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ActiveLook DataField Sample Code

This project contains the full code of latest Activelook Datafield for Garmin. It is openly shared with de developer community under the 'ActiveLook license agreement'. Namely, the products and applications deployed in the field should respect the ActiveLook certification guidelines.

This Datafield allows a Garmin compatible device to display live workout metrics (and more!) in ActiveLook-powered eyewear.


The following is a quick summary of the official Getting Started tutorial.

To install the project on your machine, you need to have Visual Studio Code installed.

SDK Manager

Download and install the SDK Manager.


Once the SDK manager is installed, download a version of the SDK to link your project against. At the time of this writing (2023/04/24), the version used to develop is 4.2.4.

Monkey C Visual Studio Code Extension

Install the Visual Studio Code extension.


Next, download compatible Garmin device to run the project on.

How to use

Once the environment is set up correctly, run the script with the run command:

$ ./ run

To run on a compatible Garmin device, eg fenix7 one:

$ ./ --device fenix7 run

The help command will list the available commands.

$ ./ help

help     Display this help message
build    Build the datafield for a device
simu     Start the simulator
run      Run in the simulator
debug    Debug with the simulator
clean    Remove bin directory - useful if the simulator is unresponsive
doc      Generate documentation - in `/bin/doc/`
pack     Build the datafield as a Connect IQ package

See Description > for more informations.

Another method to run the project is explained in Your First Connect IQ App, but is less convenient than using the script.


Connect IQ devices are embedded systems with limited memory. Almost every byte counts!

Keep that in mind whenever coding for the platform!.

The memory used and the one available are displayed dynamically in the simulator's status bar and is dependant on the device run. Memory gauge

At the time of this edit 1, the fenix7 device is the compatible device with the least available memory.


Dynamic data fields allow customers and third party developers to write additional metrics and data that will display with Garmin activities. The goal is to create a system that not only makes it easy for a user to make a quick data field based off our workout data, but also gives the developer the the ability to customize the presentation. ConnectIQ - Datafields

It is written in Monkey C, an interpreted, object-oriented, dynamic language. It has a lot of useful features, like:

The datafield is available on the ConnectIQ Store : ActiveLook - Data Field for sport smart glasses.


The project is composed of the following files:

  • Assets folder: Contains all the assets (images, fonts) used for the project, as well as scripts to generate said assets (work in progress - no documentation yet).

  • bin folder: Generated folder and content

  • ressources folder:

    • settings folder:
      • properties.xml:

        • glasses_name: the name of the glasses

        • screens: Defines the screen quadrant available to display the datafield in, by default

        • run: Defines the screen quadrant available to display the datafield in, for the run activity

        • bike: Defines the screen quadrant available to display the datafield in, for the bike activity

          Depending on the activity choosen, the user will be able to display different screens presenting differents metrics (none, 1 or more as available). The datafield offers preset screens, listed in the property string.

          For examples the string:

          <property id="run" type="string">(1,2,4)(1,2,12)(10,18,15)(0)</property>

          states that when the user selects the run activity, the preset choices displays are:

          • (1,2,4): Chrono & Distance & Heart rate, on page 1
          • (1,2,12): Chrono & Distance & Speed, on page 2
          • (10,18,15): Power 3s & Cadence & Pace, on page 3
          • (0): page 4 to turn the screen off

          The following table lists the available metrics:

          id Name Metric Full-imp Half Metric - Imperial
          0 Empty page 100
          1 Chrono 11 43
          2 Distance 12 35 46 km - mi
          3 Distance To Destination 101 102 103 km - mi
          4 Heart Rate 21 49 bpm
          5 Max HeartRate 29 61 bpm
          6 Average Heart Rate 24 52 bpm
          7 Power 22 56 w
          8 Max Power 30 62 w
          9 Average Power 25 53 w
          10 Power 3s 42 65 w
          11 Power Normalized 69 70 w
          12 Speed 13 33 44 km/h - mph
          13 Max Speed 31 41 63 km/h - mph
          14 Average Speed 14 34 45 km/h - mph
          15 Pace 15 37 48 min/km - min/mi
          16 Fastest Pace 104 105 106 min/km - min/mi
          17 Average Pace 66 67 68 min/km - min/mi
          18 Cadence 16 55 rpm (bike) - spm (run)
          19 Max Cadence 28 60 rpm (bike) - spm (run)
          20 Average Cadence 23 51 rpm (bike) - spm (run)
          21 Altitude 18 38 50 m - ft
          22 Total Ascent 19 36 47 m - ft
          23 Total Descent 26 39 57 m - ft
          24 Average Ascent Speed 20 40 59 m/h - ft/h
          25 Total Calories 17 54 kCal
          26 Energy Expenditure 27 58 Kcal/min
          27 Ground Contact Time 189 190 ms
          28 Average Ground Contact Time 189 190 ms
          29 Vertical Oscillation 200 201 202 m - ft
          30 Average Vertical Oscillation 200 201 202 m - ft
          31 Step Length 194 195 196 cm - in
          32 Average Step Length 194 195 196 cm - in
          33 Lap Chrono 11 43
          34 Lap Elapsed Distance 12 35 46 km - mi
          35 Lap Average Heart Rate 24 52 bpm
          36 Lap Average Power 25 53 w
          37 Lap Average Speed 14 34 45 km/h - mph
          38 Lap Average Pace 66 67 68 min/km - min/mi
          39 Lap Average Cadence 23 53 rpm (bike) - spm (run)
          40 Lap Total Ascent 19 36 47 m - ft
          41 Lap Total Descent 26 39 57 m - ft
          42 Lap Average Ascent Speed 20 40 59 m/h - ft/h
          43 Lap Calories 17 54 kCal
          44 Lap Average Ground Contact Time 189 190 ms
          45 Lap Average Vertical Oscillation 200 201 202 m - ft
          46 Lap Average Step Length 194 195 196 cm - in

