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Bijector is a Clojure library for defining and converting between datatypes in a bijective manner (meaning each element in one type has a corresponding element in the other type and vice versa). The desired constraint is that the bijections should be efficient, meaning:

  • It should not be possible to input an instance of a type of a reasonable size and have the computer run out of memory because the corresponding instance of the other type is too large.
  • It should not be possible to input an instance of a type of a reasonable size and have the computer never return because the conversion takes too long.

You might be able to rigorously define these things mathematically, but I haven't bothered to, mostly because I would then have to check that all the techniques used in this library qualify.

At the moment the library is not too user-friendly, and might never be if nobody is interested in it.


Just to be arbitrary, let's try converting between hex strings and triples of integers:

user=> (use 'bijector.core)
user=> (def HEX-STRINGS (strings-with-chars "0123456789abcdef"))
user=> (def INT-TRIPLES (tuples-of 3 INTEGERS))
user=> (def-converters to-triples to-hex INT-TRIPLES HEX-STRINGS)
user=> (to-hex [77 77 77])
user=> (to-triples *1)
(77 77 77)
user=> (to-triples "10ff9303b5478713931b6fb4221fa3007c7da728")
(-566312798866180140005020149758 421504070 -109516)
user=> (to-hex *1)


Built-in Types

  • BOOLEANS: finite type containing true and false
  • NATURALS: the numbers 1,2,3,...
  • INTEGERS: the numbers ...,-3,-2,-1,0,1,2,3,...
  • NATURAL-LISTS: lists of NATURALS, e.g. [], [1,3929], and [2,2,2,2,2,2]
  • NATURAL-SETS: sets of NATURALS, e.g. #{}, #{55 3824}, and #{9 99 999 9999}
  • NATURAL-BAGS: bags (i.e., multisets) of NATURALS, e.g. [], [55 3824], and [9 9 9 9999]
  • SIMPLE-ASCII: strings containing any of the "normal" ASCII characters, e.g. "thomas", "\n\r~!@#", and ""
  • NESTED-NATURAL-LISTS: nested lists of NATURALS, e.g. [], [1,2,[],3], and [[4 [2] [] 5]]


Built in families of types.

  • integer-range-type: creates a finite type consisting of a range of integers
  • natural-tuples-type: like NATURAL-LISTS, but of a fixed length
  • strings-with-chars: given a collection of characters, returns a type of all strings composed of those characters


Functions that take one or more types as arguments and return a new type.

  • lists-of: given a type t, creates a new type consisting of lists of elements of t
  • sets-of: given a type t, creates a new type consisting of sets of elements of t
  • cartesian-product-type: given N types, creates a new type consisting of lists of length N where the first item in the list is an element of the first type, etc.
  • union-type: if you've read this far you probably know what this does
  • tuples-of: like lists-of but with a given fixed length
  • pairs-of: convenience method that calls tuples-of with an argument of 2
  • without: given a type and some of its elements, returns a new type without those elements
  • with: given a type and some elements not in the type, returns a new type like the old type but including the new elements

Open Questions

  • What do I mean by all this?
  • If an e.e. set A has a subset B that is also e.e., does that imply that A/B is e.e.? E.g., is the set of all ASCII strings that are not valid JSON e.e.?
  • What about type intersections?


  • e.e. := efficiently enumerable
  • e.e.e. := elegantly efficiently enumerable -- at this level we would try to distinguish from the trivial injection-based bijections.
  • A test for e.e. that I just thought of -- we could look at the limiting density of a given property as the length of representation increases. E.g., for the nested-lists, examine the average order of the nested lists.
  • Enumerating elements of a regular language: could we use this algorithm to do it?
  • Oh hey what about huffman codes? Given a set of character frequencies, could we build the huffman tree and then enumerate all strings in order of their encoded length?


Bijections in Clojure






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