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reorder example #2

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298 changes: 298 additions & 0 deletions examples/e30_reorder_tab_pane.clj
@@ -0,0 +1,298 @@
(ns e30-reorder-tab-pane
(:require [cljfx.api :as fx]
[ :as])
(:import (javafx.scene.control Tab TabPane)
(java.util UUID)))

(set! *warn-on-reflection* true)

;; A reorderable :tab-pane where changes are synced up to the current context.
;; Uses immutable context style (co-effects/effects) and async events.
;; Context structure:
;; :current-tab-id is the currently focused tab (or nil)
;; :tab-id-order is a vector representing the current order of tabs (by id)
;; :tabs is a map from tab id (string) to tab, which are of the form
;; {:tab-id String
;; :title String
;; :message String}

(def *context
{:current-tab-id nil
:tab-id-order []
:tabs {}})))

;; Utils ;;

(defn ^String short-id [^String id]
(.substring id 0 3))

;; Subs ;;

(defn all-tabs-by-id [context]
{:post [(map? %)]}
(fx/sub context :tabs))

(defn tab-by-id [context tab-id]
{:pre [(string? tab-id)]
:post [((some-fn nil? map) %)]}
(-> (all-tabs-by-id context)
(get tab-id)))

(defn tab-id-order [context]
{:post [(vector? %)]}
(fx/sub context :tab-id-order))

(defn current-tab-id [context]
{:post [((some-fn nil? string?) %)]}
(fx/sub context :current-tab-id))

(defn all-tabs
"Returns a vector of all tabs in order of display"
{:post [(vector? %)]}
(let [tab-id-order (tab-id-order context)
tmap (all-tabs-by-id context)]
(into []
(mapcat (fn [tab-id]
(let [tab (get tmap tab-id)]
(when-not tab
(prn "Warning: Orphan tab in tab-id-order"
(some-> tab vector))))

(defn focused-tab [context]
{:post [((some-fn nil? map?) %)]}
(some->> (current-tab-id context)
(tab-by-id context)))

(defn focused-tab-position
([context] (focused-tab-position context (all-tabs context)))
([context tabs]
{:pre [(vector? tabs)]
:post [((some-fn nil?
(every-pred int?
(complement neg?)))
(let [focused-tab (focused-tab context)]
(->> tabs
(map-indexed vector)
(keep (fn [[idx m]]
{:pre [(int? idx)
(map? m)]
:post [((some-fn nil? int?) %)]}
(when (= (:tab-id m) (:tab-id focused-tab))

;; Events ;;

(defmulti event-handler :event/type)

(defmethod event-handler :default [m]
(println "WARNING: No handler for: " (pr-str (:event/type m))))

(defmethod event-handler ::changed-tab-pane-item
[{^Tab tab :fx/event, :keys [fx/context]}]
(when tab
(prn "::changed-tab-pane-item" (mapv (comp short-id #(.getId ^Tab %)) (-> tab .getTabPane .getTabs)))
{:context (fx/swap-context context assoc :current-tab-id (.getId tab))}))

(defmethod event-handler ::create-tab
[{:keys [fx/context]}]
(prn "::create-tab")
(let [tab-id (str (UUID/randomUUID))
tab {:tab-id tab-id
:title (short-id tab-id)
:message tab-id}]
{:context (fx/swap-context
#(-> %
(assoc-in [:tabs tab-id] tab)
(update :tab-id-order conj tab-id)
; becomes the new focus if none already
(update :current-tab-id
(fn [current-tab-id]
(or current-tab-id tab-id)))))}))

(defmethod event-handler ::close-tab
[{:keys [fx/context tab-id]}]
{:pre [(string? tab-id)]}
(let [tab (tab-by-id context tab-id)
tab-order (tab-id-order context)]
(prn "::close-tab")
{:context (fx/swap-context
(fn [state]
(-> state
(update :tabs dissoc tab-id)
(update :tab-id-order #(filterv (complement #{tab-id}) %))
((fn [{:keys [tab-id-order current-tab-id] :as state}]
(cond-> state
; if closed tab is currently in focus, refocus
(= current-tab-id tab-id)
(assoc :current-tab-id (first tab-id-order))))))))
;; release resources held by tab in an effect
;; :dispatch ... tab ...

; triggered when tabs are rearranged
(defmethod event-handler ::tabs-changed
[{tabs :fx/event :keys [fx/context]}]
(let [new-order (mapv #(.getId ^Tab %) tabs)]
(prn "::tabs-changed" (mapv short-id new-order))
{:context (fx/swap-context context assoc :tab-id-order new-order)}))

; a single tab changed, doesn't seem very useful...
(defmethod event-handler ::on-selection-changed
[{:keys [fx/context tab-id]}]
(prn "::on-selection-changed"
(short-id tab-id)))

(defmethod event-handler ::sort-tabs
[{:keys [fx/context]}]
(let [new-order (->> (tab-id-order context) sort vec)]
{:context (fx/swap-context context assoc :tab-id-order new-order)}))

(defmethod event-handler ::rerender [_] {:rerender nil})

;; Views ;;

(defn display-tab [{:keys [fx/context tab-id]}]
{:pre [(string? tab-id)]}
(let [{:keys [title message]} (get (all-tabs-by-id context) tab-id)
_ (assert (string? message))]
{:fx/type :tab
:on-selection-changed {:event/type ::on-selection-changed
:tab-id tab-id}
:on-closed {:event/type ::close-tab
:fx/sync true
:tab-id tab-id}
:id tab-id
:text title
:closable true
:content {:fx/type :label
:text message}}))

