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A simple lisp interpreter in Go.


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This is a program I wrote during a hackathon with the goal of learning Golang by writing a simple lisp interpreter.

getting started

You can run the following from the root of the repo to get the repl running.

$ ./

To get a sense of what the simple language is capable of, take a look at the core.el where the builtins of the language are defined.

Here's the fibonacci sequence:

user> (defn fib (n)
  (let (fib-n (fn (x n)
                (if (< (count x) n) 
                  (recur (cons (+ (first x) (second x)) x) n)
                  (reverse x))))
    (fib-n '(1 0) n)))

user> (fib 10)
> (0 1 1 2 3 5 8 13 21 34)


  • value semantics
    '((100 (200 (true))))
    ;; ((100 (200 (true))))
  • dynamic bindings
    (def x 100)
    (println 100)
    ;; 100
  • lexical bindings
    (let (x 100)
      (+ x 1))
    ;; 101
  • macros
    (defmacro when (test & rest) 
      (list 'if test (cons 'do rest)))
    (when (= (+ 1 1) 2) 'x)
    ;; 'x
  • first-class functions (fn), tail recursion (recur)
    (defn map (f coll)
      (let (map-inner (fn (old-coll new-coll)
                      (if (empty? old-coll)
                          (rest old-coll)
                          (cons (f (first old-coll)) new-coll))))
          mapped (map-inner (seq coll) (list)))
      (reverse mapped)))
    (defn inc (n) (+ n 1))
    (map inc '(1 2 3))
    ;; (2 3 4)


Please don't use this interpreter for anything important, you will probably lose a finger. But I highly recommend Golang, and Lisp!