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fbc: string*n intialization
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fixed: Copy back string*N passed as argument to zstring parameters

- arguments of STRING*N type are copied to a temporary variable when passed to BYVAL ZSTRING PTR and BYREF ZSTRING parameters (since there is no expectaction that STRING*N will have it's own terminating null character) and copied back after the call
- tests added

fixed: Initialize UDT fields with spaces

changed: Improve on initialization of Types and Unions:

- unions containing STRING*N fields will initialize to spaces if the first field
  is a STRING*N type, otherwise will initialize to zero
- internal: types containing only STRING*N fields or child types containing
  only STRING*N fields will initialize to spaces using a memory fill operation,
  and where other data types are present will induce the creation of an
  implicit constructor


fields that can be zeroed or filled during the composition of a UDT.
This allows making decisions about how a field can be initialized.
Arguably not the most efficient method to track this information and
perhaps later we should add to FBS_STRUCT to make decision if it
is more efficient to generate an implicit constructor or inline
assignments even for non-zero and initialized fields.
  • Loading branch information
jayrm committed Mar 3, 2024
1 parent ff47d60 commit 447490a
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Showing 10 changed files with 195 additions and 18 deletions.
6 changes: 4 additions & 2 deletions changelog.txt
Expand Up @@ -12,10 +12,12 @@ Version 1.20.0
- rtlib: optimize string concatenation reallocations: do not reallocate to smaller memory buffer if the contents are to be preserved
- limit WSTRING*N, ZSTRING*N, STRING*N types to 2^31-1 and show an 'invalid size' error if the size given is less than 1 or greater than the limit
- STRING*N occupies N bytes in memory, pads the variable / field with spaces, and does not automatically append a terminating null character
- STRING*N variables and fields are initialized to spaces by default
- STRING*N variables and type fields are initialized to spaces by default
- internal: types containing only STRING*N fields or child types containing only STRING*N fields will initialize to spaces using a memory fill operation, and where other data types are present will induce the creation of an implicit constructor
- unions containing STRING*N fields will initialize to spaces if the first field is a STRING*N type, otherwise will initialize to zero
- LEN(STRING*N) = SIZEOF(STRING*N) due to padding and no null terminator
- STRING*N/SWAP: swap will pad values with spaces where one of the arguments is of the STRING*N data type
- STRING*N is copied to a temporary variable when passed to ZSTRING PTR parameters since there is no expectaction that STRING*N will have it's own terminating null character
- arguments of STRING*N type are copied to a temporary variable when passed to BYVAL ZSTRING PTR and BYREF ZSTRING parameters (since there is no expectaction that STRING*N will have it's own terminating null character) and copied back after the call

- x86_64: optimize SHL MOD INTDIV to use 32-bit operation when result will be converted to long/ulong
Expand Down
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions src/compiler/ast-node-arg.bas
Expand Up @@ -944,10 +944,10 @@ private function hCheckParam _
'' if it's a wstring param, convert..
n->l = rtlToStr( n->l, FALSE )
'' if it's a fxied length string, make a copy
'' if it's a fixed length string, make a copy
'' because STRING*N is not guaranteed to have
'' a null terminator
n->l = hAllocTempString( parent, n->l, FALSE )
n->l = hAllocTempString( parent, n->l, TRUE )
end select

'' wstring ptr / wstring?
Expand Down
15 changes: 13 additions & 2 deletions src/compiler/ast-node-decl.bas
Expand Up @@ -79,10 +79,21 @@ private function hDefaultInit( byval sym as FBSYMBOL ptr ) as ASTNODE ptr
exit function
end if

select case symbGetType( sym )

'' fixed string? initialize to spaces
if( symbGetType( sym ) = FB_DATATYPE_FIXSTR ) then
fillchar = 32
end if

