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Haskell practices

NOTE: the code examples here may not follow our current style. They have not been maintained for that as things have evolved.


  • Packages should use NoImplicitPrelude

  • Packages can make a package-local prelude module, provided the other guides here are followed

  • Packages should not have more than one local prelude

    -- Bad
    module Handler1 where
    import Freckle.Api.Prelude -- re-exports Persist stuff by default
    module Handler2 where
    import Freckle.Api.Prelude.Esqueleto -- hides Persist and re-exports Esqueleto
    -- Good
    module Handler1 where
    import Freckle.Api.Prelude -- re-exports neither Persist or Esqueleto
    import Freckle.Api.Persist -- brings in Persist
    module Handler2 where
    import Freckle.Api.Prelude
    import Freckle.Api.Esqueleto -- brings in Esqueleto
  • Local preludes should be named {PackageNamespace}.Prelude

    -- Bad
    import Import
    import Freckle.Import
    import Freckle.Entities.Import
    -- Good
    import Prelude -- Library without custom prelude module
    import Freckle.App.Prelude -- App without custom prelude module
    import Freckle.Jobs.Prelude -- App with custom prelude module
    import Yesod.Auth.OAuth2.Prelude -- Library with custom prelude module
  • Local preludes that re-export Prelude should hide unsafe functions

  • Libraries must use Prelude. Do not force an alternative prelude choice on end-users.

  • Applications should use Freckle.App.Prelude. If not, they must use Prelude.

    If we decide in the future to use a 3rd-party alternative prelude, we will do that within Freckle.App.Prelude.

  • When specifically importing an "unsafe" function from Prelude, import it restricted and qualified as Unsafe to make that clear:

    -- Bad
    import Prelude (last)
    getDockerImageTag :: DockerImage -> Text
    getDockerImageTag =
      -- This is safe because we can only ever construct valid 'DockerImage'
      -- values that contain the @:@ character
      last . T.splitOn ":" . unDockerImage
    -- Good
    import qualified Prelude as Unsafe (last)
    getDockerImageTag :: DockerImage -> Text
    getDockerImageTag =
      -- This is safe because we can only ever construct valid 'DockerImage'
      -- values that contain the @:@ character
      Unsafe.last . T.splitOn ":" . unDockerImage

Error throwing / exceptions

  • Try very hard to avoid partial functions

  • If you know a function is safe, but somehow weren't able to "prove" it to GHC, use your error string to state why you think the error is impossible. e.g.

    halfOfEvens :: Rational -> [Rational] -> [Rational]
    halfOfEvens n = map (\d -> n `divEx` d) . filter (/= 0)
        x `divEx` 0 = error
          "This should be impossible: We already filtered the list to remove zeroes"
        x `divEx` d = x / d

Learning resources

Do not prefix record fields

There was once a time when record field names needed to be unique, and so it was conventional to prefix them with a constructor name:

data StudentAssignmentReport =
    { studentAssignmentReportId :: UUID
    , studentAssignmentReportGrade :: Percentage
    , studentAssignmentReportTitle :: Text

Thanks to NoFieldSelectors, DuplicateRecordFields, and OverloadedRecordDot, it does not matter whether a record field has the same name as anything else, and so the prefixed field style is no longer useful. Such names should be shortened:

data StudentAssignmentReport =
    { id :: UUID
    , grade :: Percentage
    , title :: Text


Why / when you want to use them:

  • you have multiple types which satisfy some interface (type class)


  • you want to be able to add types to the interface without changing some supertype (i.e. 'open' rather than 'closed')


  • you want to delay the choice of which function from the interface to apply to the data (e.g. rather than using existentials for an interface with a single function, just apply that function, see haskell-antipattern-existential-typeclass)


  • you want to work with multiple types adhering to this interface without regard for their original type

Bad example:

data ShowBox = forall s. Show s => SB s
heteroList :: [ShowBox]
heteroList = [SB (), SB 5, SB True]

Instead you can just show:

heteroList :: [String]
heteroList = [show (), show 5, show True]

Okay example:

data ShowEnum = forall s. (Show s, Enum s) => SE s

showNexts = map (show . succ)
showPrevs = map (show . pred)


Lens is a very convenient way to read and update deeply nested structures. Works nicely both against raw JSON text and against Value types.

Some Engineers prefer named functions (view, set) and some prefer the equivalent operators ((^.), (.~)). We do not prescribe one way or the other, but do not mix them within a module.

