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luojiyin1987 committed Dec 27, 2023
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> - 原文地址:[The Ultimate Node.js Production Checklist](
> - 原文作者:[
Mehul Mohan
> - 译者:
> - 校对者:
> - 原文地址:[The Ultimate Node.js Production Checklist](
> - 原文作者:[Mehul Mohan](
> - 译者:[luojiyin](
> - 校对者:
![The Ultimate Node.js Production Checklist](

Are you doing this Node thing right on production? Let's see some common mistakes people make running Node on production (coming straight from my own projects - like [codedamn]( and how they can be mitigated.

You can use this as your checklist on production when you're deploying Node apps. Since this is a _production-ready-practices_ article, a lot of them won't apply when you're developing apps on your local system.

## Run node in cluster mode/separate node processes
## 以cluster(集群)模式运行/separate node进程

Remember that Node is single threaded. It can delegate a lot of things (like HTTP requests and filesystem read/writes) to the OS which handles it in a multithreaded environment. But still, the code YOU write, the application logic, always runs in a single thread.
记住,Node是单线程(single threaded)的。它可以将很多事情(如HTTP请求和文件系统的读写)委托给操作系统,由它在多线程(multithreaded)环境下处理。但是,你写的代码,即业务逻辑,仍然是在单线程中运行。

By running in a single thread, your Node process is always limited to only a single core on your machine. So if you have a server with multiple cores, you're wasting computation power running Node just once on your server.

What does "running Node just once" mean? You see, operating systems have a scheduler built into them which is responsible for how the execution of processes is distributed across the CPUs of the machine. When you run only 2 processes on a 2-core machine, the OS determines it is best to run both of the processes on separate cores to squeeze out maximum performance.
`running Node just once`是什么意思?你看,操作系统有一个内置的调度器,它负责程序进程如何在机器的CPU上分配。当你在一台双核机器上只运行2个进程时,操作系统会决定最好在不同的CPU核上分别运行这两个进程,以挤出最大的性能。

A similar thing needs to be done with Node. You have two options at this point:

1. **Run Node in cluster mode -** Cluster mode is an architecture which comes baked into Node itself. In simple words, Node forks more processes of its own and distributes load through a single master process.
2. **Run Node processes independently -** This option is slightly different from the above in the sense that you now do not have a master process controlling the child Node processes. This means that when you spawn different Node processes, they'll run completely independent of each other. No shared memory, no IPC, no communication, nada.
1. **Run Node in cluster mode -** 集群(cluster)模式是一种架构,Node本身已经支持。简单地说,Node会分叉(forks)出更多自己的进程,并通过一个主进程(master process)分配负载。
2. **Run Node processes independently -** 这个选项与上面的略有不同,因为你现在没有一个主进程来控制子Node进程。这意味着,当你产生不同的Node进程时,它们将完全独立运行。没有共享内存,没有IPC,没有通信,什么都没有。

According to a [stackoverflow answer](, the latter (point 2) performs far better than the former (point 1) but is a little tricker to setup.
根据[stackoverflow answer](, 后者(选择 2) 的性能好得多,比(选择 1),但设置起来有点麻烦。

Why? Because in a Node app, not only is there application logic, but almost always when you're setting up servers in Node code you need to bind ports. And a single application codebase cannot bind the same port twice on the same OS.

This problem is, however, easily fixable. Environment variables, Docker containers, NGiNX frontend proxy, and so on are some of the solutions for this.
然而,这个问题是很容易解决的。环境变量、Docker容器、NGiNX前端代理(frontend proxy)等等都是这方面的一些解决方案。

## Rate Limiting your endpoints
## 限制你的接入点(endpoints)速率

Let's face it. Not everybody in the world has best intentions for your architecture. Sure, attacks like DDoS are simply very complicated to mitigate, and even giants like GitHub go down when something like that happens.

But the least you can do is prevent a script-kiddie from taking down your server just because you have an expensive API endpoint exposed from your server without any rate-limiting in place.

If you use Express with Node, there are 2 beautiful packages which work seamlessly together to rate limit traffic on Layer 7:

1. Express Rate Limit - [](
2. Express Slow Down - [](
1. Express Rate Limit - [](
2. Express Slow Down - [](

Express Slow Down actually adds incremental delay to your requests instead of dropping them. This way legit users, if they DDoS by accident (super activity of clicking buttons here and there), are simply slowed down and are not rate limited.
Express Slow Down实际上是给你的请求慢慢增加的响应延迟,而不是丢弃它们。这样一来,如果合法用户不小心DDoS了(在这里和那里点击按钮的超级活动),他们只是被减慢了速度,而不会被限制速率。

On the other hand, if there's a script-kiddie running scripts to take down the server, Express rate limiter monitors and rate limits that particular user, depending on the user IP, user account, or anything else you want.

