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646 lines (488 loc) · 42.7 KB

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646 lines (488 loc) · 42.7 KB


All URIs are relative to /v1

Method HTTP request Description
identifications_categories_get GET /identifications/categories Identification Categories
identifications_get GET /identifications Identification Search
identifications_id_delete DELETE /identifications/{id} Identification Delete
identifications_id_get GET /identifications/{id} Identification Details
identifications_id_put PUT /identifications/{id} Identification Update
identifications_identifiers_get GET /identifications/identifiers Identification Identifiers
identifications_observers_get GET /identifications/observers Identification Observers
identifications_post POST /identifications Identification Create
identifications_recent_taxa_get GET /identifications/recent_taxa Identification Recent Taxa
identifications_similar_species_get GET /identifications/similar_species Identification Similar Species
identifications_species_counts_get GET /identifications/species_counts Identification Species Counts


identifications_categories_get(current_taxon, own_observation, is_change, taxon_active, observation_taxon_active, id, rank, observation_rank, user_id, user_login, current, category, place_id, quality_grade, taxon_id, observation_taxon_id, iconic_taxon_id, observation_iconic_taxon_id, lrank, hrank, observation_lrank, observation_hrank, without_taxon_id, without_observation_taxon_id, d1, d2, observation_created_d1, observation_created_d2, observed_d1, observed_d2, id_above, id_below, page, per_page, order, order_by, only_id) Identification Categories

Given zero to many of following parameters, return counts of the categories of identifications matching the search criteria


Name Type Description Required Notes
current_taxon Option<bool> ID's taxon is the same it's observation's taxon
own_observation Option<bool> ID was added by the observer
is_change Option<bool> ID was created as a results of a taxon change
taxon_active Option<bool> ID's taxon is currently an active taxon
observation_taxon_active Option<bool> Observation's taxon is currently an active taxon
id Option<Vec> Identification ID
rank Option<Vec> ID's taxon must have this rank
observation_rank Option<Vec> Observation's taxon must have this rank
user_id Option<Vec> Identifier must have this user ID
user_login Option<Vec> Identifier must have this login
current Option<bool> Most recent ID on a observation by a user [default to true]
category Option<Vec> Type of identification
place_id Option<Vec> Observation must occur in this place
quality_grade Option<Vec> Observation must have this quality grade
taxon_id Option<Vec> ID taxa must match the given taxa or their descendants
observation_taxon_id Option<Vec> Observation taxa must match the given taxa or their descendants
iconic_taxon_id Option<Vec> ID iconic taxon ID
observation_iconic_taxon_id Option<Vec> Observation iconic taxon ID
lrank Option<String> ID taxon must have this rank or higher
hrank Option<String> ID taxon must have this rank or lower
observation_lrank Option<String> Observation taxon must have this rank or higher
observation_hrank Option<String> Observation taxon must have this rank or lower
without_taxon_id Option<Vec> Exclude IDs of these taxa and their descendants
without_observation_taxon_id Option<Vec> Exclude IDs of observations of these taxa and their descendants
d1 Option<String> ID created on or after this time
d2 Option<String> ID created on or before this time
observation_created_d1 Option<String> Observation created on or after this date
observation_created_d2 Option<String> Observation created on or before this date
observed_d1 Option<String> Observation observed on or after this date
observed_d2 Option<String> Observation observed on or before this date
id_above Option<String> Must have an ID above this value
id_below Option<String> Must have an ID below this value
page Option<String> Pagination page number
per_page Option<String> Number of results to return in a page. The maximum value is generally 200 unless otherwise noted
order Option<String> Sort order [default to desc]
order_by Option<String> Sort field [default to created_at]
only_id Option<bool> Return only the record IDs

Return type

(empty response body)


