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Catalyst Rails

Getting Started

Add catalyst-rails to your Gemfile and then run bundle install.

Next add the necessary script/link tag(s) to your Rails layout:

<%= catalyst_stylesheet_link_tag(:application) %>
<%= catalyst_javascript_include_tag(:application) %>

If you need to include a javascript bundle without the common or vendor files, you can use the :common option:

<%= catalyst_javascript_include_tag(:ie, common: false) %>


No configuration is required to get started with Catalyst, but you can change the following values using a configuration block:

  • environment: The environment passed to the catalyst command when building assets.
  • assets_base_path: The path which is used by the view helpers when building <script> and <link> tags in non-development environments. If you are using a CDN which proxies asset requests through a different URL, you should change this in production.
  • dev_server_host: The host for the Catalyst development server. This should match the host used when running catalyst server for development.
  • dev_server_port: The port for the Catalyst development server. This should match the port used when running catalyst server for development.
  • running_feature_tests: A proc which should return true if any RSpec feature tests are being run. By default it returns true if any specs with the metadata type: :system are being run.

An example of customizing assets_base_path:

Catalyst.configure do |config|
  config.assets_base_path = ''

Integrating with RSpec

To have Catalyst build your assets before your system/feature tests are run, add this to the RSpec configuration block in your spec/rails_helper.rb:

config.before(:suite) {! }

By default, assets are only recompiled if the yarn.lock or any JS/SCSS files have changed and specs with the type :system are being run.

If you are not using RSpec or your feature tests are differentiated in another way, you should override the running_feature_tests proc. For example, if you use the :feature type to denote feature tests, you should add this to your configuration:

Catalyst.configure do |config|
  config.running_feature_tests = -> { do |group|
      group.metadata[:type] == :feature

Heroku Deployment

To compile assets during the Heroku deployment process, you can create a rake task in lib/tasks/assets.rake to override the default Rails task:

namespace :assets do
  desc 'Compile assets with Catalyst'
  task :precompile => 'catalyst:build'

  task :clean do
    # This task left intentionally blank

If you want to compile assets with Catalyst in addition to running the default Rails task, you can use this instead:

Rake::Task['assets:precompile'].enhance do


Ruby helpers for the "catalyst" node package






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