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Publish a new release

Hiroki Kobayashi edited this page Aug 28, 2019 · 4 revisions


  1. Create a branch, diverging from current develop. Its typical name is release-x.y.z.
  2. Create a pull request from branch release-x.y.z.
  3. Merge release-x.y.z to master.
  4. Merge release-x.y.z to develop.
  5. Delete release-x.y.z.
  6. Put tag x.y.z to current master.
  7. Perform cargo publish on x.y.z.

Old instructions (<= 0.13.1)

The following instructions took place until frugalos 0.13.1.


  1. Edit files.
  2. Commit your changes to git.
  3. Tag the commit as a version format of semantic versioning like 0.8.3.
  4. Push the tag to GitHub.

You can check your new release on


Here is an example of the workflow:

$ vim /path/to/

edit something...

$ git add .
$ git commit -m 'Support something'
$ git tag 0.9.1
$ git push origin master --tags