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A personal, trimmed implementation of the C++ Standard Template Library(STL).


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Tiny STL

This repo is a personal, cutted implementation of the Standard Template Library(STL), which was once part of my data structure course project and is now distributed separately.



  • allocator

    • The memory allocator used by the STL data structure.
  • type_traits

    • A number of c++ templates to get features of the type as well as manipulate the type.
  • construct

    • The object constructor and deconstructors.
  • uninitialized

    • Universal object memory manipulation utils.
  • rbtree

    • The efficient but tricky red-black-tree.

    • It's the underlying data structure of map and set.

  • heap

    • A simple wrapper on the container, making it a heap.

    • It's the underlying data structure of priority_queue.

  • pair

    • Combine any two objects together and create a new combination type.

    • The iterator of map and set use this.

Data Structures

  • array

    • Just an array, nothing special.
  • vector

    • Dynamic array, auto-resizing, contiguous storage.

    • Random access -> O(1)

  • list

    • Double link list, auto-resizing.

    • Insert/Delete at any position -> O(1)

  • deque

    • Double-end queue, with the two ends supporting push/pop operations.

    • Push/pop at queue front -> O(1) (Compared to vectors O(n))

    • The coefficient of time complexity is larger than vector, because it does much more operations to maintain the queue.

  • queue

    • FIFO queue, push to the end, pop on the front.

    • Use deque as container by default

  • stack

    • LIFO container, push/pop to the top.

    • Use deque as container by default

  • priority_queue

    • Just like a heap, push into the heap, pop the element with the highest priority.
  • set

    • Just like the set in Mathematics. The key of any two elements is not allowed to be equal.

    • Access, insert, delete by key -> O(log n)

  • map

    • Just like the set, but each element comes with a value.
  • algorithm

    • Some container-independent algorithms


  • functional

    • function object
  • tuple

    • like pair, but can store any number of argument

My extensions

These don't exists in the real STL, but I'd like to implement them.

  • BigIngeter

    • Support very large number calculations

    • Use FFT algorithm to do large integer multiplications

  • disj_set

    • disjoint set


  • const iterator

  • reverse iterator

  • Any features exist in the real STL, but no implementation here.


  • 《STL源码解析》——侯捷
  • GNU ISO C++ Library 9.2.0


A personal, trimmed implementation of the C++ Standard Template Library(STL).








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