          For more informations about the screens, see Configure your data screens.

      • settings.xml:
        Defines the settings that are editable using the Garmin Connect app. In the simulator, these properties can be accessed and modified using the File > Edit persistant storage > ... menu items.

    • strings folder:
      Localization file.
  • scripts folder:
    (work in progress - no documentation yet)

  • source folder:

      Defines the ActiveLookBLE module which handles the BLE communications. It is used by

      Defines the modules AugmentedActivityInfo, PageSettings, and Layouts, all in the namespace ActiveLook.

      • AugmentedActivityInfo computes extra metrics from the ActivityInfo provided by ConnectIQ:
        • currentPace
        • fastestPace
        • averagePace
        • threeSecPower
        • normalizedPower
        • averageAscentSpeed
        • --> These metrics are used in the datafield.
      • PageSettings is used to arrange the differents layouts on a given page of the datafield.
      • Layouts is in charge of formatting the data to best suit the type of data the given layout is displaying, together with the space available for said layout.

      This file is the one that is the most frequently modified, to support new devices, positions, layouts, etc...

      Stub generated automatically

      It is the main entrypoint to the datafield.

      It defines, among other things, the ActiveLookDataFieldView class.

      The Connect IQ OS calls the compute(info) function every second (give and take a few milliseconds...). The info parameters, of type ActivityInfo, holds the metrics provided by the Garmin device.

      If the device has connected sensor(s) (e.g. a heart rate sensor), then it will send the corresponding metric (in this case, the Heart Rate metric) thru the ActivityInfo object.

      It holds the global variables, defines the drawing of the datafield, its updates, and its life-cycle.

      It calls the to execute commands on the glasses. See Description > Sources > for more details about the different commands

      It defines the ActiveLookSDK module. It is a basic version of the Android and iOS SDKs. It allows the datafield to interact with the ActiveLook Glasses' Firmware using the ActiveLook® Programming Interface Its only purpose it to format the commands and payload correcty.

      A list of all the command indexes

  • .project
    generated file – Eclipse's remainder.

  • barrel.jungle
    generated file

  • GarminDeveloperKey

    Included in the repo for convenience. This key is used to push the datafield on the Garmin store, updates, etc...


  • manifest.xml
    defines the minimum sdk, required capabilities, langages, and devices compatible with the project.

  • monkey.jungle
    generated file

    this file

    A script used to launch the project on one of the compatible Garmin device defined in the manifest.xml file.

    • to run on the simulator of an edge1030

      ./ --device edge1030 run

    • to debug on the simulator of an edge1030

      ./ --device edge1030 debug

    If the simulator becomes unresponsive, or it is not possible to launch the project

    ./ clean

History (YYYY/MM/DD)

  1. 2022/08/05 Document creation.
  2. 2023/04/24 Update metrics available & devices compatibility

Compatible devices

The compatible devices are listed in the file manifest.xml
At the time of this edit 1 they are:

  • d2airx10
  • d2mach1
  • descentmk2
  • descentmk2s
  • edge1030
  • edge1030plus
  • edge1040
  • edge530
  • edge540
  • edge830
  • edge840
  • epix2
  • fenix5plus
  • fenix5splus
  • fenix5xplus
  • fenix6pro
  • fenix6spro
  • fenix6xpro
  • fenix7
  • fenix7s
  • fenix7x
  • fr255
  • fr255m
  • fr255s
  • fr255sm
  • fr265
  • fr265s
  • fr745
  • fr945
  • fr945lte
  • fr955
  • fr965
  • marq2
  • marq2aviator
  • marqadventurer
  • marqathlete
  • marqaviator
  • marqcaptain
  • marqcommander
  • marqdriver
  • marqexpedition
  • marqgolfer
  • venu2
  • venu2plus
  • venu2s
  • venusq2m


ActiveLook Garmin Datafield







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  • Monkey C 92.2%
  • Shell 7.8%