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Application for checking torrent updates automatically.

Tracker support

Currently only supports the following torrent trackers:

Last two are only accessible from inside TAS-IX - Uzbekistan internal Internet exchange point.


Java binary can be assembled via SBT by running sbt assembly command (will create torrent-updates-checker-<VER>_<DATE>_<TIME>.jar in _build subfolder).


Copy application.conf.example as application.conf to the location of application jar and modify it accordingly.


Make sure that Java (at least version 8) is installed and java/javaw are available in PATH.

To start an application in the background, run it as

javaw -jar torrent-updates-checker-<VER>.jar start

or use the startup script in the project root.

There are two ways of adding/removing aliases - via CLI or web interface.

Recommended way to control the application is through web interface at http://localhost:8100/ (given that default port is left unchanged). From there it's pretty straightforward.

Alternatively, you may use this application through CLI. To see a list of available CLI commands, run

java -jar torrent-updates-checker-<VER>.jar

However, note that aliases can't be handled through CLI if they contain some special characters (e.g. spaces).