No authorization required

HTTP request headers

  • Content-Type: Not defined
  • Accept: Not defined

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identifications_get(current_taxon, own_observation, is_change, taxon_active, observation_taxon_active, id, rank, observation_rank, user_id, user_login, current, category, place_id, quality_grade, taxon_id, observation_taxon_id, iconic_taxon_id, observation_iconic_taxon_id, lrank, hrank, observation_lrank, observation_hrank, without_taxon_id, without_observation_taxon_id, d1, d2, observation_created_d1, observation_created_d2, observed_d1, observed_d2, id_above, id_below, page, per_page, order, order_by, only_id) Identification Search

Given zero to many of following parameters, returns identifications matching the search criteria


Name Type Description Required Notes
current_taxon Option<bool> ID's taxon is the same it's observation's taxon
own_observation Option<bool> ID was added by the observer
is_change Option<bool> ID was created as a results of a taxon change
taxon_active Option<bool> ID's taxon is currently an active taxon
observation_taxon_active Option<bool> Observation's taxon is currently an active taxon
id Option<Vec> Identification ID
rank Option<Vec> ID's taxon must have this rank
observation_rank Option<Vec> Observation's taxon must have this rank
user_id Option<Vec> Identifier must have this user ID
user_login Option<Vec> Identifier must have this login
current Option<bool> Most recent ID on a observation by a user [default to true]
category Option<Vec> Type of identification
place_id Option<Vec> Observation must occur in this place
quality_grade Option<Vec> Observation must have this quality grade
taxon_id Option<Vec> ID taxa must match the given taxa or their descendants
observation_taxon_id Option<Vec> Observation taxa must match the given taxa or their descendants
iconic_taxon_id Option<Vec> ID iconic taxon ID
observation_iconic_taxon_id Option<Vec> Observation iconic taxon ID
lrank Option<String> ID taxon must have this rank or higher
hrank Option<String> ID taxon must have this rank or lower
observation_lrank Option<String> Observation taxon must have this rank or higher
observation_hrank Option<String> Observation taxon must have this rank or lower
without_taxon_id Option<Vec> Exclude IDs of these taxa and their descendants
without_observation_taxon_id Option<Vec> Exclude IDs of observations of these taxa and their descendants
d1 Option<String> ID created on or after this time
d2 Option<String> ID created on or before this time
observation_created_d1 Option<String> Observation created on or after this date
observation_created_d2 Option<String> Observation created on or before this date
observed_d1 Option<String> Observation observed on or after this date
observed_d2 Option<String> Observation observed on or before this date
id_above Option<String> Must have an ID above this value
id_below Option<String> Must have an ID below this value
page Option<String> Pagination page number
per_page Option<String> Number of results to return in a page. The maximum value is generally 200 unless otherwise noted
order Option<String> Sort order [default to desc]
order_by Option<String> Sort field [default to created_at]
only_id Option<bool> Return only the record IDs

Return type

(empty response body)


No authorization required

HTTP request headers

  • Content-Type: Not defined
  • Accept: Not defined

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identifications_id_delete(id) Identification Delete

Delete an identification. See description of `PUT /identifications/{id} for notes on withdrawing and restoring identifications.


Name Type Description Required Notes
id i32 ID of the record [required]

Return type

(empty response body)



HTTP request headers

  • Content-Type: Not defined
  • Accept: Not defined

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identifications_id_get(id) Identification Details

Given an ID, or an array of IDs in comma-delimited format, returns corresponding identifications. A maximum of 30 results will be returned


Name Type Description Required Notes
id Vec Must have this ID [required]

Return type

(empty response body)


No authorization required

HTTP request headers

  • Content-Type: Not defined
  • Accept: Not defined

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identifications_id_put(id, body) Identification Update

Update an identification. Note that to "withdraw" an observation you send a PUT request to this endpoint and set the current attribute to false. To "restore" it you do the same but set current to true. Only one identification by a given user can be current for a given observation, so if you "restore" one all the other identifications by the authenticated user for the given observation will be withdrawn.


