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@forki forki released this 02 Jan 15:13
· 10433 commits to master since this release

New --log-file parameter allows to trace into logfile - #502
Trace stacktrace on all NullReferenceExceptions - #500
Paket.locked file has 2 minute timeout
BUGFIX: Detect the version of a GitHub gist correctly - #499
BUGFIX: Dependencies file saves http and gist links correctly - #498
BUGFIX: Don't relax "OverrideAll" conditions during paket install
BUGFIX: fix priority of parsing atom nuget feed for package Id - #494
BUGFIX: fix JSON deserializer and reactivate cache - #495
BUGFIX: Make the file search for app.config and web.config case insensitive - #493
BUGFIX: Don't add duplicate lines in packet.dependencies - #492
BUGFIX: Keep framework restrictions in paket install- #486
WORKAROUND: Do not fail on BadCrcException during unzip and only show a warning - #484
WORKAROUND: Disable NuGet v3 feed for now - seems to be unreliable.
PERFORMANCE: Don't parse project files twice - #487
PERFORMANCE: Cache platform penalty calculation - #487
PERFORMANCE: Use StringBuilder for path replacement - #487
PERFORMANCE: Cache feed errors - #487
PERFORMANCE: Put feed url into cache filename - #487
PERFORMANCE: Relax prerelease requirements for pinned versions - #487
PERFORMANCE: Don't enumerate all files, since we only need lib files - #487
PERFORMANCE: Pin sourcefile dependencies - #487
PERFORMANCE: Cache path penalty calculation - #487
PERFORMANCE: Cache path extraction - #487