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Demo Ktor apps instrumented with ktor-opentracing with span naming using gradle tasks


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Earthquake API - Span Naming Demo

Demo application consisting of two Ktor microservices instrumented with ktor-opentracing, illustrating the use of gradle tasks to name spans with the class and method name.

  • EarthquakeAdaptor retrieves data about earthquakes that happened today using an API from the U.S. Geological Survey.
  • EarthquakeStats calls EarthquakeStats and exposes statistics about today's earthquakes such as GET /earthquakes/latest or GET /earthquakes/biggest.


  1. Start an all-in-one Jaeger backend with in-memory storage.

     docker run -d --name jaeger \
       -p 5775:5775/udp \
       -p 6831:6831/udp \
       -p 6832:6832/udp \
       -p 5778:5778 \
       -p 16686:16686 \
       -p 14268:14268 \
       -p 14250:14250 \
       -p 9411:9411 \
  2. Start the EarthquakeAdaptor application.

     cd EarthquakeAdaptor
     ./gradlew run
  3. Check that you can retrieve a list of today's earthquakes from EarthquakeAdaptor on localhost:8080.

     curl localhost:8081/earthquakes
     [ {
     "location" : "3km WSW of Ojai, CA",
     "magnitude" : 1.71,
     "timeGMT" : "2020-11-03 19:23:48"
     }, {
     "location" : "12km E of Alum Rock, CA",
     "magnitude" : 1.4,
     "timeGMT" : "2020-11-03 19:18:09"
     }, {
     "location" : "2 km E of Pāhala, Hawaii",
     "magnitude" : 2.35,
     "timeGMT" : "2020-11-03 19:05:47"
     }, {
     "location" : "12km SW of Searles Valley, CA",
  4. Start the EarthquakeStats application.

     cd EarthquakeStats
     ./gradlew run
  5. Send some requests to EarthquakeStats on localhost:8080. Other routes available are /earthquake/biggest and /earthquake/biggerthan/5 (where 5 is a parameter).

     curl localhost:8080/earthquake/latest
       "location" : "21 km SSE of Karluk, Alaska",
       "magnitude" : 1.9,
       "timeGMT" : "2020-11-02 09:46:39"
  6. See traces in Jaeger.


Trace Screenshot

  1. Stop the Jaeger docker container.

     docker ps
     docker stop <containerId>


  1. Import ktor-opentracing and the Java Jaeger client (commit).

     implementation "io.jaegertracing:jaeger-client:1.3.2"
     implementation "com.zopa:ktor-opentracing:0.1.1"
  2. Instantiate a tracer and register it in GlobalTracer (commit).

     val tracer = Configuration("earthquake-stats")
  3. Install the OpenTracingServer feature into the application call pipeline (commit).

  4. Install the OpenTracingClient feature onto the http client (commit).

  5. Instrument method calls using the span helper function (commit).

     = span {

    From the lamdba expression passed to span, you can add tags or logs to the span by calling setTag() or log().

  6. In the build.gradle, add a task to copy the content of the src directory into an intermediate directory, then replace span { with span(classAndMethodName(this, object {})) { and import com.zopa.ktor.opentracing.span with import com.zopa.ktor.opentracing.*. The replacements import the classAndMethodName from ktor-opentracing and passes a call to it to the span function. This will name our span after the class and method name (commit).

     task copyIntoIntermediateAndReplaceSpanName(type: Copy) {
             from 'src/'
             into 'intermediate/isrc/'
             filter { line -> line.replaceAll('span\\s+[{]', 'span(classAndMethodName(this, object {})) {') }
             filter { line -> line.replaceAll('import com.zopa.ktor.opentracing.span', 'import com.zopa.ktor.opentracing.*') }

    Run this task manually to ensure that the copying and replacement works as expected.

  7. Set the source directory to be the directory to which the code was copied. This tells gradle to use to compile the source code in the intermediate directory when the build task is run (commit).

     sourceSets {
             main.kotlin.srcDirs = ['intermediate/']
  8. Configure IntelliJ to use the src directory for source code syntax highlighting. By default, only the source directory defined in the sourceSets above is highlighted. Hence without this configuration, you will no longer get syntax highlighting of your code (commit).

     apply plugin: 'idea'
     idea {
             module {
                     sourceDirs = [file('src')].toSet()
  9. Configure the copyIntoIntermediateAndReplaceSpanName task to run prior to compilation (commit).

     compileKotlin.dependsOn ":copyIntoIntermediateAndReplaceSpanName"

    This ensures that the intermediate directory is present and contains the modified source code when the build task compiles our application.

  10. Finally, delete the intermediate directory after compilation as it is no longer needed (commit).

    task deleteIntermediate(type: Delete) {
            delete "intermediate"


Demo Ktor apps instrumented with ktor-opentracing with span naming using gradle tasks







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