Rate limiting could (should!) be applied on Layer 4 as well (Layer 4 means blocking traffic before discovering the contents of it - HTTP) through IP address. If you want, you can setup an NGiNX rule which blocks traffic on layer 4 and rejects the flood of traffic coming from a single IP, thus saving your server processes from overwhelming.
速率限制也可以(应该!)通过IP地址应用在第4层(第4层意味着在发现内容之前阻止流量 - HTTP)。如果你愿意,你可以设置一个NGiNX规则,在第4层拦截流量,拒绝来自一个IP的流量,从而使你的服务器进程不至于不堪重负。

## Use a frontend server for SSL termination
## 使用前端服务器(frontend server)使用SSL

Node provides out of the box support for SSL handshakes with the browser using the `https` server module combined with the required SSL certs.

But let's be honest here, your application should not be concerned with SSL in the first place anyway. This is not something the application logic should do. Your Node code should only be responsible for what happens with the request, not the pre-processing and post-processing of data coming in and out of your server.

SSL termination refers to converting traffic from HTTPS to HTTP. And there are much better tools available than Node for that. I recommend NGiNX or HAProxy for it. Both have free versions available which get the job done and offload SSL termination from Node.
SSL终止(SSL termination)是指将流量从HTTPS转换为HTTP。在这方面,有比Node更好的工具可用。我推荐NGiNX或HAProxy。两者都有免费版本,可以完成工作,Node不用处理SSL问题。

## Use a frontend server for static file serving
## 使用前端服务器(frontend server)来提供静态文件服务

Again, instead of using built in methods like `express.static` to serve static files, use frontend reverse proxy servers like NGiNX to serve static files from disk.

First of all, NGiNX can do that faster than Node (because it is built from scratch down to do only that). But it also offloads file serving from a single-threaded Node process which could use its clock cycles on something better.

Not only this – frontend proxy servers like NGiNX can also help you deliver content faster using GZIP compression. You can also set expiry headers, cache data, and much more, which is not something we should expect Node to do (however, Node can still do it).

## Configure error handling
## 配置错误处理

Proper error handling can save you from hours of debugging and trying to reproduce difficult bugs. On server, it is especially easy to setup architecture for error handling because you're the one running it. I recommend tools like [Sentry]( with Node which records, reports, and emails you whenever the server crashes due to an error in the source code.

Once that is in place, now it is time to restart the server when it crashes so the whole site doesn't just go down for hours until you manually take it up again.

For this, you can use a process manager like [PM2]( Or even better, use a dockerized container environment with policies like `restart: always` with proper memory and disk limits setup.
为此,你可以使用像[PM2](,这样的进程管理器。或者更好的是,使用一个docker化的容器环境,使用诸如`restart: always`的策略,并设置适当的内存和磁盘限制。

Docker setup ensures that even if your container runs in OME, the process spins up again (which might not happen on a PM2 environment, as the OS might kill PM2 if there's a memory leak somewhere in a running process).

## Configure logs properly
## 正确配置日志

All the answers lie in logs. Server hacks, server crashes, suspicious user behavior, etc. For that, you have to make sure that:

1. Each and every request attempt is logged with the IP address/method of request/path accessed, basically as much information as you can log (except for private information like passwords and credit card information, of course)
2. This can be achieved through the [morgan]( package
3. Setup **file stream logs** on production instead of console output. This is faster, easier to see and allows you to export logs to online log viewing services.
4. Not all log messages have equal weight. Some logs are just there for debugging, while if some are present, it might indicate a pants-on-fire situation (like a server hack or unauthorized access). Use winston-logger for logging different levels of logs.
5. Setup **log rotation** so that you don't get a log size in GBs after a month or so, when you see the server.
6. **GZIP** your log files after rotation. Text is cheap, and is highly compressible and easy to store. You should never face problem with text logs as long as they are compressed and you're running a server with a decent disk space (25GB+).
1. 每一个请求尝试都会被记录下来,包括IP地址/请求方式/访问路径,基本上可以记录尽可能多的信息(当然,密码和信用卡信息等私人信息除外)
2. 这可以通过[morgan](软件包实现。
3. 在生产中设置**文件流日志(file stream logs**,而不是控制台输出。这更快,更容易看到,并允许你将日志导出到在线日志查看服务。
4. 不是所有的日志信息都有同等的权重。有些日志只是用来调试的,而如果有些日志出现了,则可能预示着出现了裤衩的情况(比如服务器被黑或未经授权的访问)。使用winston-logger来记录不同级别的日志。
5. 设置**日志轮换(log rotation**,这样你就不会在一个月左右后看到服务器的日志大小为GB。
6. 在轮换(rotation)之后,**GZIP**你的日志文件。文本系统开销少(Text is cheap),而且可压缩性高,容易存储。只要文本日志被压缩了,而且你运行的服务器有相当大的磁盘空间(25GB以上),你就不应该面临文本日志的问题。

## Conclusion
## 结语

It is easy to take note of a few practices in production which could save you tears and hours of debugging later on. Make sure you follow these best practices and let me know what you think by saying Hi on my [twitter handle](

If you liked this article, let's meet on social media. Here's my [Instagram]( and [Twitter]( I'm super active, and would love to have a chat! Let's connect.


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