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fsgit committed Oct 16, 2014
2 parents 86bba87 + 7b84cce commit 128f3bc
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Showing 18 changed files with 570 additions and 75 deletions.
21 changes: 21 additions & 0 deletions .gitignore
Expand Up @@ -103,3 +103,24 @@ build.ok

23 changes: 10 additions & 13 deletions build.bat
Expand Up @@ -7,16 +7,13 @@ del /F /S /Q lib\proto
del /F /S /Q lib\release

pushd .
cd .\src
%MSBUILD% "%ABS_PATH%\fsharp-proto-build.proj"
%MSBUILD% "%ABS_PATH%\fsharp-library-build.proj" /p:TargetFramework=net40 /p:Configuration=Release
%MSBUILD% "%ABS_PATH%\fsharp-compiler-build.proj" /p:TargetFramework=net40 /p:Configuration=Release
%MSBUILD% "%ABS_PATH%\fsharp-library-build.proj" /p:TargetFramework=net20 /p:Configuration=Release
%MSBUILD% "%ABS_PATH%\fsharp-library-build.proj" /p:TargetFramework=portable47 /p:Configuration=Release
%MSBUILD% "%ABS_PATH%\fsharp-library-build.proj" /p:TargetFramework=portable7 /p:Configuration=Release
%MSBUILD% "%ABS_PATH%\fsharp-library-build.proj" /p:TargetFramework=portable78 /p:Configuration=Release
%MSBUILD% "%ABS_PATH%\fsharp-library-build.proj" /p:TargetFramework=portable259 /p:Configuration=Release
%MSBUILD% "%ABS_PATH%\fsharp-library-build.proj" /p:TargetFramework=sl5 /p:Configuration=Release
%MSBUILD% src\fsharp-proto-build.proj
ngen install lib\proto\fsc-proto.exe
%MSBUILD% src\fsharp-library-build.proj /p:TargetFramework=net40 /p:Configuration=Release
%MSBUILD% src\fsharp-compiler-build.proj /p:TargetFramework=net40 /p:Configuration=Release
%MSBUILD% src\fsharp-library-build.proj /p:TargetFramework=net20 /p:Configuration=Release
%MSBUILD% src\fsharp-library-build.proj /p:TargetFramework=portable47 /p:Configuration=Release
%MSBUILD% src\fsharp-library-build.proj /p:TargetFramework=portable7 /p:Configuration=Release
%MSBUILD% src\fsharp-library-build.proj /p:TargetFramework=portable78 /p:Configuration=Release
%MSBUILD% src\fsharp-library-build.proj /p:TargetFramework=portable259 /p:Configuration=Release
%MSBUILD% src\fsharp-library-build.proj /p:TargetFramework=sl5 /p:Configuration=Release
2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions src/FSharpSource.targets
Expand Up @@ -283,6 +283,7 @@ Some other NuGET monikers to support in the future, see
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -323,6 +324,7 @@ Some other NuGET monikers to support in the future, see
Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/fsharp/FSComp.txt
Expand Up @@ -1285,7 +1285,7 @@ typeInfoCallsWord,"Calls"
3135,parsMutableOnAutoPropertyShouldBeGetSetNotJustSet,"To indicate that this property can be set, use 'member val PropertyName = expr with get,set'."
3136,chkNoByrefsOfByrefs,"Type '%s' is illegal because in byref<T>, T cannot contain byref types."
3137,etTypeProviderNotApproved,"Type provider assembly '%s' is not trusted and will not be loaded for security reasons. This may cause subsequent build errors. See the 'F# Tools' section of Visual Studio options for more information."
3138,tastopsMaxArrayFour,"F# supports a maximum array rank of 4"
3138,tastopsMaxArrayThirtyTwo,"F# supports a maximum array rank of 32"
3139,tcNoIntegerForLoopInQuery,"In queries, use the form 'for x in n .. m do ...' for ranging over integers"
3140,tcNoWhileInQuery,"'while' expressions may not be used in queries"
3141,tcNoTryFinallyInQuery,"'try/finally' expressions may not be used in queries"
Expand Down
8 changes: 1 addition & 7 deletions src/fsharp/FSharp.Core/map.fs
Expand Up @@ -630,13 +630,7 @@ namespace Microsoft.FSharp.Collections
MapDebugView<'Key,'Value when 'Key : comparison>(v: Map<'Key,'Value>) =

member x.Items = v |> Seq.truncate 1000 |> (fun kvp -> { key = kvp.Key; value=kvp.Value}) |> Seq.toArray

