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Add support for setting replicateSubscriptionState for the subscrip… #1032

Add support for setting replicateSubscriptionState for the subscrip…

Add support for setting replicateSubscriptionState for the subscrip… #1032

Triggered via push April 19, 2024 16:24
Status Success
Total duration 2m 42s
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7 warnings
Node.js 16 actions are deprecated. Please update the following actions to use Node.js 20: actions/checkout@v3, actions/setup-dotnet@v3. For more information see:
Unexpected input(s) 'include-prerelease', valid inputs are ['dotnet-version', 'dotnet-quality', 'global-json-file', 'source-url', 'owner', 'config-file', 'cache', 'cache-dependency-path']
build: src/Pulsar.Client.Proto/Generated.cs#L1912
The 'l' suffix is easily confused with the digit '1' -- use 'L' for clarity
build: src/Pulsar.Client.Proto/Generated.cs#L1915
The 'l' suffix is easily confused with the digit '1' -- use 'L' for clarity
build: src/Pulsar.Client.Proto/Generated.cs#L1912
The 'l' suffix is easily confused with the digit '1' -- use 'L' for clarity
build: src/Pulsar.Client.Proto/Generated.cs#L1915
The 'l' suffix is easily confused with the digit '1' -- use 'L' for clarity
Unexpected input(s) 'include-prerelease', valid inputs are ['dotnet-version', 'dotnet-quality', 'global-json-file', 'source-url', 'owner', 'config-file', 'cache', 'cache-dependency-path']