Name Type Description Required Notes
id i32 ID of the record [required]
body Option<PostIdentification> Identification object

Return type

(empty response body)



HTTP request headers

  • Content-Type: application/json
  • Accept: Not defined

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crate::models::UserCountsResponse identifications_identifiers_get(current_taxon, own_observation, is_change, taxon_active, observation_taxon_active, id, rank, observation_rank, user_id, user_login, current, category, place_id, quality_grade, taxon_id, observation_taxon_id, iconic_taxon_id, observation_iconic_taxon_id, lrank, hrank, observation_lrank, observation_hrank, without_taxon_id, without_observation_taxon_id, d1, d2, observation_created_d1, observation_created_d2, observed_d1, observed_d2, id_above, id_below, page, per_page, order, order_by, only_id) Identification Identifiers

Given zero to many of following parameters, returns creators of identifications matching the search criteria and the count of matching identifications, ordered by count descending


Name Type Description Required Notes
current_taxon Option<bool> ID's taxon is the same it's observation's taxon
own_observation Option<bool> ID was added by the observer
is_change Option<bool> ID was created as a results of a taxon change
taxon_active Option<bool> ID's taxon is currently an active taxon
observation_taxon_active Option<bool> Observation's taxon is currently an active taxon
id Option<Vec> Identification ID
rank Option<Vec> ID's taxon must have this rank
observation_rank Option<Vec> Observation's taxon must have this rank
user_id Option<Vec> Identifier must have this user ID
user_login Option<Vec> Identifier must have this login
current Option<bool> Most recent ID on a observation by a user [default to true]
category Option<Vec> Type of identification
place_id Option<Vec> Observation must occur in this place
quality_grade Option<Vec> Observation must have this quality grade
taxon_id Option<Vec> ID taxa must match the given taxa or their descendants
observation_taxon_id Option<Vec> Observation taxa must match the given taxa or their descendants
iconic_taxon_id Option<Vec> ID iconic taxon ID
observation_iconic_taxon_id Option<Vec> Observation iconic taxon ID
lrank Option<String> ID taxon must have this rank or higher
hrank Option<String> ID taxon must have this rank or lower
observation_lrank Option<String> Observation taxon must have this rank or higher
observation_hrank Option<String> Observation taxon must have this rank or lower
without_taxon_id Option<Vec> Exclude IDs of these taxa and their descendants
without_observation_taxon_id Option<Vec> Exclude IDs of observations of these taxa and their descendants
d1 Option<String> ID created on or after this time
d2 Option<String> ID created on or before this time
observation_created_d1 Option<String> Observation created on or after this date
observation_created_d2 Option<String> Observation created on or before this date
observed_d1 Option<String> Observation observed on or after this date
observed_d2 Option<String> Observation observed on or before this date
id_above Option<String> Must have an ID above this value
id_below Option<String> Must have an ID below this value
page Option<String> Pagination page number
per_page Option<String> Number of results to return in a page. The maximum value is generally 200 unless otherwise noted
order Option<String> Sort order [default to desc]
order_by Option<String> Sort field [default to created_at]
only_id Option<bool> Return only the record IDs

Return type



No authorization required

HTTP request headers

  • Content-Type: Not defined
  • Accept: application/json

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crate::models::UserCountsResponse identifications_observers_get(current_taxon, own_observation, is_change, taxon_active, observation_taxon_active, id, rank, observation_rank, user_id, user_login, current, category, place_id, quality_grade, taxon_id, observation_taxon_id, iconic_taxon_id, observation_iconic_taxon_id, lrank, hrank, observation_lrank, observation_hrank, without_taxon_id, without_observation_taxon_id, d1, d2, observation_created_d1, observation_created_d2, observed_d1, observed_d2, id_above, id_below, page, per_page, order, order_by, only_id) Identification Observers

Given zero to many of following parameters, returns creators of observations of identifications matching the search criteria and the count of matching observations, ordered by count descending