[<DebuggerDisplay("{value}", Name="[{key}]", Type="")>]
[<NoEquality; NoComparison>]
MapDebugViewKeyValuePair = { key:obj; value:obj }

member x.Items = v |> Seq.truncate 10000 |> Seq.toArray

Expand Down
28 changes: 28 additions & 0 deletions src/fsharp/FSharp.Core/prim-types-prelude.fs
Expand Up @@ -33,6 +33,34 @@ namespace Microsoft.FSharp.Core
type ``[,]``<'T> = (# "!0[0 ...,0 ...]" #)
type ``[,,]``<'T> = (# "!0[0 ...,0 ...,0 ...]" #)
type ``[,,,]``<'T> = (# "!0[0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...]" #)
type ``[,,,,]``<'T> = (# "!0[0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...]" #)
type ``[,,,,,]``<'T> = (# "!0[0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...]" #)
type ``[,,,,,,]``<'T> = (# "!0[0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...]" #)
type ``[,,,,,,,]``<'T> = (# "!0[0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...]" #)
type ``[,,,,,,,,]``<'T> = (# "!0[0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...]" #)
type ``[,,,,,,,,,]``<'T> = (# "!0[0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...]" #)
type ``[,,,,,,,,,,]``<'T> = (# "!0[0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...]" #)
type ``[,,,,,,,,,,,]``<'T> = (# "!0[0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...]" #)
type ``[,,,,,,,,,,,,]``<'T> = (# "!0[0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...]" #)
type ``[,,,,,,,,,,,,,]``<'T> = (# "!0[0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...]" #)
type ``[,,,,,,,,,,,,,,]``<'T> = (# "!0[0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...]" #)
type ``[,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,]``<'T> = (# "!0[0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...]" #)
type ``[,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,]``<'T> = (# "!0[0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...]" #)
type ``[,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,]``<'T> = (# "!0[0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...]" #)
type ``[,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,]``<'T> = (# "!0[0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...]" #)
type ``[,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,]``<'T> = (# "!0[0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...]" #)
type ``[,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,]``<'T> = (# "!0[0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...]" #)
type ``[,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,]``<'T> = (# "!0[0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...]" #)
type ``[,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,]``<'T> = (# "!0[0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...]" #)
type ``[,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,]``<'T> = (# "!0[0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...]" #)
type ``[,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,]``<'T> = (# "!0[0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...]" #)
type ``[,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,]``<'T> = (# "!0[0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...]" #)
type ``[,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,]``<'T> = (# "!0[0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...]" #)
type ``[,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,]``<'T> = (# "!0[0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...]" #)
type ``[,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,]``<'T> = (# "!0[0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...]" #)
type ``[,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,]``<'T> = (# "!0[0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...]" #)
type ``[,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,]``<'T> = (# "!0[0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...]" #)
type ``[,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,]``<'T> = (# "!0[0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...]" #)

type array<'T> = 'T[]

Expand Down
112 changes: 112 additions & 0 deletions src/fsharp/FSharp.Core/prim-types-prelude.fsi
Expand Up @@ -96,6 +96,118 @@ namespace Microsoft.FSharp.Core
/// to manipulate values of this type, or the notation <c>arr.[x1,x2,x3,x4]</c> to get and set array
/// values.</remarks>
type 'T ``[,,,]`` = (# "!0[0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...]" #)

/// <summary>Five dimensional arrays, typically zero-based. Non-zero-based arrays
/// can be created using methods on the System.Array type.</summary>
type 'T ``[,,,,]`` = (# "!0[0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...]" #)

/// <summary>Six dimensional arrays, typically zero-based. Non-zero-based arrays
/// can be created using methods on the System.Array type.</summary>
type 'T ``[,,,,,]`` = (# "!0[0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...]" #)

/// <summary>Seven dimensional arrays, typically zero-based. Non-zero-based arrays
/// can be created using methods on the System.Array type.</summary>
type 'T ``[,,,,,,]`` = (# "!0[0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...]" #)

/// <summary>Eight dimensional arrays, typically zero-based. Non-zero-based arrays
/// can be created using methods on the System.Array type.</summary>
type 'T ``[,,,,,,,]`` = (# "!0[0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...]" #)

/// <summary>Nine dimensional arrays, typically zero-based. Non-zero-based arrays
/// can be created using methods on the System.Array type.</summary>
type 'T ``[,,,,,,,,]`` = (# "!0[0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...]" #)

/// <summary>Ten dimensional arrays, typically zero-based. Non-zero-based arrays
/// can be created using methods on the System.Array type.</summary>
type 'T ``[,,,,,,,,,]`` = (# "!0[0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...]" #)

/// <summary>Eleven dimensional arrays, typically zero-based. Non-zero-based arrays
/// can be created using methods on the System.Array type.</summary>
type 'T ``[,,,,,,,,,,]`` = (# "!0[0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...]" #)