'' UDT containing only fixed length string?
'' optimize to a memory fill instead of implicit constructor
if( symbGetUDTHasFilledField( sym->subtype ) ) then
fillchar = 32
end if

end select

function = astNewMEM( AST_OP_MEMFILL, astNewVAR( sym ), _
astNewCONSTi( symbGetSizeOf( sym ) _
Expand Down
3 changes: 2 additions & 1 deletion src/compiler/ast-node-proc.bas
Expand Up @@ -996,7 +996,8 @@ private function hCallFieldCtor _
function = astNewMEM( AST_OP_MEMFILL, _
astBuildVarField( this_, fld ), _
astNewCONSTi( symbGetRealSize( fld ) ) )
astNewCONSTi( symbGetRealSize( fld ) ), _
0, iif( (symbGetType( fld ) = FB_DATATYPE_FIXSTR), 32, 0 ) )
end if
end function

Expand Down
45 changes: 45 additions & 0 deletions src/compiler/symb-struct.bas
Expand Up @@ -472,6 +472,7 @@ function symbAddField _
symbSetUDTHasDtorField( parent )
symbSetUDTHasPtrField( parent )
end if
symbSetUDTHasZeroedField( parent )
select case( typeGetDtAndPtrOnly( dtype ) )
'' var-len string fields? must add a ctor, copyctor and dtor
Expand All @@ -484,6 +485,7 @@ function symbAddField _
symbSetUDTHasDtorField( parent )
symbSetUDTHasPtrField( parent )
end if
symbSetUDTHasZeroedField( parent )

'' struct with a ctor or dtor? must add a ctor or dtor too
Expand All @@ -493,6 +495,18 @@ function symbAddField _
symbSetUDTHasPtrField( base_parent )
end if

'' Let the FB_UDTOPT_HASFILLEDFIELD flag propagate up to the
'' parent if this field has it.
if( symbGetUDTHasFilledField( subtype ) ) then
symbSetUDTHasFilledField( base_parent )
end if

'' Let the FB_UDTOPT_HASZEROEDFIELD flag propagate up to the
'' parent if this field has it.
if( symbGetUDTHasZeroedField( subtype ) ) then
symbSetUDTHasZeroedField( base_parent )
end if

if( symbGetCompCtorHead( subtype ) ) then
'' not allowed inside unions or anonymous nested structs/unions
if( symbGetUDTIsUnionOrAnon( parent ) ) then
Expand All @@ -511,6 +525,28 @@ function symbAddField _
end if
end if

'' only the first field in a UNION can decide if it will be zeroed or filled
if( symbGetUDTIsUnion( parent ) ) then
if( (symbGetUDTHasFilledField( parent ) = FALSE) andalso _
(symbGetUDTHasZeroedField( parent ) = FALSE) ) then
symbSetUDTHasFilledField( parent )
end if
symbSetUDTHasFilledField( parent )
end if

case else
'' only the first field in a UNION can decide if it will be zeroed or filled
if( symbGetUDTIsUnion( parent ) ) then
if( (symbGetUDTHasFilledField( parent ) = FALSE) andalso _
(symbGetUDTHasZeroedField( parent ) = FALSE) ) then
symbSetUDTHasZeroedField( parent )
end if
symbSetUDTHasZeroedField( parent )
end if

end select
end if

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -915,6 +951,15 @@ sub symbStructEnd _
end if
end if

'' Zeroed fields and Filled fields are incompatible since
'' we expect to only use a single memory zero/fill operation
if( symbGetUDTHasZeroedField( sym ) andalso symbGetUDTHasFilledField( sym ) ) then
'' handle through implicit constructor
symbSetUDTHasInitedField( sym )
sym->udt.options and= not FB_UDTOPT_HASFILLEDFIELD
end if

'' Declare implicit members (but don't implement them yet)
symbUdtDeclareDefaultMembers( defaultmembers, sym, mode )

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8 changes: 8 additions & 0 deletions src/compiler/
Expand Up @@ -493,6 +493,8 @@ enum FB_UDTOPT
end enum