-- Bad
& set fooL "foo"
. barL ?~ "bar"
. over bazL (<> 2)

-- Good
& set fooL "foo"
. set barL (Just "bar")
. over bazL (<> 2)

-- Also good
& fooL .~ "foo"
. barL ?~ "bar"
. bazL %~ (<> 2)

-- Also good
& fooL .~ "foo"
. barL ?~ "bar"
. bazL <>~ 2

Script Haskell

Stack Script Interpreter

Data declaration with type family

Sometimes you have two types which are very similar, both in their representations and in how they're used. For example,

data Foo = Foo
  { a :: Int
  , b :: Int
  , c :: Int

data Bar = Bar
  { a :: Int
  , b :: Int
  , c :: Int
  , d :: Int

It would be a pain to duplicate functions which operate on these types. A first attempt to avoid that might be:

data FooBar = FooBar
  { a :: Int
  , b :: Int
  , c :: Int
  , d :: Maybe Int

but we lose value type safety/documentation here.

A better approach is to parameterize the field which varies:

type Never = Proxy
type Always = Identity

data FooBar f = FooBar
  { a :: Int
  , b :: Int
  , c :: Int
  , d :: f Int

type Foo = FooBar Never
type Bar = FooBar Always

This lets us share the commonalities and still differentiate in a safe way. But it's a little annoying that Foo's d is wrapped in an Identity constructor at the value level. We can fix this final infelicity with type families:

data FooBarType = Foo | Bar

type family OnlyIfBar (x :: FooBarType) (a :: *) :: * where
  OnlyIfBar Foo a = ()
  OnlyIfBar Bar a = a

data FooBar (x :: FooBarType) = FooBar
  { a :: Int
  , b :: Int
  , c :: Int
  , d :: OnlyIfBar x Int

With this approach d :: FooBar Foo -> () (total absence of d would be the best option, but without extensible records, () is the best we can do) and d :: FooBar Bar -> Int.


Newtypes in Haskell are used for 3 primary purposes:

  1. To document a type's meaning
  2. To refine the type (i.e. limit it's inhabitants)
  3. To define new/different instances

1 allows us to communicate clearly and increase type safety:

newtype City = City
  { unCity :: String

sf :: City
sf = City "San Francisco"

Some legacy code at FR uses Tagged and TypeLits. This style should be avoided in favor of proper newtypes.

-- Don't do this
sf :: Tagged "City" String
sf = "San Francisco"

2 looks like:

module Natural (Natural(), mkNatural) where

newtype Natural = Natural
  { unNatural :: Int

mkNatural :: Int -> Maybe Natural
mkNatural n = if n >= 0 then Just (Natural n) else Nothing

3 looks like:

newtype Add = Add
  { unAdd :: Int

instance Monoid Add where
  mempty = 0
  mappend = (+)

newtype Mult = Mult
  { unMult :: Int

instance Monoid Mult where
  mempty = 1
  mappend = (*)

Phantom types

The Tagged example above makes use of a phantom type variable. The definition of Tagged is:

newtype Tagged t a = Tagged
  { untag :: a

Note how the type variable t does not appear on the right-hand-side of the equals-sign. It's only used to add type-level information to a type - it's never used at the value level. We call this kind of type variable a phantom type variable, or occasionally, just a phantom type.

A more useful example is hashing passwords. We might want to represent passwords as either raw text or hashed text and have operations that only work on one kind:

module Password
  ( Password
  , PasswordState
  , rawPassword
  , hashPassword
  , comparePassword

data PasswordState = Raw | Hashed

newtype Password (s :: PasswordState) = Password Text

rawPassword :: Text -> Password 'Raw
rawPassword = Password

-- Note: this hash may be less secure than advertised
secureHash :: Text -> Text
secureHash t = reverse $ t ++ t

hashPassword :: Password 'Raw -> Password 'Hashed
hashPassword (Password r) = Password (secureHash r)

comparePassword :: Password 'Raw -> Password 'Hashed -> Bool
comparePassword (Password r) (Password h) = secureHash r == h

We're using a promoted datatype (PasswordState) to encode whether a Password is plaintext or hashed. Note that we do not expose the constructor for Password, and instead expose a smart constructor rawPassword and a hashing function hashPassword. If we expose the constructor, a malicious (or forgetful) user could construct a value of Password 'Hashed that contains a plaintext password.


