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V 0.2

Past due by about 4 years 60% complete

The idea is to tag up a first version of the code with the following features:

  • an re-implementation of [1]
  • a variant with loss faithfulness instead of cost faithfulness
  • obfuscation of the branch shunt admittance
  • tests for these models

[1] Fioretto, F., Mak, T. W. K., & Van Hentenryck, P. (2019). Differential Privacy for Power Grid Obfuscation, 1–9. Retr…

The idea is to tag up a first version of the code with the following features:

  • an re-implementation of [1]
  • a variant with loss faithfulness instead of cost faithfulness
  • obfuscation of the branch shunt admittance
  • tests for these models

[1] Fioretto, F., Mak, T. W. K., & Van Hentenryck, P. (2019). Differential Privacy for Power Grid Obfuscation, 1–9. Retrieved from
