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React Modal

A simple react + styled-components modal

Package Interface

Named exports: Modal, useModalContext, ModalContainer, and ModalContent
Default export: Modal


1) Pass in a function as children to access modal methods

<Modal content={() => <div>Modal Content</div>}>
    {({ showModal }) => <button onClick={showModal}>Button to trigger modal</button>}

2) Modal methods are passed to the direct descendant

const SampleButton = ({ showModal }) => {
    return <button onClick={showModal}>Sample Button</button>;

<Modal content={() => <div>Modal Content</div>}>
    <SampleButton />

3) Using ContextAPI to access modal methods

const GrandchildButton = () => {
    const { showModal } = useModalContext();

    return <button onClick={showModal}>Grandchild Button</button>;

<Modal content={() => <div>Modal Content</div>}>
    <div className="component-container">
        <GrandchildButton />

Modal Props

Prop Type Default Description
content Component | () => Component undefined A component or function that returns a component to serve as the modal content
onModalShow func undefined Function to trigger when the modal is shown
onModalClose func undefined Function to trigger when the modal is closed
animationDuration number 500 The fade in / out duration in ms
showOnRender boolean false If true, modal will display when mounted
showXBtn boolean true If true, a "x" button will rendered at the top right of the modal
persist boolean false If true, the modal will be mounted in dom and hidden / shown via CSS
closeOnBackdrop boolean true If true, clicking on the backdrop will close the modal
addControls boolean false If true, modal will automatically append two action buttons: "Close" and "Confirm". The "Close" button will close the modal, and the action of the "Confirm" is dependent on "proceedAction" prop
proceedAction func () => console.warn(...) The onClick handler for the "Confirm" button created from "addControls" prop
proceedBtnText string "Confirm" The text displayed for "Confirm" button
closeBtnText string "Close" The text displayed for "Close" button
CustomModalContainer Component ModalContainer Defines the component that warps around the entire modal
CustomModalContent Component ModalContent Defines the component used to wrap around the modal content
CustomPrimaryButton Component button element The component that is used to generate the "Confirmed" button
CustomSecondaryButton Component button element The component that is used to generate the "Closed" button

Modal Methods

Below are the methods available to control the modal

Method Inputs Description
showModal none Displays the modal
closeModal none Closes the modal
toggleModal none Toggles the state of the modal
setDynamicContent Component | Func Component Updates the contents of the modal
updateOptions { showXBtn, addControls, ...etc } Updates the specified option
updateCustomComponents { Container, Content, PrimaryBtn, SecondaryBtn } Updates the custom components

Additional Notes

ModalContainer styled component

Extend ModalContainer with styled-components to make furthur css changes since this component is looking for show, zIndex, closeOnBackdrop, stage, animationDuration prop for animations and default styling

  • show is used to toggle the css display rule
  • zIndex sets z-index rule
  • closeOnBackdrop will set the cursor rule
  • stage is used to determine the component's rendering stage (entering vs exiting) to use either fade in or fade out animation
  • animationDuration specifies the duration of the animation


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