Name Type Description Required Notes
current_taxon Option<bool> ID's taxon is the same it's observation's taxon
own_observation Option<bool> ID was added by the observer
is_change Option<bool> ID was created as a results of a taxon change
taxon_active Option<bool> ID's taxon is currently an active taxon
observation_taxon_active Option<bool> Observation's taxon is currently an active taxon
id Option<Vec> Identification ID
rank Option<Vec> ID's taxon must have this rank
observation_rank Option<Vec> Observation's taxon must have this rank
user_id Option<Vec> Identifier must have this user ID
user_login Option<Vec> Identifier must have this login
current Option<bool> Most recent ID on a observation by a user [default to true]
category Option<Vec> Type of identification
place_id Option<Vec> Observation must occur in this place
quality_grade Option<Vec> Observation must have this quality grade
taxon_id Option<Vec> ID taxa must match the given taxa or their descendants
observation_taxon_id Option<Vec> Observation taxa must match the given taxa or their descendants
iconic_taxon_id Option<Vec> ID iconic taxon ID
observation_iconic_taxon_id Option<Vec> Observation iconic taxon ID
lrank Option<String> ID taxon must have this rank or higher
hrank Option<String> ID taxon must have this rank or lower
observation_lrank Option<String> Observation taxon must have this rank or higher
observation_hrank Option<String> Observation taxon must have this rank or lower
without_taxon_id Option<Vec> Exclude IDs of these taxa and their descendants
without_observation_taxon_id Option<Vec> Exclude IDs of observations of these taxa and their descendants
d1 Option<String> ID created on or after this time
d2 Option<String> ID created on or before this time
observation_created_d1 Option<String> Observation created on or after this date
observation_created_d2 Option<String> Observation created on or before this date
observed_d1 Option<String> Observation observed on or after this date
observed_d2 Option<String> Observation observed on or before this date
id_above Option<String> Must have an ID above this value
id_below Option<String> Must have an ID below this value
page Option<String> Pagination page number
per_page Option<String> Number of results to return in a page. The maximum value is generally 200 unless otherwise noted
order Option<String> Sort order [default to desc]
order_by Option<String> Sort field [default to created_at]
only_id Option<bool> Return only the record IDs

Return type



No authorization required

HTTP request headers

  • Content-Type: Not defined
  • Accept: application/json

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identifications_post(body) Identification Create

Create an identification


Name Type Description Required Notes
body Option<PostIdentification> Identification object

Return type

(empty response body)



HTTP request headers

  • Content-Type: application/json
  • Accept: Not defined

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identifications_recent_taxa_get(current_taxon, own_observation, is_change, taxon_active, observation_taxon_active, id, rank, observation_rank, user_id, user_login, current, category, place_id, quality_grade, taxon_id, observation_taxon_id, iconic_taxon_id, observation_iconic_taxon_id, lrank, hrank, observation_lrank, observation_hrank, without_taxon_id, without_observation_taxon_id, d1, d2, observation_created_d1, observation_created_d2, observed_d1, observed_d2, id_above, id_below, page, per_page, order, order_by, only_id) Identification Recent Taxa

Returns an array of objects each containing an identification and a taxon. Returns IDs representing the earliest occurrence of taxa associated with identifications in the filtered set of results


