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SDW test scenario: Large Datasets

Kevin O'Gorman edited this page Jul 9, 2024 · 1 revision

SDW Test Scenario: Export and Print


  • server is available and contains large source test dataset (256 sources, submission sizes ranging from 1-500MB)
  • client data directory is empty


  • when SecureDrop desktop icon is double-clicked, preflight updater is displayed
  • After preflight updater runs, when user clicks Continue, login dialog is displayed
  • In login dialog:
    • valid credentials and 2FA can log in


  • after valid login:
    • the login dialog closes
    • all source data is downloaded and source list is populated
    • user can scroll to bottom of source list
    • user is prompted for GPG key access
    • submissions and replies are decrypted
    • the source list is displayed but no sources are selected by default
    • the conversation view is not populated
  • when a source is selected in source list:
    • conversation view is populated with source conversation
    • a source message containing HTML is displayed as unformatted text
    • source submissions have an active Download button
    • source submission compressed file size is displayed accurately
  • when the upper right 3-dot button is clicked:
    • a menu is displayed with a delete source account option
    • when delete source account is selected:
      • the source is deleted from the source list and the converation view is blanked
      • the source is deleted from the server and not restored on next sync
      • source submissions and messages are removed from the client's data directory
  • when a source is starred in source list, and the client is closed and reopened in Online mode:
    • the source is still starred in the source list


  • when a source is selected in the source list:
    • the reply panel is available for use and there is no message asking the user to sign in
    • a reply can be added to the conversations
    • a reply containing HTML is displayed as unformatted text
    • two replies added immediately after each other are ordered correctly



  • when Download is clicked on a submission:
    • the submission is downloaded and decrypted
    • the Download button is replaced with Print and Export options
    • the submission filename is displayed.
  • For a DOC submission:
    • when the submission filename is clicked, a disposable VM (dispVM) is started.
    • after the dispVM starts, the submission is displayed in LibreOffice
    • when LibreOffice is closed, the dispVM shuts down
  • For a PDF submission:
    • when the submission filename is clicked, a dispVM is started.
    • after the dispVM starts, the submission is displayed in evince
    • when evince is closed, the dispVM shuts down
  • For a JPEG submission:
    • when the submission filename is clicked, a dispVM is started.
    • after the dispVM starts, the submission is displayed in Image Viewer
    • when evince is closed, the dispVM shuts down


  • When Export is clicked on a 1MB submission:
    • The export flow can be completed successfully
  • When Export is clicked on a 50MB submission:
    • The export flow can be completed successfully
  • When Export is clicked on a 100MB submission:
    • The export flow can be completed successfully
  • (optional) When Export is clicked on a 500MB submission:
    • The export flow can be completed successfully
  • When the user detaches the Export USB and mounts it on another VM or computer:
    • the decrypted submissions are available in on the Export USB, in directories sd-export-<timestamp>/export_data