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ooze is a parallel scripting language. ooze takes a set of user defined types and functions and allows the creation and parallel execution of function DAGs. The original motivation was a DSL to define function DAGs that got a bit out of control.

Example Script

// script.oz

fn double(p: &Point) -> Point {
  add(p, p)

fn triple(p: &Point) -> Point {
  p.double().add(p) // Supports UFCS

fn main() -> (Point, Point) {
  let x = create_point(1, 2)
  let y = create_point(2, 3)
  (double(x), triple(y))

Setup Code

// main.cpp

#include <ooze/repl.h>

struct Point {
  int x;
  int y;

int main(int argc, const char** argv) {
  // Creates a basic environment with all the primitive types and string
  ooze::Env e = ooze::create_primative_env();


  e.add_function("create_point", [](int x, int y) { return Point{x, y}; });
  e.add_function("add", [](const Point& a, const Point& b) { return Point{a.x + b.x, a.y + b.y}; });
  e.add_function("to_string", [](const Point& p) { return "(" + std::to_string(p.x) + ", " + std::to_string(p.y) + ")"; });

  return ooze::main(argc, argv, e);

Executing the script

When executing a script ooze will attempt to call main() and then call to_string() on all its results and dump them to stdout. During execution each function call is assigned its own parallel task and is executed when all its inputs are ready.

$ ./ooze run script.oz
(2, 4)
(6, 9)


ooze also supports an asynchronous repl. You can chain function calls on values before the producing function has completed. ooze will block only when attempting to access the value.

$ ./ooze repl script.oz
Welcome to the ooze repl!
Try :h for help. Use Ctrl^D to exit.
> let x = create_point(1, 2)
> x
(1, 2)
> double(x)
(2, 4)
> :b
1 binding(s)
  x: Point


Functions are expected to be pure (outside of IO), arguments cannot be taken by mutable& or raw ptr.

Using fully owning types is preferable, any shared mutable state needs to be externally synchronized.

Currently ooze only supports function calls, assignment, conditionals. It does not support any form of type declaration, all types are registered via cpp.


While loops Select/Match statements Higher Order range functions (map/filter/reduce)

Better repl terminal support (colouring, history, autocomplete)

Allow overload of main that takes a vector of string


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