Name Type Description Required Notes
current_taxon Option<bool> ID's taxon is the same it's observation's taxon
own_observation Option<bool> ID was added by the observer
is_change Option<bool> ID was created as a results of a taxon change
taxon_active Option<bool> ID's taxon is currently an active taxon
observation_taxon_active Option<bool> Observation's taxon is currently an active taxon
id Option<Vec> Identification ID
rank Option<Vec> ID's taxon must have this rank
observation_rank Option<Vec> Observation's taxon must have this rank
user_id Option<Vec> Identifier must have this user ID
user_login Option<Vec> Identifier must have this login
current Option<bool> Most recent ID on a observation by a user [default to true]
category Option<Vec> Type of identification
place_id Option<Vec> Observation must occur in this place
quality_grade Option<Vec> Observation must have this quality grade
taxon_id Option<Vec> ID taxa must match the given taxa or their descendants
observation_taxon_id Option<Vec> Observation taxa must match the given taxa or their descendants
iconic_taxon_id Option<Vec> ID iconic taxon ID
observation_iconic_taxon_id Option<Vec> Observation iconic taxon ID
lrank Option<String> ID taxon must have this rank or higher
hrank Option<String> ID taxon must have this rank or lower
observation_lrank Option<String> Observation taxon must have this rank or higher
observation_hrank Option<String> Observation taxon must have this rank or lower
without_taxon_id Option<Vec> Exclude IDs of these taxa and their descendants
without_observation_taxon_id Option<Vec> Exclude IDs of observations of these taxa and their descendants
d1 Option<String> ID created on or after this time
d2 Option<String> ID created on or before this time
observation_created_d1 Option<String> Observation created on or after this date
observation_created_d2 Option<String> Observation created on or before this date
observed_d1 Option<String> Observation observed on or after this date
observed_d2 Option<String> Observation observed on or before this date
id_above Option<String> Must have an ID above this value
id_below Option<String> Must have an ID below this value
page Option<String> Pagination page number
per_page Option<String> Number of results to return in a page. The maximum value is generally 200 unless otherwise noted
order Option<String> Sort order [default to desc]
order_by Option<String> Sort field [default to created_at]
only_id Option<bool> Return only the record IDs

Return type

(empty response body)


No authorization required

HTTP request headers

  • Content-Type: Not defined
  • Accept: Not defined

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identifications_similar_species_get(taxon_id, acc, captive, endemic, geo, id_please, identified, introduced, mappable, native, out_of_range, pcid, photos, popular, sounds, taxon_is_active, threatened, verifiable, licensed, photo_licensed, id, not_id, license, ofv_datatype, photo_license, place_id, project_id, rank, site_id, sound_license, without_taxon_id, taxon_name, user_id, user_login, ident_user_id, day, month, year, term_id, term_value_id, without_term_id, without_term_value_id, acc_above, acc_below, acc_below_or_unknown, d1, d2, created_d1, created_d2, created_on, observed_on, unobserved_by_user_id, apply_project_rules_for, cs, csa, csi, geoprivacy, taxon_geoprivacy, hrank, lrank, iconic_taxa, id_above, id_below, identifications, lat, lng, radius, nelat, nelng, swlat, swlng, list_id, not_in_project, not_matching_project_rules_for, q, search_on, quality_grade, updated_since, viewer_id, reviewed) Identification Similar Species

Returns species attached to IDs of observations of this taxon, or attached to observations identified as this species, ordered by combined frequency descending. This will only return species in the same iconic taxon, and will never return descendants of the chosen taxon


