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	es 0.9-beta1 + updates to the build system, minor code updates
  • Loading branch information
Frederic Koehler committed May 9, 2009
0 parents commit 8cd9d26
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Showing 56 changed files with 15,869 additions and 0 deletions.
181 changes: 181 additions & 0 deletions access.c
@@ -0,0 +1,181 @@
/* access.c -- access testing and path searching ($Revision: 1.2 $) */

#define REQUIRE_STAT 1

#include "es.h"
#include "prim.h"

#define READ 4
#define WRITE 2
#define EXEC 1

#define USER 6
#define GROUP 3
#define OTHER 0

/* ingroupset -- determine whether gid lies in the user's set of groups */
static Boolean ingroupset(int gid) {
#ifdef NGROUPS
int i;
static int ngroups;
static gidset_t gidset[NGROUPS];
static Boolean initialized = FALSE;
if (!initialized) {
initialized = TRUE;
ngroups = getgroups(NGROUPS, gidset);
for (i = 0; i < ngroups; i++)
if (gid == gidset[i])
return TRUE;
return FALSE;

static int testperm(struct stat *stat, int perm) {
int mask;
static int uid, gid;
static Boolean initialized = FALSE;
if (perm == 0)
return 0;
if (!initialized) {
initialized = TRUE;
uid = geteuid();
gid = getegid();
mask = (uid == 0)
? (perm << USER) | (perm << GROUP) | (perm << OTHER)
: (perm <<
((uid == stat->st_uid)
: ((gid == stat->st_gid || ingroupset(stat->st_gid))
: OTHER)));
return (stat->st_mode & mask) ? 0 : EACCES;

static int testfile(char *path, int perm, int type) {
struct stat st;
#ifdef S_IFLNK
if (type == S_IFLNK) {
if (lstat(path, &st) == -1)
return errno;
} else
if (stat(path, &st) == -1)
return errno;
if (type != 0 && (st.st_mode & S_IFMT) != type)
return EACCES; /* what is an appropriate return value? */
return testperm(&st, perm);

static char *pathcat(char *prefix, char *suffix) {
char *s;
size_t plen, slen, len;
static char *pathbuf = NULL;
static size_t pathlen = 0;

if (*prefix == '\0')
return suffix;
if (*suffix == '\0')
return prefix;

plen = strlen(prefix);
slen = strlen(suffix);
len = plen + slen + 2; /* one for '/', one for '\0' */
if (pathlen < len) {
pathlen = len;
pathbuf = erealloc(pathbuf, pathlen);

memcpy(pathbuf, prefix, plen);
s = pathbuf + plen;
if (s[-1] != '/')
*s++ = '/';
memcpy(s, suffix, slen + 1);
return pathbuf;

PRIM(access) {
int c, perm = 0, type = 0, estatus = ENOENT;
Boolean first = FALSE, exception = FALSE;
char *suffix = NULL;
List *lp;
const char * const usage = "access [-n name] [-1e] [-rwx] [-fdcblsp] path ...";

esoptbegin(list, "$&access", usage);
while ((c = esopt("bcdefln:prswx1")) != EOF)
switch (c) {
case 'n': suffix = getstr(esoptarg()); break;
case '1': first = TRUE; break;
case 'e': exception = TRUE; break;
case 'r': perm |= READ; break;
case 'w': perm |= WRITE; break;
case 'x': perm |= EXEC; break;
case 'f': type = S_IFREG; break;
case 'd': type = S_IFDIR; break;
case 'c': type = S_IFCHR; break;
case 'b': type = S_IFBLK; break;
#ifdef S_IFLNK
case 'l': type = S_IFLNK; break;
#ifdef S_IFSOCK
case 's': type = S_IFSOCK; break;
#ifdef S_IFIFO
case 'p': type = S_IFIFO; break;
fail("$&access", "access -%c is not supported on this system", c);
list = esoptend();

for (lp = NULL; list != NULL; list = list->next) {
int error;
char *name;

name = getstr(list->term);
if (suffix != NULL)
name = pathcat(name, suffix);
error = testfile(name, perm, type);

if (first) {
if (error == 0) {
Ref(List *, result,
mklist(mkstr(suffix == NULL
? name
: gcdup(name)),
} else if (error != ENOENT)
estatus = error;
} else
lp = mklist(mkstr(error == 0 ? "0" : esstrerror(error)),

if (first && exception) {
if (suffix)
fail("$&access", "%s: %s", suffix, esstrerror(estatus));
fail("$&access", "%s", esstrerror(estatus));

