A meta modeling facility for textual model representation with Clojure.
Include the dependency as shown above in your project.clj
There are only a few API functions:
- defmetamodel -- Macro to define a new metamodel consisting of a hierarchy,
a map
{type-keyword -> {attr-keyword -> predicate-vector}}
and a defaults function var. The defaults function is usually a multimethod that takes three arguments: the model element, the type-keyword and the attr-keyword. It is invoked for each attribute whose value is nil, and is expected to return a corresponding default value. - defdefaults -- Macro to create a multimethod from a map of default values.
- pr-model -- To get a (human) readable representation of an instantiated
model m use
(pr-model m)
in the REPL. - metatype -- Returns the type-keyword of a model element.
For an example see the wsdl metamodel and model namespaces.
If you want to describe the structure of UI forms, entities, service interfaces, state machines or other typical elements of an enterprise application in a DSL like manner, you could do that easily by just using regular Clojure maps.
Those maps would form an in-memory model.
In fact I started creating models in Clojure by introducing map-creating factory functions that I used in a nested fashion to provide the look as shown below:
Here's the Clojure textual representation of a UI panel model:
(def p (panel "sample" :lygeneral "flowy, fill" :components [
(panel "details" :lygeneral "ins 0, wrap 2" :components [
(dropdownlist "salutation" :initial-items salutations :formatter #(str % "..."))
(textfield "firstname")
(textfield "lastname" :required true)
(textfield "birthday" :format date)
(textfield "age" :format number :required true)
(textfield "height" :format number2)
(checkbox "male")
(radiogroup "gender" :buttons [ :male :female (radiobutton "other" :text "OTHER") ])
(table "addresses" :lyhint "span, grow" :columns [
(column "firstname" :title "First name" :editable true)
(column "lastname" :getter-fn #(:lastname %) :editable true)
(column "street" :getter-fn #(:street %) :setter-fn #(assoc % :street %2))
(panel "actions" :lygeneral "ins 0" :lyhint "right, span" :components [
(button "delete" :action-fn delete)
(button "ok" :action-fn ok)
(button "cancel")
And a Clojure representation of a service interface would be something like this:
(def string (simpletype "string"))
(def date (simpletype "date"))
(def address
(complextype "Address" :elements
[(one "street" string)
(one "zipcode" string)
(one "city" string)]))
(def person
(complextype "Person" :elements
[(one "firstname" string)
(one "lastname" string)
(one "birthday" date)
(many "addresses" address)]))
(def s
(service "Bar" :operations
[(op "callMe1"
:in-elements [(one "a" address)
(one "t" string)]
:out-elements [(one "s" string)])
(op "callMe2"
:in-elements [(one "p" person)])]))
To prevent me from creating useless models, a little bit of validation as part of these factory functions would be nice. And yes, it would be handy if model elements would be complemented with default values to use convention-over-configuration and make textual models less noisy.
If you'd build more than one of those simple DSLs yourself then you'll see
a lot of repetition (factory functions, validation, defaults provision).
metam simply factors these common things into a library with a
macro. So the meta model for the service interface as shown
above would look like this:
(defmetamodel wsdl
(-> (make-hierarchy)
(derive ::complextype ::datatype)
(derive ::simpletype ::datatype))
{; a data structure
::complextype {:elements [(coll (type-of ::e))]}
; a primitive type (like string, number, date)
::simpletype {}
; an element of a complextype
::e {:type [required (type-of ::datatype)]
:mult [(value-of :one :many)]}
; a web service
::service {:operations [(coll (type-of ::op))]}
; a service operation
::op {:in-elements [(coll (type-of ::e))]
:out-elements [(coll (type-of ::e))]}
;; Define additional shortcut functions as you like
(defn one [name type]
(e name :type type :mult :one))
(defn many [name type]
(e name :type type :mult :many))
Attributes defined for a parent meta type are available in all meta types deriving from the parent.
I could, for example, add a ::datatype
to the wsdl
metamodel above
and expect all attributes attached to ::datatype
to be available in
derived meta types ::complextype
and ::simpletype
(defmetamodel wsdl
(-> (make-hierarchy)
(derive ::complextype ::datatype)
(derive ::simpletype ::datatype))
{::datatype {:namespace [string?]}
::complextype {:elements [(coll (type-of ::e))]}
::simpletype {}
;; ...
Now it would be perfectly valid to invoke
(simpletype "mytype" :namespace "foo.bar")
since the hierarchy defined ::simpletype
as derived from ::datatype
The defmetamodel creates a factory function for every meta type (like ::complextype, ::e or ::service). The functions specified in the vectors following the attribute keywords are predicates that are used for validation. Each factory function validates input and provides default values (if a corresponding function var was given).
In essence, an invocation of macroexpand-1 on a defmetamodel expression outputs:
(do (def wsdl-hierarchy
(-> (make-hierarchy)
(derive :wsdl/complextype :wsdl/datatype)
(derive :wsdl/simpletype :wsdl/datatype)))
(def wsdl
{:hierarchy wsdl-hierarchy,
{:elements [(coll (type-of :wsdl/e))]},
{:type [required (type-of :wsdl/datatype)],
:mult [(value-of :one :many)]},
{:operations [(coll (type-of :wsdl/op))]},
{:in-elements [(coll (type-of :wsdl/e))],
:out-elements [(coll (type-of :wsdl/e))]}},
:default-fn-var #'no-defaults})
(def complextype (wsdl/instance-factory wsdl :wsdl/complextype))
(def simpletype (wsdl/instance-factory wsdl :wsdl/simpletype))
(def e (wsdl/instance-factory wsdl :wsdl/e))
(def service (wsdl/instance-factory wsdl :wsdl/service))
(def op (wsdl/instance-factory wsdl :wsdl/op)))
The following snippet shows another example of a metamodel that also supports default values:
(ns visuals.forml
(:require [metam.core :refer :all]))
(declare default-value)
(defmetamodel forml
(-> (make-hierarchy)
(derive ::panel ::component)
(derive ::panel ::growing)
(derive ::widget ::component)
(derive ::textfield ::labeled)
(derive ::textfield ::widget)
(derive ::label ::widget)
(derive ::button ::widget))
{::panel {:lygeneral [string?]
:lycolumns [string?]
:lyrows [string?]
:lyhint [string?]
:components [(coll (type-of ::component))]}
::label {:text [string?]
:lyhint [string?]}
::textfield {:label [string?]
:lyhint [string?]
:labelyhint [string?]}
::button {:text [string?]
:lyhint [string?]}}
(defdefaults default-value forml
{:default nil
[::widget :lyhint] ""
[::growing :lyhint] "grow"
[::panel :lyrows] ""
[::panel :lycolumns] ""
[::labeled :labelyhint] ""
[::textfield :label] (:name spec)
[::button :text] (:name spec)})
The default-value function is a multimethod that takes three arguments: the model element, the type-keyword and the attr-keyword. It returns the default value. It is invoked for each attribute whose value is nil. The defdefaults macro is used here to make the actual mapping between the dispatch-value and the expression yielding the default value more concise.
The multimethod generated by the macro makes use of the hierarchy the
metamodel was defined with. For example, a default value assigned to
[::widget :lyhint]
will apply to all meta types derived from
, which means a missing :lyhint
value is set to the empty
string for ::button
, ::label
and ::textfield
Copyright 2013-2015 F.Riemenschneider
Distributed under the Eclipse Public License, the same as Clojure.