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -2389,6 +2391,12 @@ declare function symbGetWstrLength( byval sym as FBSYMBOL ptr ) as longint
#define symbSetUdtHasNested( s ) (s)->udt.options or= FB_UDTOPT_HASNESTED
#define symbGetUdtHasNested( s ) (((s)->udt.options and FB_UDTOPT_HASNESTED) <> 0)

#define symbSetUDTHasZeroedField( s ) (s)->udt.options or= FB_UDTOPT_HASZEROEDFIELD
#define symbGetUDTHasZeroedField( s ) (((s)->udt.options and FB_UDTOPT_HASZEROEDFIELD) <> 0)

#define symbSetUDTHasFilledField( s ) (s)->udt.options or= FB_UDTOPT_HASFILLEDFIELD
#define symbGetUDTHasFilledField( s ) (((s)->udt.options and FB_UDTOPT_HASFILLEDFIELD) <> 0)

#define symbGetUDTIsUnionOrAnon(s) (((s)->udt.options and (FB_UDTOPT_ISUNION or FB_UDTOPT_ISANON)) <> 0)

#define symbGetUDTAlign(s) s->udt.align
Expand Down
11 changes: 11 additions & 0 deletions tests/dim/string_init.bas
Expand Up @@ -12,8 +12,19 @@ SUITE( fbc_tests.dim_.string_init )
TEST( fixedLength )
dim as string * 5 s1 = "test"
dim s2 as string * 5 = "test"

dim s3 as string * 5 = ""
dim as string * 5 s4 = ""

dim s5 as string * 5
dim as string * 5 s6

CU_ASSERT( s1 = "test " )
CU_ASSERT( s2 = "test " )
CU_ASSERT( s3 = space( 5 ) )
CU_ASSERT( s4 = space( 5 ) )
CU_ASSERT( s5 = space( 5 ) )
CU_ASSERT( s6 = space( 5 ) )

33 changes: 33 additions & 0 deletions tests/functions/param-string-copyback.bas
Expand Up @@ -43,6 +43,39 @@ SUITE( fbc_tests.functions.param_string_copyback )
end namespace

namespace ns1z
sub chk_byval_zstring_copyback( byval s as zstring ptr )
*s = ucase( *s )
end sub

sub chk_byref_zstring_copyback( byref s as zstring )
s = ucase( s )
end sub

TEST( simple_zstring )
dim s as string
dim f as string * 3
dim z as zstring * 3+1
dim w as wstring * 3+1
dim pz as zstring ptr = @z
dim pw as wstring ptr = @w

s = "var" : chk_byval_zstring_copyback( s ) : CU_ASSERT( s = "VAR" ) '' copyback
f = "fix" : chk_byval_zstring_copyback( f ) : CU_ASSERT( f = "FIX" ) '' copyback
z = "zer" : chk_byval_zstring_copyback( z ) : CU_ASSERT( z = "ZER" ) '' copyback
z = "zer" : chk_byval_zstring_copyback( *pz ) : CU_ASSERT( z = "ZER" ) '' copyback
w = "foo" : chk_byval_zstring_copyback( w ) : CU_ASSERT( w = "foo" ) '' no copyback
w = "foo" : chk_byval_zstring_copyback( *pw ) : CU_ASSERT( w = "foo" ) '' no copyback

s = "var" : chk_byref_zstring_copyback( s ) : CU_ASSERT( s = "VAR" ) '' copyback
f = "fix" : chk_byref_zstring_copyback( f ) : CU_ASSERT( f = "FIX" ) '' copyback
z = "zer" : chk_byref_zstring_copyback( z ) : CU_ASSERT( z = "ZER" ) '' copyback
z = "zer" : chk_byref_zstring_copyback( *pz ) : CU_ASSERT( z = "ZER" ) '' copyback
w = "foo" : chk_byref_zstring_copyback( w ) : CU_ASSERT( w = "foo" ) '' no copyback
w = "foo" : chk_byref_zstring_copyback( *pw ) : CU_ASSERT( w = "foo" ) '' no copyback
end namespace

namespace ns2
sub appendChars( byref s as string, byval n as integer )
CU_ASSERT( rtrim(s) = "a" )
Expand Down
20 changes: 12 additions & 8 deletions tests/quirk/len-sizeof.bas
Expand Up @@ -28,9 +28,6 @@ SUITE( fbc_tests.quirk.len_sizeof )
CU_ASSERT( len( string( 3, "a" ) ) = 3 ) '' Relies on disambiguation from len(string) via the '(' in 'string('
CU_ASSERT( len( (string( 3, "a" )) ) = 3 ) '' Not ambiguous

