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Folders and files

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This repo exposes a few utilities to (i) build command-line utilities with (ii) flexible configurations on top of 3 great libraries:,, and

TL,DR: this is not yet another CLI-building library, but rather a mere wrapper on top of cobra to use that great lib with a functional style.


Example for CLI

Sample CLI-building code. This example is taken from one of the testable examples.

Notice our main objectives here:

  • no globals
  • inline flag registration & binding
  • access to settings using viper only
package main

import (


const (
    // viper config keys
	keyLog      = "app.log.level"
	keyDry      = "run.dryRun"

func main() {
    // no global vars, no init() ...
	if err := RootCmd().Execute(); err != nil {
		cli.Die("executing: %v", err)

// RootCmd builds a runnable root command
func RootCmd() *cli.Command {
	return cli.NewCommand(
        // your usual cobra command, wrapped as a function
			Use:   "example",
			Short: "examplifies a cobra command",
			Long:  "...",
			RunE:  rootRunFunc,
        // flag bindings
        // {flag name}, {the flag type is inferred from the default value}, {flag help description}
		cli.WithFlag("dry-run", false, "Dry run",
			cli.BindFlagToConfig(keyDry), // flag bindings to a viper config
        // a flag inherited by subcommands
		cli.WithPersistentFlag("log-level", "info", "Controls logging verbosity",
        // apply viper config to the command tree
        // command binding to a viper config -> config will be available from context

// rootRunFunc runs the root command
func rootRunFunc(c *cobra.Command, _ []string) error {
    // retrieve injected dependencies, create new empty viper registry if unresolved
	cfg := injectable.ConfigFromContext(c.Context(), viper.New)

		"example called\n",
		fmt.Sprintf("dry-run: %t\n", cfg.GetBool(keyDry)),
		fmt.Sprintf("log level config: %s\n", cfg.GetString(keyLog)),

	return nil


The cli packages proposes an opinionated approach to building command-line binaries on top of

There are a few great existing libraries around to build a CLI. I believe that cobra stands out as the richest and most flexible, as CLIs are entirely built programmatically.

cobra is great, but building CLIs again and again, I came to identify a few repetitive boiler-plate patterns.

So this module reflects my opinions about how to build more elegant CLIs, wich abide by 12-factor out-of-the-box, with more expressive code and less low-level tinkering.

Feedback is always welcome, as opinions may evolve over time... Feel free to post issues to leave your comments and/or proposals.

More detailed design goals


The config package proposes an opinionated approach to dealing with config files on top of

It exposes configuration loaders which know about the deployment context (e.g a deployment environment such as dev, production) and secrets.

Although developped primarily to serve a CLI, this package may be used independently.

Example: loading a config

Other examples are available here.

import (



// load and merge configuration files for environment "dev"
cfg, err := config.Load("dev", config.WithMute(true))
if err != nil {
	log.Fatalf("loading config: %w", err)



This describes my approach to configuration. We want to:

  1. retrieve a config organized as a hierarchy of settings, e.g. a YAML document
  2. merge configuration files with environment-specific settings
  3. merge configuration files with secrets, usually these are environment-specific
  4. clearly isolate and merge default settings
  5. applications to be able to consume the settings from a single viper configuration registry

In addition,

  • we want the hierarchy to be agnostic to the environment context
  • most of the time, we don't want env-specific sections to propagate to the app level (e.g. in the style of .ini sections)

In our code, we should never check for a dev or prod specific section of the configuration.

Supported format: YAML, JSON

Supported file extensions: "yml", "yaml", "json"

See other examples

More detailed design goals

Folders structure for configurations

By default we have:

# <- root configuration
{base path}/config.yaml
            # <- environment-specifics folder
                     # <- extra configuration to merge
                     # <- possibly with a modified name: config.*.yaml
                     # <- configuration to merge for environment
                     # other environment-specifics ....

Here is an example

When using default settings for this module (these are configurable), the base path is defined by the CONFIG_DIR environment variable.

Secret configurations:

{base path}/secrets.yaml
                     # <- secrets to merge
                     # <- configuration to merge for environment

Side notes


Dealing with secrets locally



The config part is largely based on some seminal past work by @casualjim. I am grateful to him for his much inspiring code.

The version-from-go-runtime piece of code is largely inspired by the wonderful work from the golangci community.


A few utilities to build CLI on top of cobra and viper