Ref(List *, result, reverse(lp));

extern Dict *initprims_access(Dict *primdict) {
return primdict;

extern char *checkexecutable(char *file) {
int err = testfile(file, EXEC, S_IFREG);
return err == 0 ? NULL : esstrerror(err);
195 changes: 195 additions & 0 deletions closure.c
@@ -0,0 +1,195 @@
/* closure.c -- operations on bindings, closures, lambdas, and thunks ($Revision: $) */

#include "es.h"
#include "gc.h"

* Closure garbage collection support

DefineTag(Closure, static);

extern Closure *mkclosure(Tree *tree, Binding *binding) {
Ref(Closure *, closure, gcnew(Closure));
closure->tree = tree;
closure->binding = binding;

static void *ClosureCopy(void *op) {
void *np = gcnew(Closure);
memcpy(np, op, sizeof (Closure));
return np;

static size_t ClosureScan(void *p) {
Closure *closure = p;
closure->tree = forward(closure->tree);
closure->binding = forward(closure->binding);
return sizeof (Closure);

/* revtree -- destructively reverse a list stored in a tree */
static Tree *revtree(Tree *tree) {
Tree *prev, *next;
if (tree == NULL)
return NULL;
prev = NULL;
do {
assert(tree->kind == nList);
next = tree->u[1].p;
tree->u[1].p = prev;
prev = tree;
} while ((tree = next) != NULL);
return prev;

typedef struct Chain Chain;
struct Chain {
Closure *closure;
Chain *next;
static Chain *chain = NULL;

static Binding *extract(Tree *tree, Binding *bindings) {

for (; tree != NULL; tree = tree->u[1].p) {
Tree *defn = tree->u[0].p;
assert(tree->kind == nList);
if (defn != NULL) {
List *list = NULL;
Tree *name = defn->u[0].p;
assert(name->kind == nWord || name->kind == nQword);
defn = revtree(defn->u[1].p);
for (; defn != NULL; defn = defn->u[1].p) {
Term *term;
Tree *word = defn->u[0].p;
NodeKind k = word->kind;
assert(defn->kind == nList);
assert(k == nWord || k == nQword || k == nPrim);
if (k == nPrim) {
char *prim = word->u[0].s;
if (streq(prim, "nestedbinding")) {
int i, count;
Chain *cp;
if (
(defn = defn->u[1].p) == NULL
|| defn->u[0].p->kind != nWord
|| (count = (atoi(defn->u[0].p->u[0].s))) < 0
) {
fail("$&parse", "improper use of $&nestedbinding");
for (cp = chain, i = 0;; cp = cp->next, i++) {
if (cp == NULL) {
fail("$&parse", "bad count in $&nestedbinding: %d", count);
if (i == count)
term = mkterm(NULL, cp->closure);
} else {
fail("$&parse", "bad unquoted primitive in %%closure: $&%s", prim);
} else
term = mkstr(word->u[0].s);
list = mklist(term, list);
bindings = mkbinding(name->u[0].s, list, bindings);

return bindings;

extern Closure *extractbindings(Tree *tree0) {
Chain me;
Tree *volatile tree = tree0;
Binding *volatile bindings = NULL;


if (tree->kind == nList && tree->u[1].p == NULL)
tree = tree->u[0].p;

me.closure = mkclosure(NULL, NULL); = chain;
chain = &me;


while (tree->kind == nClosure) {
bindings = extract(tree->u[0].p, bindings);
tree = tree->u[1].p;
if (tree->kind == nList && tree->u[1].p == NULL)
tree = tree->u[0].p;

CatchException (e)

chain = chain->next;


chain = chain->next;

Ref(Closure *, result, me.closure);
result->tree = tree;
result->binding = bindings;

* Binding garbage collection support

DefineTag(Binding, static);

extern Binding *mkbinding(char *name, List *defn, Binding *next) {
assert(next == NULL || next->name != NULL);
Ref(Binding *, binding, gcnew(Binding));
binding->name = name;
binding->defn = defn;
binding->next = next;

extern Binding *reversebindings(Binding *binding) {
if (binding == NULL)
return NULL;
else {
Binding *prev, *next;
prev = NULL;
do {
next = binding->next;
binding->next = prev;
prev = binding;
} while ((binding = next) != NULL);
return prev;

static void *BindingCopy(void *op) {
void *np = gcnew(Binding);
memcpy(np, op, sizeof (Binding));
return np;

static size_t BindingScan(void *p) {
Binding *binding = p;
binding->name = forward(binding->name);
binding->defn = forward(binding->defn);
binding->next = forward(binding->next);
return sizeof (Binding);

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