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Release fpc-ootb 3.2.2.

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@fredvs fredvs released this 01 Oct 20:47
· 40 commits to main since this release

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fpc-ootb 3.2.2.

That release is a fork on FPC:

fpc-ootb allows to run the compiler without any installation.
Just download the release of your operating system, unzip it an run fpc-ootb(.exe).
No file added in the system, the fpc.cfg is in the directory of fpc-ootb(.exe).

Free Pascal Compiler OOTB works out of the box.

The OOTB source is based on fpc 3.2.2 official release.

With the possibility for Unix users to link libraries with so numbers, like or
This without the need to install dev package.

For FreeBSD OS, the linker ld.bsd will be used, without any tweak of your system.

Added a new macro: $FPCBINDIR means root directory of the compiler.
That macro was added in commit 44697 12/04/20 of fpc trunk.

In your fpc.cfg is allowed -Fu$FPCBINDIR/thedirectory.



The fpc.cfg file is in the directory of the compiler and will be loaded, all is already configured, no need to change or add anything.
And without any conflict with other fpc installations.
If you prefer the "classical" way, just delete fpc.cfg in the directory of the compiler-binary.

Included binary release for Windows 32/64 bit, Linux 32/64 bit, FreeBSD 64 bit and Linux ARM Rpi.
[EDIT] Added release for Linux AARCH64 Rpi.

NEW: Release OOTB-glibc255 for Linux 64 bit: with signed symbol GLIBC_2.2.5. for all glibc methods and link with ''.
This is to have binaries that run on system with older or newer version of glibc than the one on the system-compilation.

NEW: Release OOTB-glibc20 for Linux 32 bit: with signed symbol GLIBC_2.0. for all glibc methods and link with ''.
This is to have binaries that run on system with older or newer version of glibc than the one on the system-compilation.
Also fixed libc_csu_init and libc_csu_fini error at linking on last Linux distros.

NEW: Fix writing of the method and parameter names for the Variant call description .

Release based on fpc 3.2.0. are here:

Release based on fpc 3.0.5. (with last fixes of fpc 3.0.4) are here:

Have lot of fun!
