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YARP -- Yet Another RNA-seq analysis Pipeline

Author: Fred P. Davis


  • Alejandro Villarino contributed R code to perform functional analysis using clusterProfiler


The goal of this package is to help you analyze your RNA-seq data in (1) well-documented, (2) easy to reproduce, and (3) standardized way.

1. What do I need to get started?

YARP is written for the HPC computing environment at NIH. You need to request an account on the biowulf cluster, and sufficient disk space to store the raw sequence data and resulting analyses. Disk space varies by how deeply your samples were sequenced, but ~5GB/sample is a reasonable estimate.

2. General advice for computational work

2.1. Take responsibility.

Neither the experiment nor the analysis is complicated -- thousands of people have done RNA-seq before -- but, you still have to invest time to fully understand the experiment and how its measurements are interpreted. If you can't convincingly explain what's going on in the experiment or the analysis, keep reading or asking others until you can.

YARP is meant to help you get started -- not to offload your responsibility, or to substitute for your thinking.

2.2. Write everything down.

Meticulous notes are just as critical for computational work as they are for experimental work. I keep records in three ways:

  1. Scripts. These are text files containing the actual commands that perform each analysis step. Scripts force you to keep track of your analyses.

  2. README files. If there is anything important to know or remember about what happened in a specific directory, I write it in a README text file that I keep in that specific directory.

  3. Electronic lab notebook. I keep a chronological lab notebook made of text file per day (see mdlabbook). You should use whatever system you are comfortable with, but I highly recommend you keep electronic notes. When you want to remember what commands you tried, or what analysis you were working on Monday two weeks ago, you are unlikely to remember accurately unless you can look back at notes.

2.3. Trust no one, especially yourself

This is of course an exaggeration -- ultimately you are trusting multiple layers of software that operate the sequencer through to the programs that generate the figures you will interpret. Be skeptical of all results. Don't over-interpret or assume your results are correct: lots of things can and do go wrong. Do you have positive and negative controls? If something looks weird, it probably is.

2.4. Look inside.

Scripts are just text files -- view them in a text editor, or at the command line using the less FILENAME command, to see the commands that are being run.

2.5. Be tidy.

i. keep an organized directory structure.

I make a new folder for each project I work on, with the following structure:

  • README -- file where I describe the project and broad goals
  • data/ - directory storing raw data, each in its own folder -- eg, data/fastq/
  • src/ - directory storing all scripts / code used in the project. I usually organize by language -- eg, src/R/
  • run/ - directory where I run scripts, each kept in a dated directory -- eg, run/20181027.align_reads/
  • results/ - store results from off-the-shelf programs -- eg, results/kallisto/
  • analysis/ - where I do 'secondary' analysis, like making figures

YARP comes with, or builds up, the directory structure above.

ii. don't use weird characters

Don't use spaces or weird characters (asterisks, slashes, apostrophes, quotes, etc) in your sample names, condition names, etc. Use underscores and periods if you need separators.

iii. don't edit stuff unless you understand what you're doing.

iv. Turn off Mac autocorrect.

Apostrophes and quotes have specific meanings in scripts. By default, Macs will often change these kinds of characters to curly quotes that will break the command -- this is a problem when eg, you try to copy and paste a command into a script that you are editing, or into the terminal to test a command.

3. RNA-seq analysis

The scripts in this package will perform the most routine (and often most informative) analyses:

  1. estimating transcript abundance (= expression level)

  2. identifying differentially expressed genes between pairs of conditions

  3. visualizing results using genome browsers, scatterplots and heatmaps.

We will not cover the many other kinds of analyses you can perform on RNA-seq measurements, including identifying alternative splicing events, estimating nascent transcription, or evaluating more complex experimental designs.

YARP uses the following external data sources. You don't need to download these, as this package either comes with or will retrieve the appropriate files.

data set purpose
ENSEMBL GRCm38.94 release94 genome sequence, gene annotations
Life Tech: ERCC92 synthetic spike-in sequences, concentratsion

YARP uses the following underlying tools to analyze RNA-seq data. You don't need to download these, as they are already installed on the NIH HPC through their fantastic system of 'modules'

software purpose
kallisto 0.44.0 pseudoalign reads to transcriptome, estimates abundance
STAR 2.5.4a align reads to genome
deeptools 3.1.2 make bigwig files for visualizing in IGV
sleuth 0.29 R package for differential expression analysis
R 3.5.0 creating figures, and running sleuth

These programs offer lots of options -- this package uses particular incantations of each, but as you get more comfortable with the analysis, look inside the scripts to see what specific options are used for each program, and then read the program manuals to understand what each does and what other options you may want to try.

3.1. Setup your project directory

  • Login to biowulf

    • on Mac: open the Terminal program, and type ssh, press enter, and enter your password when prompted

    • on Windows: download and run PuTTY to ssh into, specifying your username and password

  • if you don't already have one, make a projects directory on your /data share.