Closely related to phantom types are Generalized Algebraic Data Types or GADTs. Suppose we had the following representation of a small programming language with integers, bools, addition, and conditions:

data Expr
  = I Int
  | B Bool
  | Add Expr Expr
  | LessThan Expr Expr
  | Cond Expr Expr Expr
  deriving stock (Eq, Show)

We can construct values like Add (I 1) (I 3) to represent 1 + 3, but there's nothing preventing us from constructing values like Add (I 1) (B True). Furthermore, we can only detect this kind of problem at runtime. Writing an evaluation function for this data type is frustrating:

data Value
  = VI Int
  | VB Bool

eval :: Expr -> Maybe Value
eval (I i) = pure $ VI i
eval (B b) = pure $ VB b
eval (Add x y) = do
  VI x' <- eval x
  VI y' <- eval y
  pure $ VI $ x' + y'
eval (LessThan x y) = do
  VI x' <- eval x
  VI y' <- eval y
  pure $ VB $ x' < y'
eval (Cond c t f) = do
  VB c' <- eval c
  if c'
    then eval t
    else eval f

We're relying on the Monad instance for Maybe to call fail on pattern match failures when we pass something like Add (I 1) (B True) at runtime. We also have to make an extra datatype to represent values.

You can try to do something smarter with phantom types, existential quantification, and smart constructors:

data Expr a
  = I Int
  | B Bool
  | Add (Expr a) (Expr a)
  | forall b. LessThan (Expr b) (Expr b)
  | forall c. Cond (Expr c) (Expr a) (Expr a)

int :: Int -> Expr Int
int = I

bool :: Bool -> Expr Bool
bool = B

add :: Expr Int -> Expr Int -> Expr Int
add = Add

lessThan :: Expr Int -> Expr Int -> Expr Bool
lessThan = LessThan

cond :: Expr Bool -> Expr a -> Expr a -> Expr a
cond = Cond

eval :: Expr a -> a
eval (I i) = i
eval (B b) = b
eval (Add x y) = eval x + eval y
eval (LessThan x y) = eval x < eval y
eval (Cond c t f)
  | eval c = eval t
  | otherwise = eval f

Unfortunately this doesn't compile. You'll get errors like:

Couldn't match expected type ‘a’ with actual type ‘Bool’
  ‘a’ is a rigid type variable bound by
      the type signature for eval :: Expr a -> a at x.hs:57:9
Relevant bindings include eval :: Expr a -> a (bound at x.hs:58:1)
In the expression: b
In an equation for ‘eval’: eval (B b) = b

Everything up to the eval function works, but then we don't have any evidence when matching B b that Expr a should be Expr Bool. We're not carrying that information around!

This is what GADTs are for - they let you carry around extra type evidence in your constructors:

data Expr a where
  I :: Int -> Expr Int
  B :: Bool -> Expr Bool
  Add :: Expr Int -> Expr Int -> Expr Int
  LessThan :: Expr Int -> Expr Int -> Expr Bool
  Cond :: Expr Bool -> Expr a -> Expr a -> Expr a

deriving instance Eq a => Eq (Expr a)
deriving instance Show a => Show (Expr a)

eval :: Expr a -> a
eval (I i) = i
eval (B b) = b
eval (Add x y) = eval x + eval y
eval (LessThan x y) = eval x < eval y
eval (Cond c t f)
  | eval c = eval t
  | otherwise = eval f

When we pattern match on B here, we gain access to evidence that Expr a is Expr Bool, and so on for the other constructors. Furthermore, GHC won't even let us construct a value like Add (I 1) (B True):

Couldn't match type Bool with Int
 Expected type: Expr Int
   Actual type: Expr Bool
In the second argument of Add, namely (B True)
In the expression: Add (I 1) (B True)

If you're curious how this works, you can dump the Core (-ddump-simpl, see Appendix) to see that each constructor is literally carrying around an extra parameter as evidence that allows GHC to insert safe type casts from a to Int or Bool (or whatever) inside a pattern match.

Note that the constructor's argument type doesn't have to match the type argument of the data type (see LessThan and Cond above). The following is perfectly legal (though of dubious utility):

data Thing a where
ThingA :: Int -> Thing Bool
ThingB :: Bool -> Thing Int
f :: Thing a -> a
f (ThingA a) = a == 0
f (ThingB b) = if b then 1 else 2

Avoid OverloadedLists and MonoTraversable

OverloadedLists depend on a typeclass IsList:

class IsList l where
  type Item l
  fromList  :: [Item l] -> l
  toList    :: l -> [Item l]

The mono-traversable package defines a series of typeclasses:

type family Element mono

class MonoFoldable mono where
  ofoldMap :: Monoid m => (Element mono -> m) -> mono -> m

Each of these typeclasses rely on type families:

  • IsList has an associated type Item for representing the element of the list
  • MonoFoldable uses an open type family Elem for representing the element of mono

Unfortunately, type families do not have great type inference. Furthermore, mono-traversable exports a number of replacements for common Prelude functions which rely on these type families.