Name Type Description Required Notes
taxon_id i32 Only show observations of these taxa and their descendants [required]
acc Option<bool> Whether or not positional accuracy / coordinate uncertainty has been specified
captive Option<bool> Captive or cultivated observations
endemic Option<bool> Observations whose taxa are endemic to their location
geo Option<bool> Observations that are georeferenced
id_please Option<bool> Observations with the deprecated ID, Please! flag. Note that this will return observations, but that this attribute is no longer used.
identified Option<bool> Observations that have community identifications
introduced Option<bool> Observations whose taxa are introduced in their location
mappable Option<bool> Observations that show on map tiles
native Option<bool> Observations whose taxa are native to their location
out_of_range Option<bool> Observations whose taxa are outside their known ranges
pcid Option<bool> Observations identified by the curator of a project. If the project_id parameter is also specified, this will only consider observations identified by curators of the specified project(s)
photos Option<bool> Observations with photos
popular Option<bool> Observations that have been favorited by at least one user
sounds Option<bool> Observations with sounds
taxon_is_active Option<bool> Observations of active taxon concepts
threatened Option<bool> Observations whose taxa are threatened in their location
verifiable Option<bool> Observations with a quality_grade of either needs_id or research. Equivalent to quality_grade=needs_id,research
licensed Option<bool> License attribute of an observation must not be null
photo_licensed Option<bool> License attribute of at least one photo of an observation must not be null
id Option<Vec> Must have this ID
not_id Option<Vec> Must not have this ID
license Option<Vec> Observation must have this license
ofv_datatype Option<Vec> Must have an observation field value with this datatype
photo_license Option<Vec> Must have at least one photo with this license
place_id Option<Vec> Must be observed within the place with this ID
project_id Option<Vec> Must be added to the project this ID or slug
rank Option<Vec> Taxon must have this rank
site_id Option<Vec> Must be affiliated with the iNaturalist network website with this ID
sound_license Option<Vec> Must have at least one sound with this license
without_taxon_id Option<Vec> Exclude observations of these taxa and their descendants
taxon_name Option<Vec> Taxon must have a scientific or common name matching this string
user_id Option<Vec> User must have this ID or login
user_login Option<Vec> User must have this login
ident_user_id Option<i32> Observations identified by a particular user
day Option<Vec> Must be observed within this day of the month
month Option<Vec> Must be observed within this month
year Option<Vec> Must be observed within this year
term_id Option<Vec> Must have an annotation using this controlled term ID
term_value_id Option<Vec> Must have an annotation using this controlled value ID. Must be combined with the term_id parameter
without_term_id Option<i32> Exclude observations with annotations using this controlled value ID.
without_term_value_id Option<Vec> Exclude observations with annotations using this controlled value ID. Must be combined with the term_id parameter
acc_above Option<String> Must have a positional accuracy above this value (meters)
acc_below Option<String> Must have a positional accuracy below this value (meters)
acc_below_or_unknown Option<String> Positional accuracy must be below this value (in meters) or be unknown
d1 Option<String> Must be observed on or after this date
d2 Option<String> Must be observed on or before this date
created_d1 Option<String> Must be created at or after this time
created_d2 Option<String> Must be created at or before this time
created_on Option<String> Must be created on this date
observed_on Option<String> Must be observed on this date
unobserved_by_user_id Option<i32> Must not be of a taxon previously observed by this user
apply_project_rules_for Option<String> Must match the rules of the project with this ID or slug
cs Option<String> Taxon must have this conservation status code. If the place_id parameter is also specified, this will only consider statuses specific to that place
csa Option<String> Taxon must have a conservation status from this authority. If the place_id parameter is also specified, this will only consider statuses specific to that place
csi Option<Vec> Taxon must have this IUCN conservation status. If the place_id parameter is also specified, this will only consider statuses specific to that place
geoprivacy Option<Vec> Must have this geoprivacy setting
taxon_geoprivacy Option<Vec> Filter observations by the most conservative geoprivacy applied by a conservation status associated with one of the taxa proposed in the current identifications.
hrank Option<String> Taxon must have this rank or lower
lrank Option<String> Taxon must have this rank or higher
iconic_taxa Option<Vec> Taxon must by within this iconic taxon
id_above Option<String> Must have an ID above this value
id_below Option<String> Must have an ID below this value
identifications Option<String> Identifications must meet these criteria
lat Option<f64> Must be within a {radius} kilometer circle around this lat/lng (*lat, *lng, radius)
lng Option<f64> Must be within a {radius} kilometer circle around this lat/lng (*lat, *lng, radius)
radius Option<String> Must be within a {radius} kilometer circle around this lat/lng (*lat, *lng, radius)
nelat Option<f64> Must be within this bounding box (*nelat, *nelng, *swlat, *swlng)
nelng Option<f64> Must be within this bounding box (*nelat, *nelng, *swlat, *swlng)
swlat Option<f64> Must be within this bounding box (*nelat, *nelng, *swlat, *swlng)
swlng Option<f64> Must be within this bounding box (*nelat, *nelng, *swlat, *swlng)
list_id Option<i32> Taxon must be in the list with this ID
not_in_project Option<String> Must not be in the project with this ID or slug
not_matching_project_rules_for Option<String> Must not match the rules of the project with this ID or slug
q Option<String> Search observation properties. Can be combined with search_on
search_on Option<String> Properties to search on, when combined with q. Searches across all properties by default
quality_grade Option<String> Must have this quality grade
updated_since Option<String> Must be updated since this time
viewer_id Option<String> See reviewed
reviewed Option<bool> Observations have been reviewed by the user with ID equal to the value of the viewer_id parameter