/// <summary>Twelve dimensional arrays, typically zero-based. Non-zero-based arrays
/// can be created using methods on the System.Array type.</summary>
type 'T ``[,,,,,,,,,,,]`` = (# "!0[0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...]" #)

/// <summary>Thirteen dimensional arrays, typically zero-based. Non-zero-based arrays
/// can be created using methods on the System.Array type.</summary>
type 'T ``[,,,,,,,,,,,,]`` = (# "!0[0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...]" #)

/// <summary>Fourteen dimensional arrays, typically zero-based. Non-zero-based arrays
/// can be created using methods on the System.Array type.</summary>
type 'T ``[,,,,,,,,,,,,,]`` = (# "!0[0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...]" #)

/// <summary>Fifteen dimensional arrays, typically zero-based. Non-zero-based arrays
/// can be created using methods on the System.Array type.</summary>
type 'T ``[,,,,,,,,,,,,,,]`` = (# "!0[0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...]" #)

/// <summary>Sixteen dimensional arrays, typically zero-based. Non-zero-based arrays
/// can be created using methods on the System.Array type.</summary>
type 'T ``[,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,]`` = (# "!0[0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...]" #)

/// <summary>Seventeen dimensional arrays, typically zero-based. Non-zero-based arrays
/// can be created using methods on the System.Array type.</summary>
type 'T ``[,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,]`` = (# "!0[0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...]" #)

/// <summary>Eighteen dimensional arrays, typically zero-based. Non-zero-based arrays
/// can be created using methods on the System.Array type.</summary>
type 'T ``[,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,]`` = (# "!0[0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...]" #)

/// <summary>Nineteen dimensional arrays, typically zero-based. Non-zero-based arrays
/// can be created using methods on the System.Array type.</summary>
type 'T ``[,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,]`` = (# "!0[0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...]" #)

/// <summary>Twenty dimensional arrays, typically zero-based. Non-zero-based arrays
/// can be created using methods on the System.Array type.</summary>
type 'T ``[,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,]`` = (# "!0[0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...]" #)

/// <summary>Twenty-one dimensional arrays, typically zero-based. Non-zero-based arrays
/// can be created using methods on the System.Array type.</summary>
type 'T ``[,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,]`` = (# "!0[0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...]" #)

/// <summary>Twenty-two dimensional arrays, typically zero-based. Non-zero-based arrays
/// can be created using methods on the System.Array type.</summary>
type 'T ``[,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,]`` = (# "!0[0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...]" #)

/// <summary>Twenty-three dimensional arrays, typically zero-based. Non-zero-based arrays
/// can be created using methods on the System.Array type.</summary>
type 'T ``[,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,]`` = (# "!0[0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...]" #)

/// <summary>Twenty-four dimensional arrays, typically zero-based. Non-zero-based arrays
/// can be created using methods on the System.Array type.</summary>
type 'T ``[,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,]`` = (# "!0[0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...]" #)

/// <summary>Twenty-five dimensional arrays, typically zero-based. Non-zero-based arrays
/// can be created using methods on the System.Array type.</summary>
type 'T ``[,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,]`` = (# "!0[0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...]" #)

/// <summary>Twenty-six dimensional arrays, typically zero-based. Non-zero-based arrays
/// can be created using methods on the System.Array type.</summary>
type 'T ``[,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,]`` = (# "!0[0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...]" #)

/// <summary>Twenty-seven dimensional arrays, typically zero-based. Non-zero-based arrays
/// can be created using methods on the System.Array type.</summary>
type 'T ``[,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,]`` = (# "!0[0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...]" #)

/// <summary>Twenty-eight dimensional arrays, typically zero-based. Non-zero-based arrays
/// can be created using methods on the System.Array type.</summary>
type 'T ``[,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,]`` = (# "!0[0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...]" #)

/// <summary>Twenty-nine dimensional arrays, typically zero-based. Non-zero-based arrays
/// can be created using methods on the System.Array type.</summary>
type 'T ``[,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,]`` = (# "!0[0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...]" #)

/// <summary>Thirty dimensional arrays, typically zero-based. Non-zero-based arrays
/// can be created using methods on the System.Array type.</summary>
type 'T ``[,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,]`` = (# "!0[0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...]" #)

/// <summary>Thirty-one dimensional arrays, typically zero-based. Non-zero-based arrays
/// can be created using methods on the System.Array type.</summary>
type 'T ``[,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,]`` = (# "!0[0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...]" #)

/// <summary>Thirty-two dimensional arrays, typically zero-based. Non-zero-based arrays
/// can be created using methods on the System.Array type.</summary>
type 'T ``[,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,]`` = (# "!0[0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...,0 ...]" #)

/// <summary>Single dimensional, zero-based arrays, written <c>int[]</c>, <c>string[]</c> etc.</summary>
Expand Down

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