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  1. Project Setup yarn create react-app .
  2. Add dependencies and change setup project
  3. Setup firebase
  4. Create register form
  5. Add register user with email and password
  6. Create errors upon registaration and show loading state
  7. Add name and avatar to users, add new users to database
  8. Create login form and functionality
  9. Set up redux to make user data available on global state
  10. Add Spinner Component for Loading State
  11. Scaffold App Components
  12. App Header / UserPanel Dropdown
  13. Add signout functionality, clear user action
  14. Passing Redux state via props
  15. Add Avatar to User Dropdown
  16. Add Channels Component
  17. Create Modal for Adding Channels
  18. Create Channels Collection, Add First Channel to Database
  19. Display Channels with child_added Listener
  20. Put Channel on Global State, Add channel_reducer
  21. Set First Channel on Page Load, Show Active Channel
  22. Remove Listeners with componentWillUnmount
  23. Scaffold ColorPanel / Message Components
  24. Create Messages Collection, Add First Message to Database
  25. Controlled Input to Clear Message, Disable Button onLoading State
  26. Display Messages, Create Message Component
  27. Create File Modal to Upload File
  28. Put Media File in State, Add Mimetype Validation
  29. Upload Image File, Post Image Message
  30. ProgressBar Component to Represent Image Upload
  31. Options for Displaying ProgressBar
  32. Add Channel Title / Users Count to Messages Header
  33. Add Ability to Search Messages
  34. Create DirectMessages Component
  35. Add Users to DirectMessages Component, Show If Online/Offline
  36. Put DirectMessage Channel Data in Global State, Set as Private Channels
  37. Functionality to Add Messages / Images to Private Channels
  38. Display Active DirectMessage Channel
  39. Add Notifications to Public Channel
  40. Add Starred Component to Hold Starred (Favorited) Channels
  41. Update 'Starred' Property for User Data Upon Starring Channel
  42. Display Starred Channels in Starred Component
  43. Scaffold MetaPanel Component
  44. Display Channel Info in MetaPanel
  45. Display Top Posters for each Channel in MetaPanel
  46. Add Color Picker Modal to ColorPanel
  47. Attach Chosen Colors to User Data
  48. Display Saved User Colors as Icons, Change App Colors on Click
  49. Create Change Avatar Modal
  50. Crop Uploaded Image with AvatarEditor
  51. Upload Cropped Image to Firebase, Put on User Profile
  52. Add Typing Collection to Track When Other Users Typing
  53. Add Typing Component / Animation, Display in Messages
  54. Add Typing Listeners to See When Other Users Typing
  55. Emoji Picker to Add Emojis to Messages
  56. Automatic Scroll to Bottom upon New Message
  57. Show Message Skeleton when Messages Loading
  58. Create Key Combo Shortcuts to Send Messages
  59. Remove Listeners upon Component Unmount
  60. Write Firebase Storage Rules for Media Files
  61. Write Database Rules for App Data
  62. Deploying our App with Firebase Tools Install globaly package firbase-tools with command:
npm i firebase-tools -g

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