    • NOTE: REPLACE davisfp with your username
mkdir /data/davisfp/projects
  • change directories to your projects directory
cd /data/davisfp/projects
  • download this package
git clone
  • rename to your project name, cytokineX in this example. NOTE: REPLACE cytokineX with your project name
mv yarp cytokineX
  • change directories to this project.
cd cytokineX
  • List the files to see what you're getting in this package.
tree .

3.2. Prepare your input files

Now that you have a set of scripts and basic directory structure, you can start using it to analyze your own data.

3.2.1 Get FASTQ sequence files

For testing, I provide four small fastq files -- you can delete these if you want.

shell> ls data/fastq/test

Sequence files often have a .fastq or .fq suffix, and are typically compressed by either gzip or bunzip, resulting in a further '.gz' or '.bz2' suffix, respectively.

You can request your own sequence files from the NIAMS core if your samples were sequenced locally, or download them from NCBI GEO if you want to re-process published data.

Store the sequence files in the data/fastq/ directory in subdirectories named by sequencing run identifiers (if sequenced locally), or by author if the FASTQ comes from a published paper.

3.2.2 Create the sample sheet metadata/rnaseq_samples.txt

  • This file describes all of your RNA-seq samples.

  • This is a tab-delimited text file. Make sure you use tab's, NOT SPACES

  • Each line represents an RNA-seq sample.

  • This package includes an example file listing the test samples

shell> cat metadata/test_rnaseq_samples.txt

sampleID	sampleName	runID	fastqName	cytokineStim
r001	unstim_rep1	test	in1.fq.gz	nc
r002	unstim_rep3	test	in2.fq.gz	nc
r003	IFNg_72h_rep1	test	in3.fq.gz	IFNg_72h
r004	IFNg_72_rep2	test	in4.fq.gz	IFNg_72h
  • Make a copy of this file and edit it to describe your samples. You can do the latter using nano, an easy to use text editor.
cp metadata/test_rnaseq_samples.txt metadata/rnaseq_samples.txt
nano metadata/rnaseq_samples.txt
  • requires 4 fields:

    1. sampleID
    2. sampleName
    3. runID
    4. fastqName
  • add additional columns to describe sample properties like celltype, tissue, etc. this is useful for specifying the condition pairs you want to compare in the next file.

  • expects to find fastq files in data/fastq/<runID>/<fastqName>. For example, the read data for sampleID r001 should be in data/fastq/test/in1.fq.gz.

3.2.3 Create the comparisons file metadata/rnaseq_comparisons.txt

  • This file lists groups of samples that you'd like to compare

  • This is a 4-column tab-delimited text file. Make sure you use tab's, NOT SPACES

  • Each line represents a pairwise comparison

  • Samples can be specified by sampleName or by other features specified in the sample sheet

shell> cat metadata/test_rnaseq_comparisons.txt

group1name      group1criteria  group2name      group2criteria
no.cytokine     cytokineStim=nc gamma   cytokineStim=IFNg_72h
  • Make a copy of this file and edit it to describe the comparisons you'd like to make:
cp metadata/test_rnaseq_comparisons.txt metadata/rnaseq_comparisons.txt
nano metadata/rnaseq_samples.txt
  • If you want to specify your samples using more than one feature, use commas to express logical AND, and semicolon to express logical OR. AND's will be interpreted first. For example, cytokineStim=nc,cellType=CD4;celltype=CD8 will pick either CD4 samples without cytokine stimulation OR any CD8 samples.

4. Retrieve and prepare genome and gene information

This step will retrieve the files necessary to process mouse data. Take a look inside the script to get a sense of what data is being retrieved.

  • By default, YARP uses ENSEMBL release 94. If you want to eventually compare your bulk RNA-seq results to single cell RNA-seq data analyzed by other software such as cellranger, you should use the same ENSEMBL versions in both analyses. Cellranger versions 1, 2, and 3 use ENSEMBL releases 84, 84, and 93, respectively.

  • If necessary, you can change the ENSEMBL release used in your analysis by editing the following three files at the specified lines. Simply change the number 94 to your desired ENSEMBL release.

    • src/r/basicRnaSeqAnalysis.R line 498: specs$ensembl_release<- "94"
    • src/slurm/prepare_indices.slurm.csh line 21 set ENSEMBL_RELEASE="94"
    • src/slurm/process_rnaseq_samples.slurm.csh line 43 set ENSEMBL_RELEASE="94"
  • Make a new directory and copy the prepared_indices.slurm.csh script there.

mkdir -p run/20181102.prepare_inputs
cp src/slurm/prepare_indices.slurm.csh run/20181102.prepare_inputs
  • Switch to that directory
cd run/20181102.prepare_inputs
  • Edit the script (eg with nano: nano prepare_indices.slurm.csh) to specify the BASEDIR. That is, change cytokineX to the name of your project:
set BASEDIR="/data/davisfp/projects/cytokineX"
  • Make a directory to hold the output of the script
mkdir slurm_out
  • Submit the script to the cluster to download and process necessary files:
sbatch prepare_indices.slurm.csh
  • To check if the job is complete, use the squeue command
squeue -u davisfp

You only need to run this step once (per project). You don't need to run this step again if you just want to process additional samples.

