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Server Management

The server-management is intended to be used as a standardized module parser, for easability in adding new code and standardization.

The parser will look for modules in the absolute main script directory modules and parse them as positional arguments, where - will serve as the default splitting character. If there's a file named first-second.ext, where ext can be any kind of extension, that same module can be executed as:

server-management first second

The parser is also intended to be used to automate practices, meaning there can be given optional arguments for each module in order to prevent interactive sessions.

server-management first second --boolean --output log

The parser looks for a file named server-management.ini in the main directory, in order to construct the optional arguments for each module.
For example, the first-second.ext module will look for further arguments in the .ini file.
The arguments are parsed by order, meaning the first argument read will be the first argument passed to the module.

flag:   -b
name:   --boolean
action: bool
help:   Sends a 'true' value to the executed module
        Sends the string after the optional argument 

Each module description is fetched from the module third line in case that same line is commented. For instance, if there is a comment in first-second.ext:

#!/usr/bin/env bash

# This is a description for parser

Code goes in here

When the parser is executed with an help argument it will output the following:

[root@localhost ~]# server-management first -h
usage: server-management first [-h] <subcommand> ...

    second       This is a description for parser

  -h, --help    Show this help message

The parser also has an automatic bash completion mechanism, based on the filenames split format.

[root@localhost ~]# server-management <tab><tab>
[root@localhost ~]# server-management first <tab><tab>

To use the bash completion mechanism, the files in the regular directory need to be sourced. Append the following for loop in ~/.bashrc to automatically source the files at each session login.

for file in /etc/bash_completion.d/* ; do
    source "$file"

The module parser file will look for missing libraries in the operative system and install them in case they are not installed. To use this feature, simply add a new package to the list in the file, such as test-library.

#!/usr/bin/env python

# Needed Python libraries from library
import Package
Package(['python-configparser', 'python2-paramiko', 'test-library'])

Real-Life Usages

Use server-management -h or --help, for possible input arguments and each positional arguments description if properly configured in each module.

[root@localhost ~]# server-management --help
usage: server-management [-h] [-v] <command> ...

RHEL7 Server Management
   RHEL Server
   Management Tools

  <command>      To see available options, use --help with each command

  -h, --help     Show this help message
  -v, --version  Show program version

Check the git repository at,
for more information about usage, documentation and bug report.

Edit virtual machine network configurations and disk provisioning automation on clean deploy.

server-management configure server --gateway

Register virtual machine in Red Hat Satellite 6 on clean deploy or template edit in order to install RHEL packages.

server-management configure satellite --simple-registration

List available activation keys in Red Hat Satellite 6 on clean deploy in order to register with a given key.

server-management configure satellite --list-keys

Create product, repository and activation key automatically in Satellite, in order to use custom repositories for that cluster and register virtual machine on clean deploy.
If an activation key is already created for that cluster name, the machine will be automatically registered in that same activation key.

server-management configure satellite --cluster-name example --force

Configure alarms and monitoring for virtual machine on clean deploy.

server-management configure centreon --user ldapuser

Create and format a new volume using all given disk space on clean deploy. If the --drive, followed by a drive file path, argument is not given, it will be prompt at the module begin. If the --mount, followed by a inexistent directory path, argument is not given, it will be prompt at the module begin. If the --force argument is not given, a yes or no will be prompt.

server-management create volume --drive /dev/sdb --mount /newdir --force

Create and format a new volume group using all given disk space on clean deploy. If the --drive, followed by a drive file path separated by commas, argument is not given, it will be prompt at the module begin. If the --mount, followed by a inexistent directory path, argument is not given, it will be prompt at the module begin. If the --force argument is not given, a yes or no will be prompt. If the --label argument is not given, it will be prompt at the module begin.

server-management create group --drive /dev/sdb,/dev/sdc,/dev/sdd,/dev/sde --force --mount /data --label test

Extend virtual disk after resize in hypervisor on clean deploy. If the --drive, followed by a drive file path, argument is not given, it will be prompt at the module begin. If the --force argument is not given, a yes or no will be prompt.
In case the install is not fresh and there's data in the drive, backup the data or snapshot the machine for there may be data loss.

server-management extend disk --drive /dev/sdb --force

Update local git repository to fetch the latest version.

server-management update program --branch master

Update bash completion file in /etc/bash_completion.d/ based on current files in the modules directory.
Logout and login again for changes to take effect.

server-management update bash

Clean virtual machine clutter and prepares it for template conversion on template edit. If the --poweroff argument is not given, it will be prompt at the module end.

server-management template clean --poweroff


Modular Dynamic Argument Parser







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