'' FIXSTRs are somewhat of an exception though,
'' len() returns the sizeof()-1 (-1 for the implicit null terminator),
'' i.e. the N from STRING * N, not the length of the stored string data.
dim fstr as string * 31
CU_ASSERT( len( fstr ) = 31 )
CU_ASSERT( sizeof( fstr ) = 31 )
Expand All @@ -49,14 +46,21 @@ SUITE( fbc_tests.quirk.len_sizeof )
CU_ASSERT( len( wstr( "1234567" ) ) = 7 )
CU_ASSERT( sizeof( wstr( "1234567" ) ) = 8 * sizeof( wstring ) )

type UDT
'' mixing of zstring*N and string*N in the same type
'' induces the creation of an implicit constructor
'' so we can't scope one UDT here that contains both

type UDTZ
zstr as zstring * len( STRCONST ) + 1
fstr as string * len( STRCONST )
end type

dim x as UDT
dim x as UDTZ
CU_ASSERT( sizeof( x.zstr ) = len( STRCONST ) + 1 )
CU_ASSERT( len( x.fstr ) = len( STRCONST ) )

type UDTF
fstr as string * len( STRCONST )
end type
dim y as UDTF
CU_ASSERT( len( y.fstr ) = len( STRCONST ) )

namespace ns
Expand Down
68 changes: 65 additions & 3 deletions tests/structs/field-init.bas
Expand Up @@ -35,6 +35,68 @@ SUITE( fbc_tests.structs.field_init )

TEST_GROUP( fixedstrings )
type T1
as string * 10 a
end type

type T2
as string * 10 a = ""
end type

type T3
as string * 10 a = "abc"
end type

type T4
as zstring * 2 a1
as string * 3 a2
as zstring * 4 a3
as string * 5 a4
as zstring * 6 a5
end type

union U1
c(0 to 9) as ubyte
f as string * 10
end union

union U2
f as string * 10
c(0 to 9) as ubyte
end union

TEST( default )
dim x1 as T1
CU_ASSERT( x1.a = space( 10 ) )
print asc( x1.a, 0 )

dim x2 as T2
CU_ASSERT( x2.a = space( 10 ) )

dim x3 as T3
CU_ASSERT( x3.a = "abc " )

dim x4 as T4
CU_ASSERT( x4.a1 = "" )
CU_ASSERT( x4.a2 = space(3) )
CU_ASSERT( x4.a3 = "" )
CU_ASSERT( x4.a4 = space(5) )
CU_ASSERT( x4.a5 = "" )

dim x5 as U1 '' first field is byte array
CU_ASSERT( x5.c(0) = 0 )
CU_ASSERT( x5.c(9) = 0 )
CU_ASSERT( x5.f = string(10, 0) )

dim x6 as U2 '' first field is fixed length string
CU_ASSERT( x6.f = string(10, 32) )
CU_ASSERT( x6.c(0) = 32 )
CU_ASSERT( x6.c(9) = 32 )


'' Complex field init
TEST_GROUP( complex )
type A
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -237,9 +299,9 @@ SUITE( fbc_tests.structs.field_init )

type foo field = 1
pad as integer
f1(0 to 2) as ubyte
f2(0 to 2) as ushort
f3(0 to 1) as uinteger
f1(0 to 2) as ubyte
f2(0 to 2) as ushort
f3(0 to 1) as uinteger
end type

type bar field = 1
Expand Down

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