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This example project demonstrates how to create different flow configurations using DHF 5.

How to install

To try this project out using QuickStart, start with a clean MarkLogic instance - i.e. without an existing Data hub installation. Then, you can either install this project's application via QuickStart or via Gradle.

Install via QuickStart

To install via QuickStart, simply start QuickStart and browse to this project folder. Use QuickStart to initialize this project and then deploy the application.

Install via Gradle

To install via Gradle, first initialize the project:

./gradlew -i hubInit

Then modify the file and either un-comment the mlUsername and mlPassword properties and set the password for your admin user, or set the properties to a different MarkLogic user that is able to deploy applications.

Then deploy the application:

./gradlew -i mlDeploy

Next, start up QuickStart and browse to this project folder and login to QuickStart.

How to test the flows

With the application deployed, you're ready to run each of the example flows, which are:

  1. Change a URI after a mapping Custom hooks to change the URIs and delete the previous documents gradle hubRunFlow -PflowName=customHook

  2. Map additional documents Custom step and return an array of content objects. gradle hubRunFlow -PflowName=additionalDocuments

  3. Add reference data during mapping Custom step with “acceptsBatch” option gradle hubRunFlow -PflowName=acceptsBatch

  4. Run step on a documents that matches a date range Custom collector that calls a main module and returns the URIs gradle hubRunFlow -PflowName=sourceQuery-modules

  5. Mark as processed or delete staging documents Custom collector that returns URIs of processed document & customer hook to set collection to staged documents gradle hubRunFlow -PflowName=MarkAsProcessedExample

  6. Map two documents using one source document Custom hook on the following step that changes the URI of the documents processed in the previous step. gradle hubRunFlow -PflowName=mapping1to2


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