(defn tab-pane [{:keys [fx/context]}]
(let [tabs (->> (all-tabs context)
(mapv (fn [tab]
{:pre [(map? tab)]
:post [(string? (:fx/key %))]}
(-> tab
(assoc :fx/type display-tab)
(#(assoc % :fx/key (:tab-id %)))))))
focused-position (focused-tab-position context tabs)]
(prn "ntabs" (count tabs))
(prn "tabs rendered order" (mapv (comp short-id :fx/key) tabs))
(prn "focused-position" focused-position)
:props {:on-selected-item-changed {:event/type ::changed-tab-pane-item
:fx/sync true}
:selected-index (or focused-position -1)
:desc {:fx/type :tab-pane
:tab-drag-policy :reorder
:tab-closing-policy :all-tabs
:on-tabs-changed {:event/type ::tabs-changed
:fx/sync true}
;:style {:-fx-open-tab-animation "NONE" :-fx-close-tab-animation "NONE"}
:tabs tabs}}))

(defn root [{:keys [fx/context] :as m}]
(prn "root")
(let [tab-id-order (tab-id-order context)
current-tab-id (current-tab-id context)
focused-position (focused-tab-position context)]
{:fx/type :stage
:showing true
:width 960
:height 540
:scene {:fx/type :scene
:root {:fx/type :v-box
:padding 20
:spacing 20
:children [{:fx/type :h-box
:spacing 20
[{:fx/type :button
:text "Create tab..."
:on-action {:event/type ::create-tab
:fx/sync true}}
{:fx/type :button
:text "Sort tabs..."
:on-action {:event/type ::sort-tabs
:fx/sync true}}
{:fx/type :button
:text "Rerender..."
:on-action {:event/type ::rerender}}]}
{:fx/type :label
:text (str "Current tab id: "
(pr-str current-tab-id))}
{:fx/type :label
:text (str "Focused position: "
(pr-str focused-position))}
{:fx/type :label
:text (str "Current tab order: "
(binding [*print-length* nil]
(pr-str (mapv short-id tab-id-order))))}
{:fx/type tab-pane}]}}}))

;; Main app ;;

(declare app)

(defn rerender
([] (rerender (:renderer app)))
((:renderer app))

(def app
(let [this-app (atom nil)
_ (reset! this-app
:event-handler event-handler
; don't {:fx/sync true} this effect, hangs app
:effects {:rerender (fn [& args] (rerender @this-app))}
:desc-fn (fn [_]
{:fx/type root})))]

(fx/instance (fx/create-component {:fx/type :label}))
{:fx/type :stage
:showing true
:scene {:fx/type :scene
:root {:fx/type :tab-pane}}})))

{:fx/type fx/ext-many
:desc [{:fx/type :stage
:showing true}
{:fx/type :stage
:showing true}]}))
84 changes: 84 additions & 0 deletions test/cljfx/tab_pane_test.clj
@@ -0,0 +1,84 @@
(:require [clojure.test :refer :all]
[testit.core :refer :all]
[cljfx.context :as context]
[cljfx.api :as fx]
[cljfx.defaults :as defaults])
(:import (javafx.scene.control Tab TabPane)))

(def get-pane-tabs #(.getTabs ^TabPane %))
(def get-tab-id #(.getId ^Tab %))

(defn setup-handler [*context event-handler]
(-> event-handler
(defaults/fill-co-effects {} *context))
(defaults/fill-effects {} *context))

(deftest on-tabs-changed-interacts-well-with-tabs-prop
; Adds and rearranges tabs:
; 1. [] <= init
; 2. [1 2] <= advance component
; 3. [3 2 1] <= advance component
; 4. [1 2 3] <= manual .setAll
; 5. [1 2] <= manual .setAll
; 6. [1] <= manual .setAll
(= :ok
(let [*context (atom (fx/create-context
{:tab-order []}))
context-tab-order #(fx/sub @*context :tab-order)
event-handler (fn [{:keys [event/type fx/context fx/event]}]
{:pre [context]}
(case type
{:context (fx/swap-context context assoc :tab-order (mapv get-tab-id event))}))
opts {:fx.opt/map-event-handler (setup-handler *context event-handler)}
tabs-desc (mapv #(do
{:fx/type :tab
:fx/key (str %)
:id (str %)})
(range 1 4))
tab-pane-desc {:fx/type :tab-pane
:tabs []
:on-tabs-changed {:event/type ::on-tabs-changed
:fx/sync true}}
tab-order (fn [tpc] (mapv get-tab-id (get-pane-tabs (fx/instance tpc))))
tpc (fx/create-component (assoc tab-pane-desc :tabs [])
; 1.
_ (is (= []
(tab-order tpc)
tpc (fx/advance-component
(assoc tab-pane-desc :tabs (take 2 tabs-desc))
; 2.
_ (is (= ["1" "2"] (tab-order tpc)))
tpc (fx/advance-component
(assoc tab-pane-desc :tabs (reverse tabs-desc))
; 3.
_ (is (= ["3" "2" "1"] (tab-order tpc)))
^javafx.collections.ObservableList ol (get-pane-tabs (fx/instance tpc))
_ (.setAll ol ^java.util.Collection (reverse ol))
; 4.
_ (is (= ["1" "2" "3"]
(tab-order tpc)
_ (.setAll ol ^java.util.Collection (vec (take 2 ol)))
; 5.
_ (is (= ["1" "2"]
(tab-order tpc)
_ (.setAll ol ^java.util.Collection (vec (take 1 ol)))
; 6.
_ (is (= ["1"]
(tab-order tpc)