Return type

(empty response body)


No authorization required

HTTP request headers

  • Content-Type: Not defined
  • Accept: Not defined

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crate::models::SpeciesCountsResponse identifications_species_counts_get(current_taxon, own_observation, is_change, taxon_active, observation_taxon_active, id, rank, observation_rank, user_id, user_login, current, category, place_id, quality_grade, taxon_id, observation_taxon_id, iconic_taxon_id, observation_iconic_taxon_id, lrank, hrank, observation_lrank, observation_hrank, without_taxon_id, without_observation_taxon_id, d1, d2, observation_created_d1, observation_created_d2, observed_d1, observed_d2, id_above, id_below, page, per_page, order, order_by, only_id, taxon_of) Identification Species Counts

Given zero to many of following parameters, returns leaf taxa associated with identifications matching the search criteria and the count of identifications they are associated with, ordered by count descending. Leaf taxa are the leaves of the taxonomic tree containing only the taxa associated with observations matching the search criteria.


Name Type Description Required Notes
current_taxon Option<bool> ID's taxon is the same it's observation's taxon
own_observation Option<bool> ID was added by the observer
is_change Option<bool> ID was created as a results of a taxon change
taxon_active Option<bool> ID's taxon is currently an active taxon
observation_taxon_active Option<bool> Observation's taxon is currently an active taxon
id Option<Vec> Identification ID
rank Option<Vec> ID's taxon must have this rank
observation_rank Option<Vec> Observation's taxon must have this rank
user_id Option<Vec> Identifier must have this user ID
user_login Option<Vec> Identifier must have this login
current Option<bool> Most recent ID on a observation by a user [default to true]
category Option<Vec> Type of identification
place_id Option<Vec> Observation must occur in this place
quality_grade Option<Vec> Observation must have this quality grade
taxon_id Option<Vec> ID taxa must match the given taxa or their descendants
observation_taxon_id Option<Vec> Observation taxa must match the given taxa or their descendants
iconic_taxon_id Option<Vec> ID iconic taxon ID
observation_iconic_taxon_id Option<Vec> Observation iconic taxon ID
lrank Option<String> ID taxon must have this rank or higher
hrank Option<String> ID taxon must have this rank or lower
observation_lrank Option<String> Observation taxon must have this rank or higher
observation_hrank Option<String> Observation taxon must have this rank or lower
without_taxon_id Option<Vec> Exclude IDs of these taxa and their descendants
without_observation_taxon_id Option<Vec> Exclude IDs of observations of these taxa and their descendants
d1 Option<String> ID created on or after this time
d2 Option<String> ID created on or before this time
observation_created_d1 Option<String> Observation created on or after this date
observation_created_d2 Option<String> Observation created on or before this date
observed_d1 Option<String> Observation observed on or after this date
observed_d2 Option<String> Observation observed on or before this date
id_above Option<String> Must have an ID above this value
id_below Option<String> Must have an ID below this value
page Option<String> Pagination page number
per_page Option<String> Number of results to return in a page. The maximum value is generally 200 unless otherwise noted
order Option<String> Sort order [default to desc]
order_by Option<String> Sort field [default to created_at]
only_id Option<bool> Return only the record IDs
taxon_of Option<String> Source of the taxon for counting [default to identification]

Return type



No authorization required

HTTP request headers

  • Content-Type: Not defined
  • Accept: application/json

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