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Poly is a polyglot web programming language that will eventually be able to compile to HTML, CSS, and JS, as well as run in an interpreted context. By supporting and optimizing across these three disparate languages, Poly hopes to foster truly extensible language features and developer tools that can take advantage of the full frontend stack simultaneously.

Poly is still in extremely formative stages. The main code can be found in the lib/ directory.


To test and run the Poly REPL, ES6 modules must be enabled. In the latest version of Chrome, this can be done by visiting chrome://flags and enabling "Experimental JavaScript."

Start a local webserver in this root directory. This can be done simply with python -m SimpleHTTPServer. Visit the localhost page at index.html to view the test runner, or repl.html to view the Poly REPL. (ES6 modules need to be loaded in a webserver; viewing the files with file://... will cause a CORS exception).

Language specification

At this early of a stage, the language specification has not been finalized. Browse through files that end in _test.js in the lib/ directory for examples of valid Poly code. Good examples of test files to browse through include

  • lib/type/type_test.js
  • lib/parser/parser_test.js
  • lib/intermediate_representation/ir_test.js


The polyglot web programming language






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