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Release v1.0

Closed Oct 19, 2019 100% complete

Main features:

  1. Annotate games with engine search score, or engine static evaluation, and cerebellum book moves along with move annotation symbols like ?, ?! and others.

  2. Annotate epd with acd, acs, bm, ce, op codes from engine search or annotate epd with ce op code from engine static evaluation.

  3. Test uci engines with epd test suite.

  4. Generate chess …

Main features:

  1. Annotate games with engine search score, or engine static evaluation, and cerebellum book moves along with move annotation symbols like ?, ?! and others.

  2. Annotate epd with acd, acs, bm, ce, op codes from engine search or annotate epd with ce op code from engine static evaluation.

  3. Test uci engines with epd test suite.

  4. Generate chess puzzles or test positions.

This milestone is closed.

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