5. Process your samples

  • Make a new run directory and copy the next script there.
cd ..
mkdir 20181102.process_samples
cp ../src/slurm/process_rnaseq_samples.slurm.csh 20181102.process_samples
  • Edit the script (eg with nano: nano process_rnaseq_samples.slurm.csh) to specify the BASEDIR. That is, change cytokineX to the name of your project:
set BASEDIR="/data/davisfp/projects/cytokineX"
  • Edit the script to specify which tasks to process. By default, all samples listed in the metadata file will be processed. If you just want to process a subset of those samples, you can specify their defining features in the script. For example, to process only samples not stimulated by cytokine:
set SAMPLE_OPTION="-cytokineStim no"
  • Edit the script to tell the cluster how many jobs you will run. For example, we'd like to process the 4 samples in our test set:
#SBATCH --array=1-4
  • It makes sense to run this script on a single job to begin with, just to make sure that everything runs properly:
#SBATCH --array=1-1
  • Make a directory to hold the script output:
mkdir slurm_out
  • Submit the jobs to the cluster:
sbatch process_rnaseq_samples.slurm.csh
  • Check job status with squeue

  • Browse the results directory to see the files that were generated:

OPTIONAL: Visualize genome tracks

  • If you'd like, you can visualize the STAR alignments in a genome browser.

  • Install IGV on your local machine.

  • Secury copy the bigWig files from the STAR results directory onto your local machine's Desktop:

scp -r biowulf:'data/projects/cytokineX/results/RNAseq/star*/*/*bw' ~/Desktop
  • Start IGV.

  • Select the mouse genome (mouse mm10)

  • Load the bigwig files in IGV.

  • Make sure you use the same scale for all samples.

6. Create figures and tables

Now that the samples have been individually processed, we will next make some standard figures to see how the samples relate to one another, identify differentially expresed genes and create figures.

This step is implemented in an R script. Unlike the slurm shell scripts in the previous steps, which we copied into the run directory to edit, we won't need to edit the R script and so will just run it where it sits in src/R/basicRnaSeqAnalysis.R.

We will run R on the cluster -- instead of submitting a "batch" job with sbatch, we will use the sinteractive command to request an interactive session, meaning a command line prompt on a computer in the cluster.

  • make an analysis directory and switch to it.
cd ../../
mkdir -p analysis/20181102.makeFigures
cd analysis/20181102.makeFigures
  • request an interactive session
sinteractive --x11 --cpus-per-task=2 --mem=64g --time=24:00:00
  • load the R 'module'
module load R
  • start R
  • Load the R script
> source("../../src/R/basicRnaSeqAnalysis.R")
  • Load the raw data, by running the main() routine, and providing the location of your base directory:
> dat <- main(baseDir = "~/data/projects/cytokineX", returnData=TRUE)
  • If you're curious what you just loaded, you can use the str() command to see what is in dat:
> str(dat)
  • Load additional data ( differential expression calls)
> dat <- main(dat, returnData=TRUE)
  • Make a basic set of figures:
> makeFigures(dat)
  • This command will make these basic figures:

    1. heatmap of variably expressed genes across all samples. hierarchicaly clustered.
    2. heatmap of correlation between transcript abundances across all pairs of samples.
    3. scatterplots of estimated transcript abundance between pairs of samples specified in rnaseq_comparisons.txt, highlighting differentially expressed genes
    4. heatmap of differentially expressed genes
  • You can also customize the figures to make them more useful. For example, if you'd like to annotate the correlation heatmap with sample properties (specified in the rnaseq_samples.txt file):

makeCorrHeatmap(dat, sampleAnnotate=c("cytokineStim"))

This will make a heatmap where the rows and columns are annotated with different colors if they were stimulated with cytokine or not.

  • By default, the plotHmap.deg() routine will show all differentially expressed genes, but you can also specify your own genes like this:
plotHmap.deg(dat, geneList = c("Jak1", "Jak2", "Jak3", "Jak4"))
  • You can also annotate the plotHmap.deg() heatmap with sample properties, just like for the correlation heatmap
plotHmap.deg(dat, sampleAnnotate=c("cytokineStim"))
  • By default, the plotHmap.deg() routine will show individual samples, but you can also show averages across groups of samples (eg, if you want to show replicate averages).
plotHmap.deg(dat, repAvg = list(unstim = c("unstim_rep1", "unstim_rep2"), gamma=c("IFNg_72h_rep1", "IFNg_72h_rep2")))
  • To add sample properties to the variable gene heatmap (made by makeVarGeneHeatmap()), you can specify what properties to show:
  • To view the figures, secure copy (scp) the whole directory to your local machine's Desktop. Open a new terminal window on your local machine and type:
scp -r biowulf:data/projects/cytokineX/analysis/basicFigures ~/Desktop

Design decisions


  • genome version. default mm10
  • annotation source/version. default ENSEMBL release 94
  • ERCC spike-ins. by default added to index. if not used in a sample, negligible contribution anyways and can always delete them.
  • gene types. default only cDNA (protein-coding genes)


Yet Another RNA-seq analysis Pipeline







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