnPreAction: 
//	This event executes right before the action is invoked.
// OnPostAction:
//	This event executes right after the action is invoked.
// ---------------
// --- Actions ---
// ---------------
// Actions are nothing more than C# methods decorated with the Http attribute.
// Actions will normally return a IViewResult or optionally redirect to other 
// views, for instance an action that responds to an Http Post and has a void
// return type would need to redirect to an action that returns a IViewResult.
// --------------------
// --- View Results ---
// --------------------
// The following types of view results are built in:
// ViewResult:
//	This is an ordinary HTML view result
// FileResult:
//	This result is for a physical file or a file built on the fly
// JsonResult:
//	This is a very basic result that processes a type through Newtonsoft.JSON
//  serialize object. If you need more control over the JSON result you can hack
//  the code or use the StringResult instead.
// StringResult:
//	The string result was added to allow for times when the simple JsonResult 
//	was not good enough. You can format your string in any way you like and it
//  will be sent to the client as is.
// -------------
// --- Views ---
// -------------
// All views (except fragments) are compiled a head of time and are written to 
// a JSON formatted file in the Cache directory under Views.
// -----------------------
// --- Action Bindings ---
// -----------------------
// Action bindings are somewhat of a poor man's IoC. They denote that actions
// will have additional parameters passed to them at the time they are invoked.
// This is great for instances of database access objects, user objects, etc...
// Action bindings can be custom types that implement the IBoundToAction 
// interface. This interface allows you to perform some custom initialization
// logic that will be executed right after an instance of this object is 
// created.
// -----------------------------------
// --- Action Parameter Transforms ---
// -----------------------------------
// Action parameter transforms are a mechanism to transpose incoming request
// variables into another type. For instance, say an incoming request variable
// was a string representing a username, this could then be transformed into
// a user object so that the action would not need to perform the transformation
// itself and instead receive the user object as a parameter to the action.
// ----------------------
// --- Action Filters ---
// ----------------------
// --------------
// --- Models ---
// --------------
// ---------------
// --- Bundles ---
// ---------------
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