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Releases: fsm/fsm

fsm/fsm v2.0.0

23 May 00:31
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New release with some breaking changes. Just finished up building a significantly large multi-platform chat-bot (unfortunately private), and am feeding improvements based off of some pain points that I've run into in the process of building it.

  • Transitions are now intent based.
    • Will more seamlessly transition to Alexa & Google Home
  • Traverser no longer throws errors -- stores will panic appropriately.
    • This removes lots of if err != nil boilerplate code in practice.
  • Intent validation occurs before Transition function, which eliminates Transition boilerplate.
  • Code health / comment improvements
  • Adds tests (with 100% coverage!)

fsm/fsm v1.0.0

01 Feb 22:22
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Initial stable release of FSM.

fsm/fsm v0.2.1

31 Jan 00:59
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fsm/fsm v0.2.1 Pre-release

Adds type StateMap map[string]BuildState. This is to be used exclusively by the internals of targets and isn't particularly anything users need to worry themselves about, unless they are building targets.

fsm/fsm v0.2.0

30 Jan 19:34
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fsm/fsm v0.2.0 Pre-release

Initial pre-release of fsm/fsm.