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CompoundExtrude is a tool that creates a compound extrusion of both straight and curved segments, which all stack end-to-end, and can be applied to any given 2D cross-section.

Transform-matrices can additionally be generated for any point along the compound extrusion, at any radial distance and orientation w.r.t. to the "center" of the curve (i.e. pointing out from the transform of the origin). So placing additional stuff in relation to a point along the extrusion is simple.

to install

As far as I know, you just have to put it in the appropriate OpenSCAD library directory for your platform. Either just git clone directly in there or copy the files.

  • Windows: My Documents\OpenSCAD\libraries\
  • Linux: $HOME/.local/share/OpenSCAD/libraries/
  • Mac OS X: $HOME/Documents/OpenSCAD/libraries/

Restarting OpenSCAD is probably a good idea. And use <foldername/filename.scad> using relative filepaths from the Library folder seems to work.

Also, make sure that the Library $PATH variable is set.

to use

use <compound-extrude/compound-extrude.scad>
use <compound-extrude/maths.scad> // matrix mult

// the segment configuration that will be used in these examples
  // straight segment with [length = 200]
  // curved segment with [curveR = 100, curveAng = 90, dirAng = 0]
  [100, 90, 0],
  // curved segment with [curveR = 100, curveAng = 90, dirAng = -90]
  [100, 90, -90]

To create an extrusion of a circle, with a straight section and a gentle 90° bend along the x-axis, and then another along the -y-axis:

compound_extrude(segments = SEGMENTS)
circle(r = 50);

red pipe with 200 straight segment, then a 90 degree bend in x-direction, then a 90-degree bend in negative y-direction

The first thing that compound_extrude does is to interally call summarize_segments(segments) which both validates the shape of the segments list, and also generates a summary of the segments: summary - a list with 5 elements

  1. A list of aggTransforms to the beginnings and ends of each segment. The matrix to the beginning of segment[i] is aggTransforms[i], and the matrix to the end of segment[i] is aggTransforms[i + 1], meaning that len(aggTransforms) == len(segments) + 1.
  2. A list of individual segTransforms which move the origin to the end of the segment, given that segment starts at the origin. Each segment can be thought of to have it's own local beginning origin, which is identical to the previous segment's ending origin. These individual segTransforms can be multiplied together in the correct order to generate the aggTransforms from summary[0].
  3. aggSegLengths, a list of the aggregated lengths before and after each segment (like for aggTransforms, we have that len(aggSegLengths) == len(segments) + 1)
  4. segLengths, a list of the lengths of each individual segment
  5. the input segments themseleves (dirty but useful)

compound_extrude then applies the transforms to help generate the compound extrusion.

Use the summary

The summary can be generated separately using

// generate the summary
summary = summarize_segments(segments = SEGMENTS);

// generally useful
module Tz (z) {
  translate(v = [0, 0, z])children();

// something that can be placed alongsed the extrusion
module wart () {
  Tz(z = 40)
  union() {
    difference() {
      sphere(r = 40);
      Tz(z = 100)cube(size = 200, center = true);
    color("black")sphere(r = 15);
    Tz(z = 20)color("white")sphere(r = 10);

Now using the summary, we can place some warts on the extrusion

  union() {
    compound_extrude(segments = SEGMENTS)
    circle(r = 50);
    multmatrix(m = calc_normal_placement_mat(
      summary = summary,
      totLength = 130,
      offset = 50,
      dirAng = 230
    multmatrix(m = calc_normal_placement_mat(
      summary = summary,
      totLength = 360,
      offset = 50,
      dirAng = 170

same pipe as example 1, but with two warts place on the outside of the extrusion


And then there is more stuff. Any 2D cross-section works, not just a circle, and you can modify the summary[0] == aggTransforms

  zTran = 50;
  zTranMat = [
    [1, 0, 0, 0],
    [0, 1, 0, 0],
    [0, 0, 1, zTran],
    [0, 0, 0, 1],
  modifiedSummary = [
      mat4_mult_mat4(zTranMat, summary[0][1]), // z + 50
      mat4_mult_mat4(zTranMat, summary[0][2]), // z + 50
      mat4_mult_mat4(zTranMat, summary[0][3])  // z + 50
    summary[1], summary[2], summary[3], summary[4],

  union() {
      segments = SEGMENTS,
      summary = modifiedSummary
    circle(r = 50);
    multmatrix(m = calc_normal_placement_mat(
      summary = modifiedSummary,
      totLength = 130,
      offset = 50,
      dirAng = 230
    multmatrix(m = calc_normal_placement_mat(
      summary = modifiedSummary,
      totLength = 360,
      offset = 50,
      dirAng = 170

same pipe as example 2, but the last two segments and the second wart have all been translated z + 50

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