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Jan Nehring edited this page Sep 15, 2016 · 13 revisions


  • Install docker
  • Install docker-compose

build images

Build images for broker, mysql, and solr. Virtuoso currently uses a default image.
cd freme-docker/freme-mysql
sudo docker build -t fremeproject/freme-mysql .
cd ../freme-solr
sudo docker build -t fremeproject/freme-solr .

push images to dockerhub

Assuming that you have build the images locally and have logged in to dockerhub using docker login. Further assuming that you have write access to the organization fremeproject.

sudo docker push fremeproject/freme-broker

You can exchange fremeproject/freme-broker with other images. Your images will be uploaded to

run docker-compose

This assumes you have already cloned the freme-docker repository and build the images. From the freme-docker repository folder, execute

cd compose
sudo docker-compose up

Start containers one by one

Usually you do not need this. Docker compose will start all of them.

start MySQL

sudo docker run --name freme-mysql -e MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=root -d fremeprojecteu/freme-mysql

start virtuoso

sudo docker run --name my-virtuoso -e DBA_PASSWORD=myDbaPassword -e SPARQL_UPDATE=true -e DEFAULT_GRAPH= -v /my/path/to/the/virtuoso/db:/data -d tenforce/virtuoso

start solr

sudo docker run --name freme-solr -d-p 4002:8983 fremeprojecteu/freme-solr

start broker

sudo docker run --name freme-broker -d --link freme-mysql:mysql --link freme-solr:solr --link freme-virtuoso -p 4000:8080 fremeprojecteu/freme-broker

The broker exposes the FREME API on port 4000 of the host.

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