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Bolero 0.13

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@Tarmil Tarmil released this 23 May 00:15

This release upgrades the minimal required version of .NET Core SDK to 3.1.300.

  • Update dependencies to Blazor 3.2.0.

  • Add Elmish commands for JavaScript interop:

    Cmd.ofJS : IJSRuntime -> string -> obj[] -> ('res -> 'msg) -> (exn -> 'msg) -> Cmd<'msg>
    Cmd.performJS : IJSRuntime -> string -> obj[] -> ('res -> 'msg) -> Cmd<'msg>
  • #127 Add lazyComp*By family functions based on a key function (as opposed to lazyComp*With's equality function):

         : ('model -> 'key)
        -> ('model -> Node)
        -> 'model -> Node
        when 'key : equality
         : ('model -> 'key)
        -> ('model -> Dispatch<'msg> -> Node)
        -> 'model -> Dispatch<'msg> -> Node
        when 'key : equality
         : ('model1 * 'model2 -> 'key)
        -> ('model1 -> 'model2 -> Dispatch<'msg> -> Node)
        -> 'model1 -> 'model2 -> Dispatch<'msg> -> Node
        when 'key : equality
  • #142 Add functions to create Blazor component attributes of certain types for which => is not sufficient:

    • For parameters of type EventCallback<'T>:
      attr.callback : string -> ('T -> unit) -> Attr
      attr.async.callback : string -> ('T -> Async<unit>) -> Attr
      attr.task.callback : string -> ('T -> Task) -> Attr
    • For parameters of type RenderFragment:
      attr.fragment : string -> Node -> Attr
    • For parameters of type RenderFragment<'T>:
      attr.fragmentWith : string -> ('T -> Node) -> Attr
  • #141 Add injectable Bolero.Server.RazorHost.IBoleroHostConfig to provide configuration for the server-side Razor host. This is used within the Razor page by calling the extension methods on IHtmlHelper:

    member RenderComponentAsync<'T when 'T :> IComponent> : IBoleroHostConfig -> Task<IHtmlContent>
    member RenderBoleroScript : IBoleroHostConfig -> IHtmlContent

    and injected using the extension method on IServiceCollection:

    member AddBoleroHost : ?server: bool * ?prerendered: bool * ?devToggle: bool -> IServiceCollection