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/ blackbird7 Public archive

A Brazilian open-source project for a boilerplate for Laravel projects.

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About this project

The Blackbird7 Project is intended to be a starting point for other projects based on the Laravel framework. Containing in this boilerplate several packages that can aid and accelerate the construction of your web projects.

Laravel Environment

  • PHP Version: ^7.2
  • Laravel Version: 7.*
  • Timezone: America/Sao_Paulo
  • Locale: pt_BR
  • Database: MySQL/MariaDB

Third-party Packages included

  • arcanedev/log-viewer
  • arcanedev/route-viewer
  • arrilot/laravel-widgets
  • consoletvs/charts
  • creativeorange/gravatar
  • davejamesmiller/laravel-breadcrumbs
  • jeroennoten/laravel-adminlte
  • laravel/socialite
  • realrashid/sweet-alert
  • spatie/laravel-backup
  • spatie/laravel-medialibrary
  • spatie/laravel-sluggable
  • unsplash/unsplash
  • yajra/laravel-datatables-oracle

Third-party Packages for Development Mode included

  • arryvdh/laravel-debugbar
  • barryvdh/laravel-ide-helper
  • laravel/ui
  • matt-allan/laravel-code-style
  • squizlabs/php_codesniffer

Cloning this project

To use this project, you must type the following line in your command terminal

git clone

You will need a mysql server installed e configured, then execute the command below to create a database for the your project.

mysql -e 'create database <YOUR_DATABASE_NAME>;' -u <YOUR_MYSQL_USERNAME> -p

Edit the .env file to modify the parameters below, according your database environment


The default values are


After, run commands bellow in terminal:

composer install
php artisan key:generate
php artisan migrate
php artisan db:seed
php artisan storage:link

Defaults Login Users

This boilerplate have two defaults users

User Login Password
SuperAdmin superadmin@bb7.test superman
Admin admin@bb7.test password
User user@bb7.test password

New composer commands

1) composer clear-all, execute:

  • artisan clear-compiled
  • artisan cache:clear
  • artisan route:clear
  • artisan view:clear
  • artisan config:clear
  • composer dumpautoload -o

2) composer cache-all, execute:

  • artisan config:cache
  • artisan route:cache

3) composer ide-helper, execute:

  • artisan ide-helper:generate
  • artisan ide-helpder:meta

4) composer format, execute:

  • php-cs-fixer fix app/ --show-progress=estimating
  • php-cs-fixer fix config/ --show-progress=estimating
  • php-cs-fixer fix database/ --show-progress=estimating
  • php-cs-fixer fix resources/ --show-progress=estimating
  • php-cs-fixer fix routes/ --show-progress=estimating
  • php-cs-fixer fix tests/ --show-progress=estimating


This project is configured for the Brazilian Portuguese Language with the timezone configured for America/Sao_Paulo, locale for pt-br and faker_locale for pt_BR. If you are of another nationality, simply edit the config/app.php file and customize the timezone and locale parameters according to your need.


Thank you for considering contributing to the blackbird Project! If you have good ideas to make this project better, read the contribution guidelines on contributions and send me an email to

Code of Conduct

It is very important that you read our code of conduct so that there is a healthy coexistence among all members participating in this project.

Security Vulnerabilities

If you discover a security vulnerability within this project, please send an e-mail to Fernando Salles Claro at All security vulnerabilities will be promptly addressed.


This project is open-sourced software licensed under the MIT license.


A Brazilian open-source project for a boilerplate for Laravel projects.







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