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Releases: fsprojects-archive/zzarchive-fsharp-dnx

Beta1: First named release

20 Nov 00:05
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So, the first named release is here. It's already live on NuGet (and hopefully everything works). As for why I'm calling it beta1, and not rc1 (or even rc1-final), it's simply due to the fact that just because MS feels DNX might be in Release Candidate state, doesn't mean that the FSharp DNX integration is.

Now I unfortunately probalby have to do some un-clusterfucking of my CI versioning, to make sure the version numbers produced by the CI is "bigger" (according to semver/nuget) than the one on NuGet, but that'll come later. I'll likely adopt the versioning format used by the DNX team, and start producing -beta2-<build_number> builds soon. First I have to cherry-pick some changes from this release back in to master, and make sure master is working again.

NuGet link:

Anyways. Please check it out. Hopefully everything works. If not, file an issue.