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Windows 10 setup

fsmosca edited this page Oct 17, 2021 · 3 revisions

Create a virtual environment to install this optimizer

  • Install python 3.8 or later.
  • Create game_param_tuner folder on your c or other drive. I will use my d drive. Use your windows explorer to create a folder. It would look like this.
  • Download this repo, see at the top right.
    • Code->Download ZIP or this.
  • Put the downloaded file into the game_param_tuner folder.
  • Run powershell as administrator.
    • In the search box at lower left of window, type powershell and select Run as administrator. You should see this.
      PS C:\WINDOWS\system32>
  • Change to game_param_tuner folder.
    PS C:\WINDOWS\system32> cd d:\game_param_tuner
  • Check the contents of the current folder by typing dir.
    PS D:\game_param_tuner> dir
    You should see this.
      Directory: D:\game_param_tuner

Mode                 LastWriteTime         Length Name
----                 -------------         ------ ----
-a----        12/10/2020  11:30 pm       16287737
  • Unzip the file
    PS D:\game_param_tuner> Expand-Archive .\
  • Type dir to see the folder Lakas-main
    PS D:\game_param_tuner> dir
    You should see this.
      Directory: D:\game_param_tuner

Mode                 LastWriteTime         Length Name
----                 -------------         ------ ----
d-----        13/10/2020   2:05 pm                Lakas-main
-a----        12/10/2020  11:30 pm       16287737
  • Change to folder Lakas-main.
    PS D:\game_param_tuner> cd Lakas-main

  • Check the version of your installed python.
    PS D:\game_param_tuner\Lakas-main> python --version
    This is what I have.
    Python 3.8.5

  • Create virtual environment on myvenv.
    PS D:\game_param_tuner\Lakas-main> python -m venv myvenv

  • Activate the virtual environment.

    • Modify the restriction first.
      PS D:\game_param_tuner\Lakas-main> Set-ExecutionPolicy unrestricted
      Then type A
    • Activate it.
      PS D:\game_param_tuner\Lakas-main> .\myvenv\scripts\activate
      The prompt changes and would look like this.
      (myvenv) PS D:\game_param_tuner\Lakas-main>
  • Install requirements.txt
    (myvenv) PS D:\game_param_tuner\Lakas-main> pip install -r requirements.txt
    Wait for it to finish.
    (myvenv) PS D:\game_param_tuner\Lakas-main>

    If there are issues with pip install -r requirements.txt, install the requirements individually.

    • pip install nevergrad
    • pip install hiplot
    • pip install psutil

This setup is done. You can now optimize a param of an engine. Example,
(myvenv) PS D:\game_param_tuner\Lakas-main> python --optimizer oneplusone ...

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