The problem gets deeper when we realize that mono-traversable is a nearly useless abstraction for our use-case. There are exactly ZERO uses of omap in our codebase. We love map, foldMap, traverse, for, etc. These are infinitely useful, but we are never for example traversing over the characters of a Text type, which is mono-traversable's primary inspiration. If our use case demanded a lot of string munging, then maybe it would be useful. That just isn't the case.

The fact is that mono-traversable is not an abstraction that targets our use-case, it decreases type inference, increases cryptic type errors, and increases boilerplate.


Add LANGUAGE StrictData to modules that contain only plain records that will undergo de/serialization (JSON, CSV, Database, etc).


Export Lists

-- Bad
module FooSpec where

-- Good
module FooSpec
  ( spec
  ) where


Each project should have a TestImport used for all specs. Optionally, a TestImport.IO version can exist for writing non-App specs in IO.

-- Bad: using TestImport as a module and not the "prelude"
module Project.FooSpec
  ( spec
  ) where

import Project.Prelude

import Project.App
import Project.Lib
import TestImport

-- Also Bad: Using Hspec directly, and treating it like a "prelude"
module Project.FooSpec
  ( spec
  ) where

import Test.Hspec

import Project.Prelude
import Project.App
import Project.Lib

-- Good: exactly one prelude module, and it is TestImport
module Project.FooSpec
  ( spec
  ) where

import TestImport

import Project.App

spec :: Spec
spec = withApp loadApp $ do
  describe "myAppFunction" $ do

-- Also Good: same, but for an IO spec
module Project.FooSpec
  ( spec
  ) where

import TestImport.IO

import Project.Lib

spec :: Spec
spec = do
  describe "myPureFunction" $ do


Hspec uses the HasCallStack to report the location of test failures. It's important that any functions that make assertions (or call functions that make assertions) have the proper constraint.

It's also important that the top-level spec does not. Otherwise, failures are attributed to the generated Spec.hs file.

-- Bad
shouldApproximate :: Double -> Double -> Expectation

-- Good
shouldApproximate :: HasCallStack => Double -> Double -> Expectation

-- Best (see below)
  :: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m)
  => Double
  -> Double
  -> m ()
-- Bad
spec :: HasCallStack => Spec
spec = do

-- Good
spec :: Spec
spec = do

Expectations vs Assertions

Prefer Expectations over Assertions

-- Bad
assertEqual "..." a b

-- Good
a `shouldBe` b

Except for functions that return values as part of their assertions, like assertJust, or assertRight.


Use expectationFailure when possible. We have an overloaded version that is m a instead of m (), which makes it more useful.

-- Bad
case x of
  Left er -> throwString err
  Right x -> x `shouldBe` y

-- Good
case x of
  Left er -> expectationFailure err
  Right x -> x `shouldBe` y

-- Best (relies on overloaded expectationFailure)
x <- assertRight $ ...
x `shouldBe` y

Though not required, pattern-match failures are an acceptable way to fail a test, since the example type (AppExample, YesodExample) has usually defined MonadFail(fail) as expectationFailure.

For example, a test about a user in the DB can incorporate that assertion,

-- Meh
user <- assertJust =<< getDB userId
userFoo user `shouldBe` Foo

-- Nice
Just user <- getDB userId
userFoo user `shouldBe` Foo

Example Descriptions

Somehow the "should" Railsism took hold in our code-base. There's no need for it and it can often make spec lines so long that they indent strangely.

Also, avoid the word "successfully". When expecting something to happen, that you expect it to happen "successfully" can be assumed.

-- Bad
it "should successfully deduplicate the users"
  $ withGraph
  $ do

-- OK
it "successfully deduplicates the users" $ ...

-- Best
it "deduplicates the users" $ withGraph $ do

Lifted Expectations

By default, we use and write expectations that are in MonadIO m. If you are using TestImport or TestImport.IO you should not have any ambiguity issues.

The following are some things that may cause them, along with their fixes:

  • Using TestImport, but not withApp

    Use TestImport.IO.

  • Mixing withApp and non-withApp stanzas

    Put everything under withApp. (Except prop, see below.)

  • Using it "..." $ property

    Use prop "...".

  • Using prop under withApp

    Pull it out.

  • Using shouldX with prop

    Use a pure Bool expression with prop.

If you do run into ambiguity, prefer Type Applications (over type signatures or annotations) to resolve it.

